VN - Ren'Py - Artemis [v0.5.1] [digi.B]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, excellent story.

    I loved the expressions of the characters. Especially Kindra's facial expressions amazed me. It attracts me to the game more with this feature.

    MC's dialogue with other characters are good, they're not speaking about nonsense. I liked the choices of mischief dialogue.

    The balance of the MC's personality is well-made. You see him as a funny guy, but then, we see him as a desperate one. The difference in the balance from the other game is you feel the transitions of his emotions. Expressions, actions are showing that us. The description with boring dialogues is not necessary to understand.

    I won't say anything about renders and character designs, because you don't even need to think about it, you can easily see they're amazing.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    There cant be any other rating than 5 stars.

    This game is exceptional.

    Lets check the points...

    - Amount of content, for overall one year in the making the amount of content is great. I just played one playthrough for now, overall it took me about 12 hours i think, didnt watched the clock. But there are already so many choices and branches with the girls, i could easily double the amount i think. Will do without a doubt many playthroughs in the future when there are more chapters available and the branches really are kicking in...

    -update frequency, really good, so far 3 chapters, in one year... so you can say, every 4-5 months a big update is coming. Big in like about 3-4 hours playtime (chapter 3 took me about 3 hours in one playthrough) dont know many other games delivering like that, only two others to be honest. and iam a patreon pledge for those two too.

    -renders, easily in the top 10 around this site. Just top notch, nothing to complain, top quality... yeah some of the models are not my taste, but its just taste... the quality is just awesome.

    -Animations, fucking great, really... and iam not talking about the lewd scenes, i mean especially the animations used in the casual scenes, really good and awesome... of course the lewd scenes are good animated too, but what is really nice are the animations just spread throughout the game... a huge plus to the game.

    -Story, one of the best around here... touching, realistic, good to follow, i got hooked imediatly. Very well written and unique too. Its not a pron game, its a very well story driven game with some lewd... love it.

    -Setting, realistic but sci-fi too, really like this. Kinda unique too

    -Charatercs, some to hate (cause they are meant to be hated, very well written, i hat Cassandra with all my guts, and its just meant to be like that by the dev, great work) and many to love... Kindra, many sorority girls (iam falling for Zelda for now) June is loveable too, and so many others... and of course the MC is likeable too, can really relate to him and i like how he talks and acts, not just the walking dick with bland dialogues...

    -Dialogues, top... aboluteley perfect. I really love the banter between MC and kindra or the others girls, very good humor on point. Many scenes where i laughed, but many scenes and dilaogues too where it gets emotional heavy, very good balance between humor and heavy tones... a complete package.

    -no magic dick with instant girls magnet leading to sex... yeah of course, all the girls have instantly a "thing" for the mc, but they dont throw him the panties right away in the face and sit on his dick. You are building up realtionships here that will lead ulitmately to something... but not from the start (only expection is june, cause the MC has deep history with her), yeah here and there its a little bit to "easy" to get some lewd stuff, but lets face it... there has to be some porn and easy to get lewd one, other than that this will not work out in the end as an erotic adult novel. But yeah, youre going for the high road here, its about getting out of an lowpoint of life back on the road to a bette rlife and finding love and success in the end... love it

    -Something negative? Well... not much... maybe the sorority doesnt fit right in the story. Seems to me like an easy "excuse" to implement many different girls in one place, and of course most of them are kind of open minded about sex, so... many of them will be easy to get. dont know for sure, cause iam hitting on Zelda, and she is not easy to get, thats for sure.

    And the problem right now is, maybe there are too much girls. Many games with more than 2-3 Love interest cant pull it off to build up a relationship equaly. For now, main girls are clearly Kindra, followed by June... but its clear to me that you can build something up with the others too at some point... but it will be hard to pull that off equaly, 1 date each chapter for a girl is not enough to build something good. But there is not more space left for them between the main story and the maingirls kindra and june... so yeah, thats a negative point too..

    overall, 5 stars, no doubt. nothing is perfect, but this game sure gets very close to it as a visual novel.

