HTML - Apocalyptic World [v0.47a] [ttyrke]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    tbh im not fan of only dom games, i want some sub options too. especially when enemy rapes my mc. here that doesn't happen. in the end there is a sub/dom route choice for a woman npc, but it's unfinished. so maybe in the future there will be some routes like that.

    the gay routes/scenes are a bit limited so far.

    but the game is basically an apocalyptic world survivor where you start very weak, then relatively fast you turn into a badass. the game is only version 0.27b but there are still things to do. lots of grind too but somehow it still kept my attention i think i played like 10h. there are probably some fappable scenes, there are a shitton of short videos. like over 300. some story, some you fuck your slaves in different places and in different sex acts, even those are a bit varied.

    it's "real porn" so actors won't be consistent, yet there are some consistency about some women, there are multiple scenes for asian/black/white/latina women in multiple scenes randomly if the character is that race.

    i think i give it a preemptive 5/5 because the patches are frequent, and there are a shitton of content, even though i didn't even fap to it. if the game was abandoned right now, then the game is worth like 3/5 or maybe 4/5 imo. so there are enough content, few bugs. english is good. if you want a dom real porn game with optional gay scenes but NO ntr(you can offer your female slaves to male slaves, that's it), NO sub (as of 0.27b no sex only a semi-handjob) and NO incest... although again incest is "semi-in" you can have a child and when it turns 18 you can fuck her, but there are no real reactions or story elements regarding incest between mother/daughter/you.

    but without those the game is still decent. and with the updates maybe even these scenarios get explored and it will be a godlike html game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    consistent updates that is immersively tied to the theme/vibe & story of the game as you progress through the game with additional features from the camp design.

    assigned jobs for npcs work well enough to feel like its worth looking for new settlers for you camp

    the art is 'ok' even if white/black/asian women are a bit inconsistent in some scenes.

    definitely worth being regarded as one of the games with the greatest potential on here right now, possibly the ideal sandbox experience in the future if things keep progressing in the right direction with enough polishing up on the npcs
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    As of v0.26c the game just is not very fun. Relatively grindy and not that great. The quality of the porn really holds the game back as the vids are low quality and gifs are random. The idea is good but the execution is not.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Review as of 0.26.

    I very much enjoyed this. I even signed up on Patron. Good stuff.

    Despite not being complete, there's lots to do here. I certainly like the 'harem gathering' aspect of this, and hope that expands. (What can I say, I'm greedy.) Interestingly, you can gather men too, though this isn't as flushed out as the ladies.

    Sex scenes rely on real videos. They're well chosen, imho.

    Not sure what all else to add. I've had several fun nights just mucking about with this, and hope for more expansions in the future. Give it a try.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The gameplay and setting are very nice. Not a huge amount of story or content yet, but what is there feels interesting and also generally does not seem to force you into a specific direction.

    The biggest issue this game has sadly is a very important one for a lewd game: the sex scenes are largely not really engaging at all. RL porn is already hit or miss with some good images but also a bunch of very mediocre videos, especially when they have sound that does not fit the scene or worse even still have watermarks in them which really destroys any immersion.

    The worst part though is the lack of good writing in the lewd scenes. A few select ones show promise. But many have maybe 1 or 2 uninspired lines for each video/gif element and that's it.
    If the author (and maybe co-authors) could work on actually making the lewd content worth the lengthy gameplay and grind then this could be one of the greatest titles of it's kind out there some day.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Darth Mat

    Overall it has good ideas, but some not so good.
    The idea of crafting your own items, being able to get slaves, discovering new stuff, selling and buying, all made the game feel nice and cared.
    I thought it could have a bit more content on some areas, but that's okay the game is in development.
    Maybe the main issue for me would be to put a paywall behind content like some other games do, but at least most of these games have a way to surpass them through a mod or code (after all this is a pirate site last time I checked).

    Anyway, good game, good potencial, but I really can't stand paywalls, game should be supported if it deserves and apparently looking at the patreon it deserves, so why paywall?
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I honestly don't know what to say about this game. It's good, but it lacks a lot of things, for example, the use of AI generated images feels so out of place and inconsistent with the usual "real life" images and videos, it just feels... wrong. I am not agains't the use of AI generated Images for porn games, but it's either go big or go home.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    The Game works great for me, but I did only play it online. v0.20b

    The world is a fresh Fallout, yet not Fallout, vibe to it.

    Everything that is supposed to work, works. The RNG for it to trip is another mater. It could be months, in game time, before certain events trigger.

    Traits... The game itself didn't tell me that it was random. I tried making many traits pop up for my people. A waste of time that was. As of now that is my only complaint for this entire game.

    This game is not completed, and it is still in the early...ish stages. I wish it the best and I shall play it again when it is further along.

    Hopefully soon.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent slave trainer game in the work.

    As of v0.18a the gameplay is already good, with multiples hours of fun.

    It need more crafting/ armor - weapons. With more slave trading mechanics and this game is golden.

