VN - Ren'Py - Artemis [v0.5.1] [digi.B]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes! Finally good writing!
    Been a while since I've played a VN with proper good dialogue, which is funny when it intends to be and segues to sad moments seamlessly. The pacing is also fantastic, no unnecessary exposition which leads to nothing.

    Only con is... Mom is way too hot, like I've already decided on my best girl

    Nah but seriously, 5/5 - Great start
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I was blown away by this auspicious first chapter of Artemis. It feels fully realized right off the bat, with a sleek game design and complex, detailed renders. There's a meaty story to work with, the characters are well-developed, and the dialogue is witty and hilarious. And lewd offerings are promising, given the unique and sexy cadre of ladies to choose from. Can't wait to see what the future holds! 5/5
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, Chapter 1, amazing introduction of colorful characters! The setup of the story got me hooked for more. Beautiful render of each characters. The humor, jaw dropping or I just misplace mine. Oh I almost forgot the adult stuff, enough teasing can't wait for the next update!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This probably doesn't need more reviews. It's good and the rest of the comments/reviews already say that.

    It is the story and the characters that make it good. It's frustrating and unpleasant at times but not in a jealous/envious way. The MC just keeps getting kicked down in believable yet annoying ways.

    The banner and opening post for this, and even the first few minutes of the game do not do the rest justice. Power through. It's an engaging story without the usual "every LI has a secret"-like pattern.

    Freeroam sections add nothing good, they just give you a feeling of unease that you might miss something.

    It's never clear which options result in more LP/PP but fortunately these points go unused so far.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing beggining. I dare to say it's the best VN's first chapter i've played and it looks very promissing. Amazing job from the dev.

    Looking forward to chapter 2! I hope that at least it will keep the same level as this first one.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 635942

    I am honestly surprised and dare I say shocked at how this game has been reviewed with full starts and over 50 reviews.

    I am sorry but it is nothing amazing as described for me. The truth is it lends a lot of it's style from more famous games made by a doctor dude and that game where you live in the house with your hot mom and two sisters and you end up banging them.

    The game does have a very funny dialogue at moments and the character so far I have played which was 45minutes in seems interesting. I am not sure if there should be a hints file as I am stuck currently and not sure how to proceed but that is not the biggest worry.

    Now the graphics, I am sorry but a lot of them are grainy, slightly too dark and way to much compression on them making the models' skins look like mash potato. Also I have noticed a few with what seems like clipping into objects. The animations are great no doubt but grainy.

    The thing that mostly I don't get is why so many people see it as one of the best games released and I have to be honest it was difficult for me to keep my attention for 45min and it's just nothing new in story and game idea.
    The gui has a very nice design and is easy to navigate but truthfully giving it 4 stars and not 3 is because of the animations that are nicely done and the cute girls I have seen so far. On that I did see a few models, MC included that are just reused DAZ models.

    Otherwise very good job to the dev and his team.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    What a game. What a first release. I need to stand up and applause what you did right here.

    The renders, animations and songs are gorgeous.

    The text is amazing. The drama, humor and the teasers are on the spot. Each characters here are uniques.

    Man, I'm just on my second playthrough! It's so good. And no joke here, I'm wiliing to wait some days to play a 3rd time ahahaha

    Dev, please... never change. This game don't have to be immaculate hahaha. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground and you can go far.

    I wish you success.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, I don't usually rate a game so early as I like to see where things are going... however, I am happy giving this 5 stars to start with. Here is what I said on the thread itself:
    Just played through this, and holy crap... I really wish I was working so I could afford to support this financially. I am enjoying the VN very much. Even though I can't help but wish the MC got that job. I am torn with this game, I mean you give happiness and then literally rip it away. Playing as the MC, I would be very hesitant to go to that sorority house again after what happened. Obviously I am sure the story will bring him back there, but every time he trusts someone, he gets his fucking heart ripped out. I am very invested in this story, and I am looking forward to seeing where this goes. Great work so far, and good luck with the future.

    I would definitely recommend, and will be recommending, this VN to as many as possible. I thoroughly enjoyed it... even the emotional rollercoaster I was on. Well done so far, and I hope it can continue to be this good.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Seriously, hats off to you digi. Not only have you completely flipped my opinion of this particular "genre" (tech?), you've captivated me. I went into this expecting the worst, I'll admit it. I've played a few other games that tried to play this angle, and they all disappointed me..

    Artemis was an angel descending from the heavens to give me a personal decree: "This game is the shit, and you will enjoy it."

    From the get-go, I loved the renders. You didn't play too far out of the norm and built a believable world that I easily slipped into. The main character wasn't obnoxious and I found myself enjoying the time I spent in his head, with each character introduced driving me deeper down the rabbit hole.

    I was engaged all the way through, and I didn't abuse the skip function because I actually cared about what was happening [for once]. One of the biggest problems I have with games like this is that, perhaps due to inexperience on the writers' end, the personalities of various characters would bleed into one another.

    Not here. Each person felt real and distinct; and the 'villains' were set up in a way that while I may not like them, I'm interested in seeing what will happen next. The friends and family are fun, and I can see the love and care put into this small world you've created from the writing to the renders, to the overall result.

