This review is for the demo
So the description does not do the gameplay justice in a very bad way.
Basically your goal is to serve as an "anointed" to some higher godly being by making everyone around you so horny that they all go into a fucking frenzy (literally) without being caught by some other religious dudes.
If you only go after that, the game might be decent, but considering the description of the game states that you are building a harem, it falls flat.
Once you've fully bimbofied someone, they become completely sidelined, only ever able to be interacted with again by "exploiting your power" to rapidly turn them into a bimbo or looking at some artwork of a gangbang...that's it for the rest of the game.
The game seriously fails to make quite a few mechanics clear throughout the game, leading to you just randomly messing around until you figure it out on your own, which could be fun, if it weren't for the fact that there's only three save slots, a lot of bugs, and a lot of unescapable dead ends.
As it is (which is a demo) it is not worth the time required to get to the very few scenes that have artwork.
The writing is decent, but there's so much of it and so many repeated events that you will rapidly start skipping through dialogue.
There's a lot of bugs that either dead-end the game, forcing you to close out and load a previous save, or cause permanent notifications to always be on screen.
It has potential, but it seriously needs work before it could be called decent.