Seeking Are booby-trap corruption games still happening?


Feb 14, 2018
Seems like a few years back there were a bunch of these, mostly in the RAGS engine (
Little Slave Lost
Motel S
Corporate Takeover
The Retreat
The Hers Project

Basically 'someone' (usually a woman or someone who will be transformed into a woman, though in some cases like The Retreat just a guy) goes into a weird situation (car breaks down, joins a game show, wakes up somewhere, etc). As the person explores the space and interacts with things traps go off (mind wipe videos, weird chemicals in the shower gel, etc) which change the character's body / mind, corrupting them more and more. And sometimes others around them are corrupted as well, as a result of their actions or inactions, or as previews of what will happen to them. And the player wonders around making 'choices' (so its a game, not a VN), playing almost like a scavenger hunt to try and corrupt the character enough for the hot stuff to happen, but not so much that you don't get to see the 'good' ending.

The current trend seems to be more of RPG maker (or similar) wondering through a large open space (lots of downtime wandering around), like Trap Quest, Shapeshifter Legacy, Lona. Or the corruption is more 'natural' (just the person keeps getting put in situations where they choose to do more and more corrupt things, with the goal of raising their corruption meter to accept more intense actions), like Office Wife, Tomie Wants to get Married, etc. All great games too and subgenres of corruption.

But are any boobie-trap games still being worked on / new ones being created, in that original genre? Doesn't have to be Rags, RenPy and such should work just as well. Feels like I haven't seen any recent ones on here..

(oh pretty please no MTL games, censored games, partially translated games, or games that require changing language formats)
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Feb 14, 2018

Probably not what you had in mind, but it's a castle defense game where you lay traps to defeat heroines.
Yea.. doesn't look like that quite fits what I'm looking for.. It seems to be translated, the protagonist isn't the one impacted, and there is no corruption through the traps. Might be fun, just not quite this

bmo is the best from that. pretty decent. little sex tho.
BMO? Sad about the little sex, but still curious?