Unity - Completed - Ark Mobius [Final v1.0.9] [YellowDuckWorks]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Idea is great, but...

    First time?

    It lags. It has memory leaks when you play it. At some point it becomes impossible because input also starts lagging. I'm very sad :(

    Scenes are good. Not enough interactive, but VERY pleasant.

    Music is great.

    Notecharts aka levels are poorly made, I can feel the laziness in those 1-minute breaks on long notes.

    Could be a better game, but... Average.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    There's this tiresome trope in H-Games where you have to lose for some reason to view a lot of the content. I don't know why that is. Maybe developers think (perhaps correctly?) that people in it for a quick fap aren't looking to play video games. Nonetheless, I am one of those people who prefer winning to be rewarded rather than losing and Ark Mobius definitely does that well. It's a simple rhythm game where you the only things that you need to vaguely time are up or down. The gameplay itself isn't all that amazing but it is more than made up for with the quality of the scenes. Which happen to be animated if that's your particular fix.

    Story wise, it's any other H-Game. You need to fuck a bunch of women for some reason or another and the best way to do that is to hit things in a rhythmic fashion apparently. But who's here for the story anyway? Gameplay is straightforward as it gets. You need to time your smashing of buttons correctly. Weirdly enough, it's somewhat challenging but the game gives you plenty of ways out of actually playing the game. You can play terribly, lose all your lives and click "Next" instead of "Retry" and the game will progress as if you have beaten the level which you miserably failed. You can also lock your HP in the settings. You can also smash both buttons simultaneously during each level as the game doesn't really penalise you for it. And lastly, you can simply edit the easily findable save file turning some 0s into 1s to access future scenes. I had fun playing the game but what was really annoying was that there are two endings for each girl and you have to choose how to fuck them after finishing the level. This is a chore since to unlock both, you need to play the level twice. If there was another way, I was too daft to figure it out. But this was my only gripe.

    The H-scenes are spectacular however and are the real draw of the game. Normally, I'm not really a fan of those "click this button to advance one stage" type of H but this one was passable because of the quality of the animation and the heroines. Scenes were well-made.

    At the end of the day, if you're looking for a rhythm game with an ecchi side, this is worth playing. But if you're in any mood for connection between gameplay and the sex, you won't find it here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    As per usual with all my reviews, graphics/visuals comes first. And HOOOO BOY. Uncensored? Animation without clipping? Dripping hot girls from different races and different positions? YES PLEASE. The visuals and animation quality alone is worthy of a 4 star review, but lets not get ahead of ourselves just yet. How about the rest of the game?

    Story: As cliche as it comes: You fuck magical hotties to have a dick measuring competition with a satanic goat. That's it, that's the gist.
    Nothing original, nothing interesting. Then again, this is a rhythm hentai game, you're not here for a compelling story.

    Gameplay: Relatively simple rhythm drum game. There is no penalty for clicking both mouse buttons the whole song, and if you enable unlimited HP, you can leave your keyboard and still win. It's fun for those who like it, and the music is pretty good too.

    Conclusion: Much better than a whole bunch of other hentai games made in this style, and is deserving of my 5 stars. IDGAF about what anyone else thinks, but if you're playing this to fap, you won't be disappointed.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm very, very close to giving this a 5. The best part about this game are the h-scenes. The art is gorgeous, and they are very cleanly animated. They are also fully voiced with sound effects Each girl has two scenes, once you complete all the missions for her (there are 4 girls). It's nice there's a little variety, but I wish the game had a little more buildup for each girl.

    The gameplay itself is a very simple rhythm game. The music in the missions is... actually pretty good. There's also a god mode available in the settings if you want to breeze through it all.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty simple and not too long. I read that some people got a bug playing this game for some reason I never encountered any bug. If the gameplay gets too hard you can just mash your mouse and beat the stage. The game also gives you a option to lock your health anyways. I couldn't figure out how to unlock all the story endings but it was more for the lore so I didn't really bother. The rhythm playstyle is a nice change of pace from the usual puzzle gameplay. In conclusion game has amazing art and animated with a serviceable gameplay. Worth an afternoon's play.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Short, simple and understandable. Save the world by sex. Great.
    Intuitively understandable and simple, for rhythm game. You just need to use two mouse buttons in time.
    Graphics and sounds
    Graphics are acceptable and the music is well suited for the gameplay.
    Problems and bugs
    1) You can't play this game fully, until you change your system localisation to Japanese, and locale emulator doesn't capture this game. Some scenes just might stuck.
    2) For some reason, at some point, you can't grind needed resource to complete the game, because your character just coughs, blocking you from control, and freaking dies. Guess first problem causing it.

    Characters can be so stupid, that they can almost immediately give up their virginity that has been preserved for years without any problems.
    Well... POWER OF THE PLOT I guess

    Problems and bugs
    1) You forced to do NTR stuff.
    Short and fun game, that could make a better impression if it worked without dancing with tambourines and praying for Japanese gods