Ren'Py - Area69 [v0.81] [k78Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Problem X

    better than i expected, have more time of gameplay than i thought, i play a bout 1hour or more and don t finished

    .UI exelent inteface navigation and map

    .all characters are completely different from each other, there are characters for everything you like
    animation and sounds every where

    one of the best 3DCG i ever played
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    While the genre is horror, it is really not sinister at all, more humorous.
    The story is very enjoyable, and especially the graphical aspects are often very funny. Writing is OK.

    The arts and models and renderings were remarkable and refreshing, in particular the facial expressions.
    While I generally find it commendable that various body types are "celebrated", I personally would have preferred to be able to completely opt out, e.g., of granny and pregnant stuff. (At least in the intro one cannot avoid any LI, which slightly killed my mood. Afterwards this can be mostly but not completely avoided, I think).
    But apart from those two LIs, I found everyone else quite attractive.

    I really disliked the sandbox mechanics. Horrible grind. I soon started to use a cheat mod; this solved the money problems, but still things are confusing and annoying (you already know what you want to do, but still need some cryptic trigger and be at the place on a specific time etc etc. These problems might arise because the cheating breaks some things; but as I said without cheating the grind is unbearable.)

    But despite the unpleasant mechanics I find the game overall very good.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Watching paint dry boring is what this story/game is, there is no way that this project is supposed to be long term.

    Story 2/10 Extremely rushed story line, with very bad sense of timing when it comes to the mix of earning cash, gaining stats and such.
    The story is just not interesting, it is made boring by the fact there is no sense if timing, no suspense, no emotional engagement. Just a mix of supposed nightmare scenarios mixed with a ridiculous vampire theme and sex. There is no quality in the story in any way.

    Renders 4/10 Although the ages of certain characters are supposed to be much older, these ones look pretty hideous for the most part. Could have made them a little prettier, somewhat of a hag fest going on for many of the older characters.
    The quality of the renders isn't bad, seen better. The hag fest thing really drops the overall interest in the story/game.

    Playability 4/10 Pretty easy to earn money and do the work to increase stats, there are quite a few locations to go to around the map and the overall system is not confusing.

    Animations 1/10 This is the worst part of the whole story/game. Unbelievably bad animations, really amateur hour when it comes to this part. With the higher quality graphics it would be logical to have more than the pop it in and 2 seconds later bam done , loopy, amateur and lazy animations. There are 8 or more views of the sex scenes and every one of them is a cheap 2 second loop. No other position options, how unimaginative. Poor animations makes for horrible games. There is better out there, this one is best skipped for those.

    Writing 2/10 Grammar errors and mixed languages in game, means it was not proofread.

    Overall play experience 1/10 After playing through the chapters, pretty much felt like it was a complete waste of time. As well as not being interesting enough to play again when more content comes out. The continue play desire is just not there.
    This project should be completely redone by someone that has more experience in making quality story/games.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    R I S K

    Phenomenal game. From the intro you already know what to expect with six vastly different women presented in bikinis with a short animated daydream scene for each of them, which itself is one of the hottest sequences I have ever seen.
    The dev took a huge risk with this project, since most people only like boring cookie cutter barbies that you see reused in about every third game, but k78 offers something for everyone: young, milf, gilf, pregnant, thin, curvy, muscular, vampire, ghost and even more!
    I am very thankful for him taking risks, and it proves how passionate he is about the project and does not just want the money.
    Plus, the UI is very well done too, clean and helpful for tracking everything from relationships to quests and stats. Animations are not always smooth, but I still love their style. Progression is simple, items seem very expensive at first but if you save up to learn programming you will be swimming in money in no time.
    My only complaint is the dialogues being rather short, which also makes the erotic scenes too fast, and English translation is a little rough, but I understand they are working on improving it, so hopefully they will also improve their writing in general as well.
    5 stars, one of my favorites.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First thing I must say about Area69 is that is a fun game.

    The story seems a collage of many monster B-movies, well glued to be interesting in a not grindy sandbox style game.

    There are many attractive girls in the game, but I liked a lot the diversity. When I first saw the MC's friend pregnant mother, I couldn't believe it. The developer has made the effort to model even stretch marks.

    Played version: 0.50.

    Updated review after playing version 0.74: For me, still one of the best games of the site.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great animation, awesome sound effects, not too grindy, and a unique story, this game really hits the sweet spot and makes me wanting more and more of it.
    This game was so good, I literally got patreon just to support the K78Games. Thank you developer for a great adult VN
  7. 3.00 star(s)



    Its not great but its also not bad.

    Is the story great? Not the best it feels very rushed at times, it took a whole whooping 10 minutes in to have the "landlady" get intimate with the MC and the same goes for other characters. All it takes is to finish their extremely straightforward requests and you're certified fuck buddies.

