Unity - Completed - Arrival of the Goddess [v1.05] [NTRMAN]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The gameplay was alot of fun but the sex scenes are boring in my opinion, the art is amazing as usual but the scenes themselves have next to no buildup and are insanely quick to be over so I didnt really feel anything.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't really like to make reviews, but after seeing some other people's opinions, I want to express my own.
    I guess most people that consume the games from NTRMAN are obviously people who constantly consume ntr and are fond of it, but as someone who isn't AT ALL into the genre and really loves the creator's art style, but doesn't really consume it for obvious reasons, I got really satisfied with what was given!

    Instead of going with the usual visual novel trope, the creator sticked with some top-down perspective that particularly got my attention, although the game felt quite slow and boring sometimes when I had to wait for the change of sections in the map. The mini games intrigued me as they are somewhat fun and simple (there's no way you can beat two of them before going in the vanilla mode). I like the features presented, but the game missed more things to do in the village, it felt just too blank and quick.

    The story doesn't really try to be complex and I think it's great at what the vanilla and the mostly vanilla side of the game did, (it doesn't go deep in the whole traumatized mc thing though, for the ntr lovers) and for me particularly, the art and h scenes compensate any other mistakes the game has! I'm glad he did 50/50 and I finally got to enjoy something of his.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Before diving in, I'll point out for those wondering that this game has Netori and Netorase elements. However, it's not the kind of Netorase where the MC encourages his wife to start sleeping around so he can get off on it. There are also some routes for the MC and a route where the MC wins. My review will focus primarily on the NTR aspects.

    I think it could have had some really good "hidden NTR" scenes. For example, the MC goes to sleep and wakes up to noises coming from his wife's hut. He goes over to investigate and sees what looks like his wife and one of the tribesmen going at it. Or perhaps the MC needs to go searching for what they're there for during the day, leaving his wife alone, maybe even at the chieftain's request. This would slowly build up the MC's anxiety and the FMC's corruption. However, this game gets right to it with the trials, which is probably for the best since it's not a slowburn. If the MC loses a trial, he has to sit there and watch his wife do whatever the tribesman wants. The more you lose the trials, the more the FMC will resent the husband for his shortcomings and start to enjoy the scenes with the tribesmen. This route ends in heavy corruption and NTR.

    I have two main criticisms of NTRMAN's games. First, the recent games seem to sacrifice good story for better but fewer animations with very little buildup. The second is more of a nitpick: the characters all suffer from same face syndrome and lack variety. Personally, his style is not my favorite, but I don't dislike it either. Depending on your preference, this could be seen as a negative, neutral, or positive thing. For me, it's more neutral.

    This game does have those problems, but the FMC in this one is one of my favorites so far from NTRMAN's games. I just like the nerdy science girl look. The plot also works better here because it's simple. The FMC gets corrupted more as you lose the trials. It happens quickly, but it feels pretty natural given their circumstances. It's a simple story about a couple getting themselves stuck in this situation, and for what it is, it works. The animations are very hot and well done, but short and with little buildup.

    All around, it's a good game but not great. NTRMAN seems to have shifted focus from the elements that gave his older games, like Adelaide Inn, their charm. While the animation, voice acting, and interface are all undeniably great and have seen improvements, his games are starting to feel hollow. They lack the charm that made his previous works special. If only we could get a game like Adelaide Inn with these improvements. I would recommend this to NTR enjoyers who are looking for a quick fap. It will get the job done.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    A solid release from NTRMAN. I think if you are into Netorase you will love this and rate it very highly. It's just not the NTR I personally enjoy. NTR haters will prob like this one aswell, so long as they play on EZ mode and win the minigames. At that point its just MC getting lain with all the girl's vanilla.

    Art is phenomenal as always for this dev. The biggest sell for NTRMAN is the art and animation, which not even big company do aswell.

    As for the NTR, its Netorase, which technically turns into Netorare. But the Netorare is pretty poor, especially since the girl ends up just fucking everybody. You can argue that Its also Netori with the MC, but non of the buildup is really there to establish anything more then Netorase really.

    Gameplay wise, its mea. I would have liked the movement speed a little faster, and the minigames suck balls. If you beat them the first time, then you can auto win or lose going forward. The fish catching in particular is dog ass. Im really not looking for that kind of time waisting gameplay in my Porn games. The save system is bad too, as you can only save at the house and not before choices.