    Hopefully the updates will be coming, and the dev gets the attention he deserves.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    digi.B absolutely fucking nails it.

    It's hard to put into words how much I love this project. Even though it's still in its early stages, Artemis is a masterpiece in its own right, both in quality of story and quality of art.

    To start, every single one of the girls look amazing, which may seem shallow, but I find myself attracted to all of the ladies, which is a big part in drawing me into a VN. Even better, they each have distinct personalities and are easily distinguishable from each other. I can relate almost all of the characters to someone I know in real life.

    Second, the attention to detail is astounding. The slight change in facial expressions in between scenes, the small animations to show what a characters is doing rather than just telling us, to the small awkward pauses in between dialogues that add a subtle comedic affect.

    Finally, the writing is spot on. digi. B nails the dialogue and you can clearly tell the tone of the scene based on both the writing along with his skillful use of his art to both tell us a story, and *show* us a story.

    I'm in love with Artemis, and am so excited to see what happens next.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    (Opinion on the chapter that came out without spoilers!) Well... I finished the last chapter that came out. Three hours of fucking game play and storm of impressions of the events that took place.

    The dialogues in this chapter are just at a high level, although, you know, in this visual novel the dialogues basically have weight and they're freaking insanely pleasing to the eye and understandable.

    In three hours of play, I managed to experience a ton of emotions, which is extremely rare for me personally. Few visual novellas exist that can evoke more than one emotion in me - starting with a smile and ending with worry and goosebumps.

    Enjoying the characters is a delight to the eyes and to the soul. Continued character development is nowhere to be found, we continue to be exposed to the characters and even the GG himself.

    You can see the work on the quality of the renders. The characters are very different from what you can see in the 1st and 2nd chapter, as if they were not, but all the past traits can be in the new elaborated models. For this at all a separate respect, I certainly did not expect to see such a difference from the 2nd and 3rd chapter.
    Speaking of animations in this game - just hold my beer, I'll get up, I'll start giving Digi a standing ovation. Keeps to the plan, but now there are more animations - showing character gestures (reactions to actions, shrugs, etc.), they became even smoother and more appealing!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult VN if not the best one I have ever ever played
    I never thought to see such a well written scifi in porn VN and not to mention innovative ,beautiful and well produced CG and animations to go along with it .
    Even the protagonist and each of the NPCs feels unique and had real character development in just 3 chapters
    overall an easy 5 star from me
    highly recommended to anyone who appriciates a good story and beautiful unique 3d babes
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Top tier solid game experience. Cant wait to see it released on steam. The characters all seem to have unique identities and it looks as though multiple paths or playthroughs will be needed to experience all of the content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.2.1

    Very good! The main cast are very likeable and the supporting cast does well to be well written but also not overbearing.

    MC is probably one of the cooler one's I've played, and I enjoy that he does have his own personality rather than be a stand-in for the player, which reflects in your dialogue selections.

    The only real complaint is that there is not a ton of lewd content, which doesn't bother me too much, but something to note for people that are looking for wank content. The other complaint is that because it is unfinished, not a lot of content with some of my favorite LI's (coughcoughKindracoughcough)

    At this point, the game has a ton of potential, and I am excited to see how they move on from here.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This the type of game i will come back and re-review.
    - The story starts of great but them falls off a cliff.
    - the characters are all hot
    - the renders are great most of the time but other times it looks grainy as hell almost as if someone else did the renders.
    - Dialogue is believable

    i did play this a couple weeks ago through a different site and will definitely replay it soon.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Story : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Animations: ✭✭✭✭✰
    Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Sex Content : ✭✭✭✭✰
    Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰
    Note :
    I love it ! all the best to the developer.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is phenomenal. The visuals are really good, the characters feel real (you hate some / love others) and story is very interesting in my opinion (it's about AI if you're into that and a guy trying to do his best at what life throws at him). Most important of all, sex scenes feel natural and not all over the place. Some visuals are just breathtaking (one I recall was when June was in the balcony under the shade of the moon).

