Really solid game, with such an indepth world. from a morale system of good and bad, and bounty hunters to tail you if you do decide to break the law.. and then a prison system, you can serve your time normally. shorten it with a list of sexual deeds that lower your sentence by different values.. or escape..
indepth and well written story that keeps you engaged, rather than pointlessly skipping and clicking to just get to the lewd scenes.
an open world that allows you to travel to different lands, with a chance of coming across other pirates, or the law. and within these islands can be vastly different from the last. with their own set of quests.
the lewd stuff, offering you the basic corruption system.. allowing you to work hard to maintain your honor and virginity, or to slowly and eventually give in to your desires, which range from handjobs, boob job, oral, vaginal, anal and more. theres also NON con stuff too, for those that ticklle that fancy, but alot of it doesnt spell it out for you.. which would be preferred, so i know if im saying no, i can either enter a fight sequence to chance my luck of getting away, but then if defeated, you then get non con.. basic animations that are more than welcome in a niche industtry full of either still images, IRL PORN, or just robotic animations. dont get me wrong, the animations arent ground breaking by any means, but it definately adds to the really nice art style of this game..
cons: i wish this game had more details on the body (the butt hole), as well as options to shave to keep yourself hairless, but the longer you neglect shaving, the hairier your body can get (ass hair, leg, vag, armpit) etc, which can drastically change dialogue options if you dont clean often (wish cleanliness fit more into dialogue too).
will say some dialogue needs correcting, as im noticing alot of broken english between parts, and i mean for the most part i can figure out what the dev is trying to portray, however there are some lines of dialogue that are beyond comprehension.
some bugs also here and there. which already i have extended to thee dev
wishlist: more detailed body details (butt hole).. a cleanliness feature/system that takes note if you clean regularly and then fits into dialogue accordingly. a shave feature to where you can either be hairless, or be hairy asf with a hairy butt, pits, legs etc, and it also visually shows as well as changes dialogue.
and maybe some animation improvement, making it more smooth, or maybe animating more of the scene (ass cheeks rolling back etc).
overall summary: ashley the pirate is one of those hidden gems amongst floods of trashon this site. this game offers you an interesting story, and branching side stories, a bare but basic morale system, with a law system and prison system to compliment it. lovely art style, that although i would say could use a touch more detail, but still lovely and my preferred style of art. the animations are truly welcome, as most games just go the lazy route and choose not to bother, and even though i would say the animations are basic, theyre atleast not robotic. sure they could use some general improvements, but theyre still solid, and they never take you out of that immersion of the scene.
this game so far is a solid 4/5 stars, that could use some polish, and some quality of life additions/options and overall improvements. but the build we have so far is well worth the investment and time spent playing. i would say this is truly worth supporting the developer, so feel free to go over to their sites and show them some love.