    Its pretty much a visual novel, but you move around like it wants to pretend to be a mystery NTR game. The setting and game style would have worked much better as a mystery NTR where you can walk around and stumble into scenes. But it plays like a Visual Novel with extra steps.

    Overall, a solid game but not really for me.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I was hoping for mystery ntr, as the setting kinda felt right for it. However this is mostly netorase or netori, depending on how you perform.

    The art is still really good, I just hoped for something better for the story. The open movement in the village felt squandered. You just went from A to B to talk to a character. Might as well have not bothered.

    Biggest gripe is the performance. The game is just full of bugs. Audio kept switching from english to japanese or vice versa. I would have 1 character speaking english, conversing with another character speaking japanese.

    Outfits did not change properly. I had characters making comments about others changing their outfit... but it stayed the same.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Simply put:

    (I mean....It's NTRMAN. He's him!)

    -Ntr: 6/10
    (#Scenes with Wife when Husband is out doing quest and coming back to peep and see wife having fun
    While sleeping at night, Peeping to see what the noises are to see the wife having fun would have made it 10/10 for me honestly. )

    -Story Pacing:6/10

    (Love to see Ntrman try new stuffs)

    Overall, Enjoyed it a lot.
    Hope he improves the Ntr aspects of the game.
    Super excited for what's more to come!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I come once again to write a review from the NTR dungeons…

    Now before anything, i am biased here, NTRMAN makes perfect level slop for my NTR taste, the art, the stories, it’s always right my alley, with that said, let’s get objective:

    ART 5/5
    He never misses with his art, some might go “ughh he copy pastes the same woman” “Ugh be more daring and do something else”
    Look, FUCK YOU. The man knows what he likes and god dammit it’s always amazing.

    STORY 3/5
    Well, ok this part is a little weak, it’s classic NTR with an option to become a type of “chad” if you will.

    I enjoy it, it’s simplistic, some might call it repetitive, but it always delivers,in my opinion, it could be a great opportunity to actually play more with different camera modes and angles, but that’s all i have to say as a critique.

    SOUND 5/5
    The voice acting was a surprise for sure, but a welcoming one, plus the different sound settings giving you a way to focus on what your Plumplum fancies. One critique i can give is that these settings reset or revert the changes you do, at least that was one issue i had.

    It’s no masterpiece, although i really really really enjoyed it. Plus with the amount of content already delivered on the first release, i can’t complain.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, I played. The game is short in essence, if you go through it completely and read everything, it will take about 4 hours.

    Now about the game. I love NTRMan games, because as always, he has divine drawings and a MILF theme with NTR. But it's a game...a disappointment? Although he writes that this is NTR, in essence it is more cheating and netorase.
    Since there are no hidden moments, no hidden points, all you have to do is lose the games and that’s it, bad end.
    Well, for a happy ending you need to win, as simple as that.
    The funny thing is that on NTR difficulty the only game where you can beat it without problems is the race. The rest of the games are impossible to complete except by lowering the difficulty. And yes, the game is linear, it’s still impossible to miss, just lose or win, then go rest, or go to other girls if you win. In short, follow the goal and explore a little. No freedom of choice, no night hike, no hidden NTR.

    The game seems interesting, but at the same time I expected more. But this time the view from above and controlling the character is something new, usually always like a novel. Maybe the next game will be as it should....I hope.

    In the end, 3 out of 5. I can’t say that the game is bad, the idea is good, the implementation is interesting, but somehow the NTR was disappointing.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Been a huge fan of NTRMANs work but this one is a miss in my opinion.

    The art is godly but the underlying gameplay and story aren't good at all.

    With this devs previous manga and other work, there was a big emphasis on hidden/mystery NTR with a good build up.

    All the scenes either have the male MC in the same room or are completely visible leaving nothing to the imagination and have no impact since the wife is almost immediately a slut with no build up to it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Well after playing it I gotta say...its a good game! It has problems here and there but overall its a good game and one of his good ones.
    First of all the art is great as always. No complaints about it ntrman always delivers.
    The story is not great but its not bad either, it is a little bit rushed and things happen a bit quickly but it's alright overall.
    The new gameplay he chose to go with is good aswell, it's a new thing in his game and I quite appreciate it, the whole racing thing does get a little bit whacky but the games are alright and I'm sure he will improve moving forward.
    Overall I enjoyed the game, it has both NTR and Vanilla content so everyone can be happy. In terms of rating it's his third best game and it's worth playing(y)