    Grind is a non issue here, you can max out all stats relatively quickly and money is so easily obtained that it dose feel pointless to even include it with how few purchasing options there are.

    The horror aspect is done ok, it can be more comedic than scary at times but it dose not shy away from violence or gore. Expect a few snuff and rape scenes. None of those scenes I'm talking about are optional so if blood is a real turn off you might wanna avoid.

    What the dev dose best though is renders, sex scenes, and overall good looking women that are unique looking and realistic for a porn game. The Milfs/Old Women actually look their age and the Boxer looks like she'd break the MC's spine if she feels like it.

    Overall if you don't mind poor english, wrinkles in your milfs and sexual/non-sexual violence then give it a try.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.46 version
    - good cg (with some unavoidable herontophilia)
    - good animations
    - good ui
    - most quests deadends marked in journal(but after some those marks some content left)
    - not bad story
    - good scripts
    - original game lang is spanish (that not pointed in description), also all game scripts writed in spanish (thats mean- hard to read it)
    - unavoidable herontophilia (im not fan of that)
    - some spanish untranslated lines
    - hoodie in shop almost invisible (black thig at black background... great idea)
    - some bugsa presents like julia icon indicated in 2 rooms at same time.

    good game with good amount content, but contain unavoidable doze of herontophilia.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3024206

    Wtf, I really can't believe the bad reviews given to this game.

    The art is fantastic! You really have older milfs instead of what you see in so many other games in which milfs look like 30 year olds with big tits. There are vampires and other stuff that certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it's very clearly described in the game's description so people who don't like this stuff shouldn't even bother playing.

    The UI is gorgeous and the quest system makes gameplay very smooth and easy. Story is cool and the lewd scenes are quite good as well.

    This game is overall fantastic and I really don't understand how people could give it 1/5. I'm really looking forward for further releases and I'm glad to see that the dev has been releasing new content on a regular basis.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Category: Video Game
    Version: 0.42
    Visual novel/Script: 4
    Gaming experience: 5
    Graphic quality: 4
    Character development: 5
    Xcitement: 4

    Plot is nice but the sexual tension build up is quite fast, there are sudden leaps forward. Maybe a bit more of teasing would be better as character relationship evolves. Many scenes are quite short and things happen fast. The game has potencial as there are multiple plot lines to develop in the future.
    Would help the map grind by adding random encounters, or easter eggs (like characters cards could be found roaming through the map)
    Characters have a nice design (more realistic than others) including not the regular perfect chars. Some body parts for characters seem quite weird in some positions, specially ankles when lying on bed or sitting on a couch.
    Char personality development can be improved, as well as adding more backgound to the relations between them.
    Game experience is good, free roaming / sandbox, in-game economy, MC stats, missions, map hints on character location. The mobile phone could be exploited more, adding more functionalities.
    Good work.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Phenomenal game. From the intro you already know what to expect with six vastly different women presented in bikinis with a short animated daydream scene for each of them, which itself is one of the hottest sequences I have ever seen.
    The dev took a huge risk with this project, since most people only like boring cookie cutter barbies that you see reused in about every third game, but k78 offers something for everyone: young, milf, gilf, pregnant, thin, curvy, muscular, vampire, ghost and even more!
    I am very thankful for him taking risks, and it proves how passionate he is about the project and does not just want the money.
    Plus, the UI is very well done too, clean and helpful for tracking everything from relationships to quests and stats. Animations are not always smooth, but I still love their style. Progression is simple, items seem very expensive at first but if you save up to learn programming you will be swimming in money in no time.
    My only complaint is the dialogues being rather short, which also makes the erotic scenes too fast, and English translation is a little rough, but I understand they are working on improving it, so hopefully they will also improve their writing in general as well.
    5 stars, one of my favorites.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 989013

    Game is amazing a lot of content right now and so much potential.

    The Models are amazing, they look really realistic.

    There is so much to do in this game.

    I like when there is a bit grind in the game but here it's not too much. I mean it's a sandbox game there should be grinding...

    Very interesting story so far.

    English could be better.

    Overall i love this game 5/5

    Looking forward for more!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Well what to talk about it.

    Possibly one of the worst things I played. The models are not bad, I see a lot of people complaining about the models here but this is one of the only good things here, realism, no 20 year old milf. And no teenager with a milf body.

    The second thing that could be good was the story's premise, unfortunately Dev managed to destroy that. What I mean is, vampires, it is a theme that is very appreciated by many, fiction and fantasy if you know how to explore, you have a multitude of possibilities. But what I see here is the story, plus a fuck party.

    As a NTR hater, I played the entire game up to att 0.44, and I couldn't really feel an NTR feeling, because the story is so poor that you as a player can't empathize with any "LI" in the game. Maybe someone who likes the NTR / sharing style will. But I think even they are disappointed here ... hahahah

    That said, if you just want a fap I recommend going to pornhub, less time wasted. If you are looking for history look for another game.