    All in all, you should definitely give this gem a try. It's filled with comedy, drama and cute moments. It played with my feelings and I have to admit I loved how it was done.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Artemis is on par, in my view, with all the greatest and top ranked games on this site. In the peer-reviewed version 0.2.1, the game still offers much more content than most of the competition in its final form!

    Excellent renders and animations
    + Facial expressions / Posing / Scene composition
    + Writing - Interestingly written characters with actual layers / Believable dialogues / An interesting and engaging story
    + Music and sounds

    The story is relatively linear so far and does not offer as many variations in the form of alternative choices, but keep in mind that this is still an early version of the game.
    There is one major decision at the begginig of the game and I'm very curious if this choice will turn into anything more than just alternative text.

    I can't think of anything

    It's pretty easy to give a 5 star to this game. To put it simple, every single aspect of it is top quality of the VN genre. The Dev is clearly passionate about this project and It shows!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very, very good.

    When I saw a game I hadn't heard of with 150+ reviews and a 4.7 rating seemingly out of nowhere, I had to check it out. I came in with high expectations and was still blown away.

    The story is good. There are some obvious contrivances and plot holes, but it is presented in such an engaging fashion that these small flaws are only noticeable after the fact; as you play the game, you are pulled into this world and it feels alive and real around you.

    The story is very character driven, and the characters are where this game really shines. All of the characters are very well-realized, both visually and narratively. They gesture, blink, breath, and generally feel alive and well-matched to their dialog. There is a good amount of humor in their interactions, and every joke lands well. The MC has a deadpan, not-buying-it expression that never fails to draw a laugh every time it comes up. The characters are all likeable people doing cool things, and this alone shoots this game well above a lot of the offerings on this site.

    There have been many critiques of the art and character designs, but frankly, I don't see it. Each character looks and feels unique, with detailed poses and expressions. There are a handful of over-the-top smiles that look a bit fake, but these are the exception rather than the rule, though I will agree with others that the wet effect the dev uses needs improvement.

    I could go on and on, but really, it comes down to this; download it, play it, throw the dev some money. This is very good work!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a BANG dude!
    The story get me hooked from the start and the characters are lovely,
    And its kinda weird to say this when playing an adult game but I really like some of the songs in this game, chill
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    In Artemis I was treated to a mature, thoughtful and interesting plot, strongly echoing the current development of modern earthly technology and the immediate future of humanity. There are 11(12) female characters and an interesting ms - a talented programmer, with his own flaws and psychological problems. The story itself is very motivating, with beautifully written dialogue and carefully crafted characters.

    The renders and animations are of high quality, and the small flaws of chapter 1 (like a strange water effect on the body and some renders) were fixed in chapter 2. You can see that the author is technically progressing from chapter 1 to chapter 2.

    The game pays a lot of attention to facial expressions and the elaboration of small details. There's a lot of good humour in Artemis - the author never fails to amuse players throughout the game, and the jokes themselves are very clever. On a separate note, we should mention the sound - there are a lot of great songs which perfectly complement the atmosphere of the game.

    It's nice that the MC in Artemis is not "just another schoolboy nerd looking 15 years old and trying to fuck his mother and sister," but an adult, working man in a difficult situation who during the game finds the strength to move on and return to his former self - the active man and regain confidence in his abilities.

    In fact, Artemis is a very life-affirming and motivating game that encourages the player to "get off the couch and get moving" (even if everything in life is good, but we have frozen in our comfort zone and not evolving further). And this moving forward through overcoming oneself and one's fears is successfully demonstrated by MС. Of course, you have to allow for the fact that it's the author's idea and not everyone is lucky enough to be born/become a genius programmer in Silicon Valley, but I suppose this game is entitled to a number of gaming conventions.