    Also need more pictures for each ethnic group and I hope that the village will expand with more building and jobs for the slaves.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    I think this game has a lot of potential given the fact that I like sandbox, apocalyptic themes and capture whatever girl you want and breed the fuck out of them, but the biggest problem is the girl all feel very insignificant and robotic-like, the dialogues are all the same despite they just got raped, and the Interactions of the slaves are very minimal, plain and boring, you just fuck, talk, shower, assign work, that pretty much it. the sex interaction random generated gifs are very inconsistent and limited. the stat of the slave like beauty and age held no meaning, it has nothing to do with the gif animation which is a big disappointment. it would be much better if u give the slave some identity, characteristics, and emotion; More diverse dialogue, more detailed interaction such as cooking, feeding, sex toys, petting, sex position, etc; story event on each slave; consistent gif like each slave have their own identical pornstar model gifs or at least have the gif matches their body type, hair color, beauty & age stat, and ethnicity description, I am very sure that sex gifs are not hard to find on the internet if not just make ur own gif from porn videos. Other than that it would be great if u have more building machines and life simulation elements, I highly suggest u check out ''Masters of Raana '', this game just hit all the right spots of a good sandbox RPG HTML game, I hope ur game succeeds in the future!

    Edit: I take it back when I said that this game has potential, I honestly don't mind supporting the deve in Pratron subscription, but after a while, it doesn't seem worth it at all as I continue seeing no improvement of the game and some drop of quality in design, so I decided to pull back the subscription, what a shame.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Apocalyptic World has immense potential. The addition of numerous features, such as the options to play as a slave trainer, a harem collector, or engage in a breeding game to rebuild civilization, provides a diverse and engaging gameplay experience.

    The highlight of the game undoubtedly lies in the customization of characters. Being able to acquire and 'breed' them adds an extra layer of depth and excitement. It would be fantastic if more custom characters were introduced in future updates.

    Apocalyptic World offers players the opportunity to explore both good and evil paths with their slaves, providing a range of choices. The game also presents multiple ways to acquire new slaves, including exploration and purchasing, among others.

    In addition to these main features, there are other activities available, such as participating in fight rings, visiting bars, and even prostituting out your slaves. While these activities may be relatively straightforward at the moment, it's likely that they will be further developed in future updates.

    Overall, Apocalyptic World is a game that you can enjoy for short bursts of play, and return to later for more. It provides an engaging pastime, albeit with darker themes. I recommend it for players seeking a unique and immersive gaming experience.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Changed my review since the writing is so awful and has not improved and the Dev keeps adding scenes behind paywalls, as well as content no one asked for (gay scenes). This game had initial promise at the beginning but now it looks like a dud and has run its course.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    TomWant Badass

    Apocalyptic World [v0.08b] [ttyrke]
    A good start and a nice dystopian setting, but then...
    For the start 4 stars and then it gos down to 2.
    After a very few Events nothing new and it gets quickly boring.
    18 or 60 year old slaves, all have the same 5 pics and gifs. No real interaction or real talk with the slaves, every slave is the same and has no own interactive Character.
    My wish is every Slave could have a personal problem as a Eventstart, like a missing sister or whatever
    Submission training is worthless, only relationship is needed.
    When you release a slave in your Gardenhouse, you cant take her back in the Basement and make any bsdm with her.
    And you cant take her with you in your Bedroom like a wife and tell her to train or wash the slaves.
    Btw, my download had no exe file, i had to play it online with the link under the download links in the thread
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting slave trainer game still in it's infancy.
    The Dev is extremely attentive on this forum and quickly offers any support, tips, suggestions, and even quick patches if needed. They are doing a fantastic job and most definitely would appreciate our support. Another bonus is they are using subscribestar so their game is less likely to be yanked because of content in the future and also gives the Dev more creative freedom.

    Apocalyptic World is a great game that gives options for being good and evil to your slaves. It also gives 3 or 4 different ways to acquire new slaves such as by exploring or purchase among others.

    There are other things to do as well, such as a fight ring, bar, prostituting out your slaves, and such. Most are simple quick things to do atm but will probably be fleshed out later on.

    Not the deepest game that will have you pondering the meaning of life or anything, but it's also not claiming to be.
    Fun game to play for a bit, come back later and play some more. Just something to do, albeit with dark themes.

    Again, the Dev checks in often and asks/uses suggestions all the time which is nice so give it a shot.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought the themes "real porn" and "dark-themed" couldn't go well because there aren't many of them to work with. Well, it did, so 5 stars. The writing and was smooth and I couldn't feel the awkwardness between transitions.

    Cant wait to see what the future hold for this game
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The game definitely has potential, but it just needs more content, events and sex scenes. I hope the creator will develop more of the event where we meet a woman somewhere on the road, I hope there will be more interactions! :3
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice concept, Interesting premise, an interesting first release, wonderful UI

    It's not boring nor repetitive, it's just how a game should've been developed

    it seems that I need to learn a lot from you as a fellow developer on how to make a great UI

    I understand that the content is lacking, but it's still 0.02 anyway.. and I'm quite confident that this game will deliver well
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Boringly repetitive. Played it for a couple of hours & found nothing new after the first 10 minutes or so. Very little content. The same limited few porn vids are re-used for all the slaves you've captured.

    Not gonna waist anymore of my time on this ferret wheel.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A Solid proof of concept. Resource management isn't a chore at the moment, the events are fun, and I do like the slave collection aspect. The variety of/within the events is a bit on the small side at the moment. But but this is build .01. It has potential to grow and be a very enjoyable game. I'm looking forward to seeing how you move forward with this.