Artists who post on Show Us your DazSkill


Game Developer
Nov 12, 2016
I was randomly browsing through 8muses and saw that a collection of my images had ended up there. For some context I am a complete beginner and only rarely use DAZ, I can't decide whether I should be flattered or angry. They were pretty shit renders too. Horrible lighting and no post work of any kind. They attributed it to my F95 username but it is listed under Renderotica Comics. I have never published my renders anywhere but here.

Has somebody else had something like this happen? How did you deal with it.

PS: If the person who posted them on the aggregating sites is reading this, I request you to atleast ask before resharing my images. I had posted those images for feedback not as a portfolio.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
You probably can report and request for them to add some "dev notes" on the post with a small clarification that those were just test renders or something.

Other than that dev permission is not really necessary since this is basically an illegal sharing website.