    On a separate note, I'd like to mention Artemis' superb dramaturgy. Not many people can work with this delicate matter, but the author of Artemis has definitely succeeded. After playing the game, there is a pleasant aftertaste, like watching a very good movie. The author skillfully plays on the strings of the player's soul, creating scenes that will not leave us indifferent. Here I sit, a grown man with a beard, laughing at Kindra's jokes, reading the dialogue, and a moment later I get goosebumps all over my body and tears appear in the corners of my eyes and such transitions from one mood to another are beautiful.

    In summary, if you're looking for a story-driven game with great dialogue, well-written characters, then Artemis is your game.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Love in a cup

    The story is funny but bad and doesn't take itself seriously at all. The character models are different and there is a wide variety of content. It has a great renders, decent music, characters look very good, and everything else is also fine apart from the story and dialogue. In my opinion the two most important things are the dialogue and story. The reviews seem to be very polarising. I will update if it imporves.
  16. 4.00 star(s)



    + story
    The story of this game is just amazing. It has grown realistic characters, sci-fi elements, and an intriguing plot. I've read all available content in one day and was sad when it ended.

    + characters
    The characters are grown people in this story. They have their own life, ambitions and their existence isn't for mc only. Girls don't jump on mc suddenly, that is important.

    + amount of content
    The amount of content is enough to immerse into the story and discover its own world. I'd say it's about 7 hours.

    - girls visuals
    Ok, it's my own opinion, but the characters are just ugly. The only cute one is Zelda, and I don't understand, why the author can't see it. Maybe he wanted to add realism to the girls, but he did it too much. It's especially ugly when they smile because you see their strange plastic-like TEETH. I am afraid I will see them in nightmares for several days. I did my best to avoid looking at the girls' models for all 7 hours . Mc himself looks good btw. Maybe bc he doesn't smile much...

    - sex
    You can probably guess this, but when the girls are ugly, you can't do much to enjoy animations of love. Situations themselves are good. They are well integrated into the story and you want to see them, but it's hard when girls are like that.

    + visuals
    Okay, let's forget about girls for the moment and focus on other visuals. It's fantastic. There are actual animations and solid rendered cutscenes, that you usually find only in expensive games. Backgrounds are good and detailed.

    + gameplay
    It's hard to add something interesting to VN, but there are some good fresh innovations that are merged with the world pretty well.

    Overall I would recommend playing this game for the plot, not for "plot". You'd like it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very underrated. The story is beautiful, I got hooked in the first 2 minutes, the renders are extraordinarily good, the sex scenes are top-notch, the music is amazing, there is just nothing bad about this game. Do yourself a favor and play this. Also, good fucking job to the Dev cause it was practically impossible for me not to support him after I finished the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is really worth playing masterpiece indeed. Reall enjoyed this game. Without a doubt this one is the best sci - fi game here. There are other games which takes place in space craft in outer space, and space craft fully filled with girls and guess what yeah bang them it's called sci fi games because there is space craft cliche.

    But this game really respects the genre sci - fi genre. So yeah loved this game. Loved the humors in this game and renders too. Yeah renders seems to hhave flaw at start. But it's all fixed in the second version now renders are top notch.

    Moderators this is a request please add humor tag because there are peoples like me who search games with humor tag. And yeah humor tag is missing. And game contains lot of humor.

    Give this one a shot you won't regret it.

    Edit : thanks for adding humor tag
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Visual quality was fantastic, and the sex scenes were really well done as well. However, the writing really made this game. Interesting and fleshed out characters with real personalities, combined with expressive and unique looking characters made this game stand out!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the story about MC and how he from being broken and lonely, finds his way back with help from his friends and that he finds purpose again.
    The renders and animations are really great and the options in certain scenes,
    The game/VN really good with the elements of humor, sadness and suspense. I couldnt stop from playing from start til end of second chapter once i started.
    Team Kindra