Are There Any H-games With Final Fantasy Aesthetics?

Nov 9, 2017
For Dragon Warrior/Quest there's Mature quest, which looks and plays very similarly to the NES version. The original Dragon Quest games allowed you to motorboat "puff-puff" girls in various towns. This was censored in the western Dragon Warrior versions.

Mature Quest (featuring NES sprites)

Japanese versions of Final Fantasy games were a bit more adult oriented than their western counterparts. For example: Final Fantasy IV (SNES) had a dancing girl who would strip down to a bikini. These games also featured more religious topics and had many references to violence and death that were censored when they were ported to western consoles.

I can't speak for all versions, because I'm referring to the original ones found on their respective consoles. I'm interested in playing hentai games that look like FFI-VI. Even fake uncut content or at least nude mods for those versions, would be nice. As long as it looks like it's from NES or SNES, I'd be fine with it.

FFV Castle Walse

FFV Battle Screen
I don't mind RPG Maker games, but I think the battles are a bit too dull for my tastes. In most of the combat oriented h-games, you can't see your character run up (or jump) to hit the enemies.

Alexander Krisnov

The Dead Commisar
Sep 14, 2016
well the only one i can think close to that is Roundscape adoveria when it comes to battle screen but then again i might be missing something
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Jul 28, 2017
The last Soreveign lack of image (H scene only with text and old man vanilla trip) but the game is a good rpg with a adult story.

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Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
The only one that maybe comes to my mind (or at least I think so, if can be something you're looking for), is this:
Sadly, it's in Japanese but there's some partial on the ULMF site - just for the UI however. And items and such, so for the story most likely you've to use Chiitrans or something else :/

Alexander Krisnov

The Dead Commisar
Sep 14, 2016
Oh yeah, I really liked that one. Never beat it but I had the 1.9 version - I think. I'll wait until they fully finish it.
i think its finished by 2.7 version( the one which i have) u can finish the main plotline and get *SOILER* endings ...
now they just adding pregnancy(optional) and some more side quests I think
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New Member
Sep 10, 2017
The entire Succubus game series (Tower of Succubus, Succubus Castle, etc) have that 8 bit NES look to it, not turn based like Final Fantasy though