[R>Programmer] Share Artist Looking For A Coder For Dating Simulator Type Game (Ideally Ren'Py)


Apr 15, 2020
Looking for:
I am looking for a Ren'Py/Python coder because I am looking to make a visual novel; I could probably code it myself but I’d rather focus on the art. If you have any examples of your past work that would be amazing but it's not strictly required. If you have some other way of demonstrating that you can write a Python script then I'd like to know (we can discuss your abilities in a private message).

Project name (placeholder name):

Wildcard Women


It’s an adult dating simulator about a fictional dating website. Ostensibly, it’s about futanari but due to the nature of the project, it can easily encompass a wide variety of tastes. If it does, the name of the project may change. If you want some examples of my past work*, you can look here:

*I am also almost completed in my development of another visual novel made in Ren'Py and can share this via a private message.

How far along is the project?

I had made a start on it with somebody else but a week or so into the project they suddenly informed that they were too busy to work on the project with me. Feels like they got my hopes up a little too much. As such, I have a couple of characters designed (which took many hours out of several of my days to create) and some sprites we can use to get started (and I can share these if you’d like to take discussions further).

How will we make money from the game?

My aspiration is – once the “core mechanics” are out of the way – people can pay money to add their own characters (which I will sculpt at their direction) and they can then go on virtual dates with their dream character in the game (as well as those of others). Having received direction from the payer, we will work together to make a kind “expansion” for the game. The gradual expansions – each with their own flavours, based on who paid for them – should keep the game fresh and interesting. I take care of the art, you would take care of the coding, and these will be priced accordingly to the potential customer.

If I need to purchase anything specific from, for example, the Daz3D store in order to make a person’s character then they would need pay for a Daz3D gift card for me on top of whatever they were paying to make this character in the first place. If the value of gift card is at least US$1 greater than the item(s) I need to purchase then that extra could be discounted from the overall custom expansion purchase.

The pricing model will need to be discussed in more detail with my potential partner in the future. For example, it would be influenced not just by the character and sprites that I make but also by how much story the customer wants. In addition to coding, pivotal scenes may require a proper render(s) as opposed to just sprites and background. We would charge the customer based on how much work we think we would need to do in order to implement their character(s) into the games and explore on a case by case basis how to best divide the money given to us (e.g. because the customer may be sending me gift cards to purchase content for Daz3D). Given the symbiotic nature of the relationship, I don’t see why there couldn’t be an even 50/50 split in the majority of cases, though I will say that creating and rendering images may take a lot longer than coding the story.

What can I offer you?

With this in mind, one of the things I can offer my potential partner in the dating simulator project is your own dream character(s) added to the game for yourself and other players to enjoy. I haven’t decided if the game will be in anonymous first person or the player can pick a pre-made character to go through the game with. Therefore, your request could come in the form of a potential date or a player model.

Given that I want the game to be enjoyed by the widest possible audience, I am leaning towards having having the player be able to pick their own character as well as their date. That way, they can at least have the choice of selecting whether they want a male or female character. Naturally, this may complicate things because then we’d need to write stories for each date with that player character. Though it could interesting to not have every potential date visible to every potential character.

About Me:

If you like “macrophilia” you may have seen my name around before, because I am staff member over at the Giantess City forum and on their official Discord server. I’m decently well known in that area of the WWW and I even run my own Discord server for authors of stories containing such content. Due to this, I should be able to use my influence to generate some interest in the game (I can't promise anything in this regard though).

If you have any specific questions not answered here, send me a private correspondence. I'd love to get to know you more as much as I'm sure you want to get to know me more. I can share my Discord account in private correspondence.

I do have a Patreon account set-up, however I have never taken any steps to actively promote it, thus I have never received money from it. I have another game currently being made (almost completed, as mentioned above) and I envision that would generate some interest in my page once it’s been released.

Employment Type:
Goal of revenue share share; though will initially begin as unpaid until we can start making money, through the method outlined above.

Work commitment:
Work commitment depends heavily on how successful the project is. I do not envision it needing to be a “full-time” endeavour for the coder, though work commitments would be influenced by the popularity of the game, given the business model I have outlined. In theory, assuming people keep paying, this project could keep going until either one or both of us gets bored.

If you (the coder) gets bored of the project before me, I will either take steps to re-learn the Python I need or look for somebody new to work on the project with. Hence, I would like to see lots of comments among the code to make it easier then it would otherwise be for somebody else to take a look at the inner workings of our game and potentially pick up where you left off. Perhaps some other project files would be pertinent to.

Preferred method of contact:
I would prefer contact through Discord (I will use Skype if pushed) once we’ve had some initial discussions in private on here.

Additional comments:
In the future, I would probably like to explore options for translating the game into other languages in order to expand our audience. If you can understand a language other than English yourself, then it’d be great if you could translate our game! If not, then I may look to hire translators for us at a later date (once the game has made some money).

My time zone is GMT.
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New Member
Jan 4, 2020
Hey, i'm interested in helping you out with this project.
I have no experience working with ren'py and limited experience in Python (alltho i have actually done some smaller stuff in it). However i'm a professional software developer and i dont expect any problem learning neither ren'py nor improve my knowledge of python. As for proof i can show you some code from C#(.net) but thats not really applicable but should be proof i know how to code. I'm GMT +2 so i dont forsee any difficulties in communication.
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Apr 15, 2020
Hey, i'm interested in helping you out with this project.
I have no experience working with ren'py and limited experience in Python (alltho i have actually done some smaller stuff in it). However i'm a professional software developer and i dont expect any problem learning neither ren'py nor improve my knowledge of python. As for proof i can show you some code from C#(.net) but thats not really applicable but should be proof i know how to code. I'm GMT +2 so i dont forsee any difficulties in communication.
By the way, the game doesn't have to be scripted in Python. I state a preference for Python for two reasons:- it's easily accessible and, thanks in part to Ren'Py, there are lots of resources out there to help people, including the official Ren'Py forum. I have basic knowledge of Python myself and probably wouldn't fancy learning another computer language at the moment. I'll send you a message.


Nov 11, 2019
Hey! I know how to work with Ren'Py. I am not an expert or something but I know how it works and how to write codes for it. Also I am a fast learner so incase I need to learn something new during the process I am willing to do so. And about the revenue share thing, I am willing to start the project as unpaid. I have lot of time right now which I can use to start coding for the game. Plus I am good in Photoshop and Illustrator so I can make UI elements for Ren'Py myself if you need me to. Please contact me through DM here in F95 or maybe in Discord @ "RockStar8#3101" if you have not got the person you were looking for, allready. Thank You.
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Alboe Interactive

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2020
I have been dabbling in Ren'Py and DAZ 3D for the past couple months and I am ready to start working on a project. I have a background in coding but only have a basic level understanding of Python at the moment (outside of minigames most everything can be directly done in Ren'Py). I am available to transfer or write scenes in Ren'Py, and use my PC (I7 9700K, RTX 2070) to render in DAZ 3D if needed. DM me here at F95 for more info.
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