Ren'Py - Apocalypse Lovers [v1.21 Fixed] [Awake]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok, here is my small review.
    Its quiet early to review a game with not much content.
    But the content available will give us a glimpse where the train will be rolling.

    If you like Fallout as game, you surely will like this one.
    Human race decimated or possibly gone. You are the lone survivor, as far as you know. And your journey begins.....

    The presentation is great.
    Keep in mind that the game intents to put you in a quasi real world. This means if you go in a cellar (which you do) and there is no light, you see nothing. Though you do have flashlight. Maybe you should see a little more then.
    I found it actually ok. But you need to familiarize yourself with the tools the game offers.
    Now, if you are not a fan of clicky here or clicky there, this may not be for you. Though i think it works so far. The task in this short episode are reachable and quick.
    Another thing i like about the game, you do not freaking see yourself. Most games show the MC. That maybe ok or not. Depending if you want to or be able to identify with the male.
    So with that, you can let your dreams or imagination run.

    The interaction is good. Though i wished, the answer would be in the center of the screen. If you click quickly you could accidentally press them.

    Other then that i think the characters look good and the environment looks good to me.
    I think you try out every option to interact. So let your pervert fantasy run wild. See what happens.

    With all that it looks good. Like i said, its an early release. So there isn't much content yet.
    I assume that you will gather items for survival, which you would do in a fallout game. Have fights, make sacrifices. And if you a naughty Fallout player, you will have lots of sex.

    I found one sex scene in the game so far. Sadly the game will end. :eek: But i assume because you were :devilish:

    I think even if you are not to much in to management or sandbox, you should give it a try.
    Personally thinking. As long its not like some other games where you just busy managing things, i am ok.

    I can not judge graphics really, but i think the story convinced me and i like the theme. To me this is refreshing.


    p.s. i want to add that i appreciate the art work for the slides in the beginning.
    They remind me off Wasteland the game and one of a Saga album called Images at Twilight.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best I've seen.
    Firstly, the setting is very interesting and realistic. Heavy music, darkly drawn out scenes - no typical high school / college boring stereotype
    Secondly, great monologue and believable characters. MC not some horny kid, but a guy with believable needs and motivations
    Thirdly - the INTERACTIVITY ! Puzzles are not too hard and engaging just enough to not be grindy, there are constant choices in H scenes, choices with HEAVY CONSEQUENCES that makes you feel like you're very in control of the character. This is something I believe many top games here still miss - that interactivity that games like Lessons of Passion has is executed to perfection here, and I love it so so much
    And lastly - the story. The story is different, unique, well thought-out and interesting. It deviates from the boring trend and keeps me hooked, while managing to stay realistic and in-depth. Just wonderful overall.
    The only cons one could think of is the character graphics - the girl(s) aren't extremely well drawn like some other games here, but I have no doubt it will improve - and it's animated so it's all good.
    In short - if you like an interesting story, great interactivity where you can really mold your character and see consequences - then you're in for a treat. Immediately one of my top games of all-time. Patreon'd and patiently waiting for future releases. I wish the dev all the luck
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, this is a really impressive initial release!

    *The art (as in the scenery) looks great! CG models for the characters aren't bad either.
    *Its renplay with impressive interactivity. There are menus for interacting with the world that are well implemented and intuitive.
    *A surprising number of actually impactful choices for a first release.
    *The writing is actually pretty good.

    *This isn't exactly a con, but people should be warned that this game lets you be a jerk, and has some pretty dark consequences to the players actions if you push things too far.

    Great game, looking forward to seeing more!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game even in its first release its definitely going to be one of the best, the game has a lot of depth to it already not just some monotonous story. Definitely recommend checking it out and wish the dev all the best.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    love the concept and artwork 9/10 for a 10/10 alot of work and updating is needed fast and then props it will be my favourite game with alot of content hopefully with mods too ^^ As long as the updates come out relatively quick and hefty i would love to see this game do really well and im sure many love the graphics/art to begin with! Godspeed and goodluck!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So far so good, I can see this turning out great, probably even without the 18+ content as long as its not dropped.
    Also first update has quite a bit and ends at a good point that isn't a cliffhanger so I recommend trying out Ep.1
    I very much liked the post apocalyptic setting and character interaction with Jessica, and I see that the dev actually has a story planed out unlike most games on this site. I also guess that the fact you can choose to be a major asshole if you so want to is also a plus.
    on the topic of minigames I would definitely recommend that the more luck based ones have a skip option(the moving legs one), minigames seems to be a major turn off in the 18+ community
    Like Boehser Onkel said some parts are visually too dark, while I do think the darkness is more realistic considering he's in a run down house with no lights or a basement it doesn't work well when your trying to see the girl but all you can see is her silhouette.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great games really, we rarely have post apocalypse games.

    The story is nice and quite well written for people who are not professional screenwriters.

    The heavy atmosphere is what really makes us feel that a world where more than 7 billion people are surely dead.

    There are atmosphere and nice music.

    there are some pretty hot sex scenes, of course we always want more, but the longer we wait, the better the dish or the prey will be.

    the renderings are beautiful, some extremely beautiful it could make very beautiful wallpaper.

    So far I'm not disappointed.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Boehser Onkel

    so , what´s to say about this

    pro´s :

    flawless writing (atleast the english version)

    nice renders

    unusual story and setting

    con´s :

    the biggest : game over´s (just nope..)

    sandbox + timed minigames

    way to dark (not the story- the renders ;) ) at some points

    (for example : at the basement i didnt grabbed the gun because i have not seen the second (grab)- game over ! ...)

    4 stars for now (yup 4) - may change later

    thanks for the game @-Awake- and gl with your project
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the post apocalyptic atmosphere and the renders are really nice.
    I hope the project will continue, I can't wait to see the rest, the story is too gripping.
    congratulations to the devs and staff who do a remarkable job. good luck for the future.