When this came out, it was a relief to see someone making fun of all the stupid factions in American politics. Luckily, in America you still don't get arrested for that. So, plus 1 point for the story.
Then the dev kept updating the game regularly, which is not the industry standard, so plus another point.
The models are fine, in the sense that they have pretty faces. But, the body proportions are not right, like legs which appear too large in one scene, and normal in others, abdomens which appear to thin, or skin which appears to have too many folds.
What pushed me away from the game was the lack of a proper quest log. Combined with the difficulty to accumulate points to change factions or impress the women in the game, they make the game harder than it needs to be. Even cheating, to get enough money, I still wasn't able to get more than 4 women to join me. Also, I was on the impression I got soft locked from most action.
Maybe I developed a lower tolerance threshold for pointless grinding, maybe I just want to play with the brain turned off, but in the end, I just didn't care enough to reach the White House.