*This is a DEMO review so this review will be edited when the full game releases.
(I am not going to say anything about bugs cause this is a demo and that would be unfair)
This game with this potential as a demo has some amazing artwork and an interesting concept of combat arena fighting, but on the other hand makes a bad path for it.
It grinds like a mobile game.
In most RPG fighting games the grind is fighting enemies to become stronger. In this game, you grind your fighter with odd jobs and training to get to the fighting. Not only that, the grind takes another step by giving a luck based system so the chance of getting points to level up your fighter is more difficult.
The economy, level points, and chance system in the game needs to be worked on. You get more money from working odd jobs (if you are lucky) compared to the arena pay out. Also the things you can buy at stores prices seemed skewed, its cheaper to buy armor and weapons to help in the arena compared to buying items that will increase your chances of success in getting points to level up your fighter (for a day). Or just buying items that will give your fighter points anyway.
Grinding in a game (better in a porn one) can be good, but don't make it so much of a challenge or people will not play it or cheat to enjoy it.
Personal issue I will admit, make this a point and click game or at least make it with a fast travel map. After the fourth day, the world walking mechanic gets really boring with just a keyboard.
Okay beta is out and its all I can say is... this is not worth it.
I went from two stars down to one. Why? Cause everything that was wrong before is still there (that is including the bugs now). The game drags itself to the finish line and what worse is that you realize that this game is a replay game. You have to do this three times with different fighters and with bugs that make you have to reload the game again. I wanted to like this cause I am a fan of management games, but the management is so tedious. "New day, walk to areas to pick training for fighter, walk to other area for other training, maybe fight, go back home to end day." Repeat that for months in-game and you will get tired of it in-game week. Now the in-game pixel background and setting is great, beautiful, you'll get sick of it . If you like the CG, save time by going to the image folder for the game and make it easy for yourself.
PS, Before I forget, if they add a "Quick Travel" or "Management Interface" I will take back most of what I said. Cause that will improve the game tedious problem. The slow elevator, walking everywhere, slow loading screens.