    If you're thinking of playing Artemis while reading these reviews - stop thinking. Just go play it, it's wonderful. I'll be keeping an eye on this to see how updates go, and if it keeps at this quality I will most likely pay it forward through patreon when I can.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This has to be in contention of the greatest games on the site. For a first release this has a lot of playing time, the premise, story and characters are interesting and the animations is better than anything i've seen yet. The sex scenes honestly look real.
    The story is not only good, it's captivating, fresh and funny at times. The MC is also quite relatable.
    The only gripes i have is that it's a bit hard to grasp at first how every character is somehow in college and have a high end job at the same time. That is kinda explained later tho so it's no big deal really. Some characters doesen't really look the age they are supposed to be depicted as also but again, no big deal.
    Good shit, oozes quality
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Story line is very intriguing and somehow keeps getting interesting till the end of chapter 1. Loved the gameplay, storyline and most of the character. Lastly the way each character has been given a background, and a persona that resonates with their responses is very life like. I do think that in case of sexual encounters there could be more variety including different fetishes and mc's feelings about each, could have been better. The roller coaster ride with the main storyline does not resonate with the sexual encounters as well.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Just WOW! Awesome release!

    There are a lot of good games on here and a few great ones. This one falls into the great category and has earned another Patreon supporter.

    Great story, characters, and artwork. Gets you invested into the characters as well. Here's looking forward to more great work coming!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow... where to start?

    THANK YOU digi.B!

    This game is A.W.E.S.O.M.E AF! (I'm cussing because it's so well done!).
    I mean seriously? The game is incredible. I can't count how many times I was laughing. The story is great, the characters are eye candy, the animation is amazing. I can't wait for the next update!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the story. I love Kindra. I hate Cassie. The renders are really great. As long as we continue to have options when it comes to who we do/don't have sex with, this is easily one of my fave WIPs.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Although renders aren't that great this VN did not become worse.

    Great writing, good storyline with sci-fi, awesome music (really!). Simple clicking through VN mixed with not-so-long free roam events. Well made UI.

    UPD as 2.1 Renders became better so as animations. Story as good as it used to be.

    TLDR ratings
    Writing - 5/5
    Story - 5/5
    Music - 5.5/5 (really good!)
    UI - 5/5
    Renders - 5/5 (was 4/5)
    Animations - 5/5 (was 4/5)
    Humour - 10/5 (laughed at almost every scene)

    Worth trying, guys and girls! Join the club
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing - 10/10
    UI/gameplay - 10/10
    Renders - 10/10
    Characters - 10/10
    Animations - 10/10

    Overall 10/10 game.

    Very impressive start from digi.B it left everyone wanting more and salavating over this project and rightfully so. This game is beautiful and it's got my full attention I don't know what's next but if it's anything like the first release then count me in.

    I wish you the best of luck.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't find most of the girls very attractive, Kindra and Katy are pretty great though. Only problem I have is that Kindra in some renders looks young and cute but then older and less cute in others. That being said, one of the most immersive and interesting VN's I've ever played. Absolutely engrossing and amazing. You can tell the dev is confident and proud in their work. Stunning attention to detail in most things. The story is interesting, has a bit of a rocky start and there are a few plot holes or inconsistencies but overall pretty great.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great start! Nice graphics, likeable characters (except you-know-who, but she still gorgeous though), engaging plot and a huge amount of playtime - all of that prepared with nice music and a pinch of humor.

    Definitely has a potential to become blockbuster.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Just. FUCKING AMAZING. Really high quality visuals, a lot of animations in and out of sex scenes which is very surprising! Engaging story of a guy who was cheated on by his ex that back stabbed him and took credit for their work on AI to advance her career, before the man tries to move forward after dealing with this traumatic part of his life when he meets an old friend who asks for his help developing a sci-fi android girl called artemis. The characters all feel like real people with distinct personalities and character traits. Pacing and writing were realistic and handled well with some moments of humor that brought a smile to my face. The ex gf who backstabbed you really feels like an antagonist and doesn't make you feel like getting you back with her. The mc felt like he had a personality with established character relationships, funny and charismatic lines, and isn't a perverted creep or an overly confident womanizing asshole whom I can sympathize with.

    Overall,to me it's one of the top promising games that I have found, with potential to be truly something great! Would highly recommend to others!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy. Shit. What an amazing first release! The story, the pacing, the humour, the art. All of it is top fucking notch.

    There are some legit laugh-out-loud moments, and there are also some good emotional moment as well. When MC got "the call", his heartbreaking disappointment is conveyed so well.

    Every single one of the girls (except Cuntsandra) are gorgeous and super friendly. Once MC gets over his (well-earned) trust issues, he'll be surrounded by an amazing group.

    Kindra (who seems to be the main girl) came on a little strong, but she quickly became my fave. The rest of the girls from the sorority/workplace all have relationship potential though, with Paige and June being at the top of my list.

    Amazing work, digi.B. Very much looking forward to more.