    I didn't understand Tag Romance, and many others are missing, like orgy (Emma / MC / Padre family), sharing. swing (Emma and husband / Samuel and Ava) and lots of other shit out there.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 507366

    This is one of the few games on this site that does more things wrong than it does right. The game is one hot mess! The character models are a joke and most are terrible looking.

    The writing is poor and the English bad.

    The game feels like someone's twisted and nonsensical nightmare (and not in a good way). I really wanted to play a game that had vampires and other fantasy elements in it but this one is poorly executed to put it mildly.

    Save yourself some time and avoid this one at all costs.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    I haven't played a game this bad for a while. The game feels like someone's insane rantings.

    The writing is poor to terrible. Very little in the game makes sense.

    Most of the character models are unattractive and even ugly. Most players want fantasy here with beautiful attractive models.

    The sex scenes are brief with usually no foreplay. Everything in the game feels rushed and out of place. Nothing really holds this game together.

    The interface is decent and the stat system is good but the game as a whole falls flat. The game could have been decent with attractive character models and better writing.

    Overall, the game feels like it was written by a horny teenager with little creative talent.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    That's hell of a weird game even for horror genre. I trying to be generous in every review, but in this game i see a lot of things for improvement. Let me point them in + - system.

    + The art is pretty good and looks real.
    + There are a lot and various of characters, some of them are really cute and addictive ...
    + Characters body's proportions seems mostly on point, if we take aside of course again the enormous dicks ...
    + Easy and fast grind system

    - blunt and tasteless(in the way it's presented) very forward story. Everything happens really really fast ... if not on the first, on the second scene u see the girls already naked or even more. The main character is pathetic, in few scenes later he already become cum thrower-badass brave vampire hunter.
    - very poor and short writing at everything. Even in the sex scenes, no foreplay, right on action and in the next mouse click ur already finished.
    - Bad audio voice if it can be said even as one. The audio voice is actually only on the "last part" in sex scenes and the sounds are pretty weird, i just mute it.
    - Pathetic quests, which of course is a result of everything above.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good.
    First of all, it has vampires and it doesn't make it an ugly, cock-deflating experience. I've seen other games including supernatural elements, and they makes the game laughable. It's not the case with Area69.
    I also like the mechanics, the travelling experience is not cumbersome and the in game walkthrough is useful when you get stuck or forget a detail.
    Another plus is that it has a good balance of curvy MILFs and tight bodied college girls.
    All in all, I recommend it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is one of the few games I am really happy to have found.

    First of all ladies. Wow!! They came in all shape and sizes , Literally. The usual packaged stay in family (MILF + lolita daughter ) , aunt and granny sara, slutty cousin , heavily pregnant friend mom . Then you have the musclewoman, asian yoga lady , boxer , the street worn hooker to the vampire huntress , gothic vampire lolita ,demon lady, quite urm scary polergeist(ress?) and still more..........

    Story and game play.
    Since there are alot of npcs, there are really alot of quests regarding to each of the ladies npcs. Most of the quests are have real engaging story lines but are mostly incomplete. I have my usual worries on games with too quests as how the development can keep up with the divergence progress.

    While there are stats and money , I can assure you , after playing alot of games with grinding , comparatively this game have almost none to light grinding. The women stats increase easily and money is easy to roll in as long as you learn programming first. Unless you are expecting it to be a meet and fuxx game with minimal gameplay and dialogue , I find the pace just right and the quest trackers are really helpful in keeping you on what you should do.

    Choices - The game uses psuedo-choices. Most quests are pretty linear regardless on what you choose with a difference in dialogue or on-going scenes. The quest story progress with no impact to the quest. Only one of the main quests seem to have a real impact and the game actually ask you to save before making a decision.
    However the game implement the choose wrong 1 scene (you are dead)game over options which i detest the most. Its an extremely feeble attempt to show games have choices that matter in the most lazy way.
    (- 1 star)

    This is one of the few games I really like the MC. Where most MCs in sex games are pretentious douchebags whose lofty ideals of protection or values are screwing all the women himself.
    This is a real , unfake, 100% true horny MC who doesn't judge , doesn't condemn. He practically get aroused by everyone and every situation =D My kinda of hero. 4 stars
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    An awesome, interesting game that's painfully underrated and unknown.

    • Awesome variety of characters, looks, styles
    • Great animations
    • Interesting and novel setting
    • A few rough edges - the writing isn't the greatest English and there's some untranslated pieces here and there,
    • Some minor grind associated with some of the quests.
    4.5 stars, but I'll round up to 5.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game!! Great action movement and position switching. Excellent game check list. Great Humor. No major bugs or freezing. Lots of room to grow with this story. Text messaging should not advance time though.