VN Unity Asset Grader Devlog


New Member
Jul 17, 2024
Hey everyone!
Long time lurker but I never posted anything on my old account. Now I shifted to this account as I've been working on my own game for a few months at this point. Now that I'm at a near-finish state, I think it's time to slowly talk about my game, and share some insight into everything for those that are even remotely interested.

What is Asset Grader?
Asset Grader is an Adult VN developed in Unity using a custom VN engine made by myself. You play as Jackson(can be renamed by players), a failed instructor at a school who is facing the danger of having his contract terminated if his performance as an instructor doesn't improve. The game world combines fantasy and reality. Planned kinks so far are: NTR, watersports, petplay, trap, pregnancy, bimbofication, netori all of which CAN be disabled by the player if they wish to, except pregnancy and bimbofication which can already be skipped through dialogue options if the player wishes to. Ingame screenshot below:

Is it kinetic?
No, I'm planning on having more than 1 ending and you can either corrupt or have a loving relationship with most girls that are planned to be a part of the main cast. There will be events with side characters too, however, I don't plan on having paths with side characters to have a consistent story that doesn't try to do too many things at once. It's also a sandbox game that allows the player to explore. I know this can be scary for some players(I know I got burned out on so many sandbox games before) but I also have a system in place that tells you what you should be doing in order to progress the story. Ingame screenshot below:


Let's talk lore a little. You said this is a fusion of reality and fantasy. How come?
There are 2 major empires within the game lore, these being the now extinct Eraserin and Rihan. Eraserin was an elven empire many moons ago, founded by the High King Arathorn the Ruthless. Eraserin followed an expansionist policy and was never on good terms with their neighbors for centuries. However, when the late king Flardryn died, his son Usunaar took the crown. Usunaar was different and didn't envision a kingdom that was a military threat to its neighbors. Instead, Usunaar worked to reform the kingdom to be a scientific power house. Once feared elven kingdom slowly became weaker in military power and pen replaced sword. However, there was a lot of pent up anger from the previous kings' expansion attempts that forced humans to unite under one flag. This takes us to the human empire that is a more accurate representation of our modern day world. Rihan was founded by the feared emperor Qiang-Shi who claimed elves were a threat to human existence and humans had to unite under one flag to resist their expansionism. If a human kingdom refused Qiang-Shi's rule, they were put to sword until they submitted. Once the elves were too weak to resist the humans, the humans struck in a war which would later be called the "Great Resistance War." However, it would eventually turn out Qiang-Shi had an ulterior motive behind all the noble resistance talk. Qiang-Shi simply wanted to prove that humans were superior and wanted elves to fully submit to humans. Male elves were either enslaved and put to heavy labor or they were simply killed on the spot. Female elves, on the other hand, were turned into sex slaves and cheap hookers. This continued for a few decades before elves were eventually given the right to education. Problem is, the unsuccessful ones' fate was still being a sex slave which meant elves had no chance but to pass their classes by any means necessary.

You said you made this game in Unity and made your own VN engine. What features does it have currently?
It has most features any other VN does made in Ren'Py. I took extra care to make sure I don't get out of people's comfort zone. All the keybinds and how they work are very similar to what you'd see in a Ren'Py game. Other than what is commonly in every other game, it also features a day&night cycle, a stock market system, customizable phone system, phone calls, texting with characters and much more.


Why did you build it in Unity instead of Ren'Py like most other games?
So, this project actually began a year ago and was using Renpy/Honey Select. Shortly after the project began, I realized I was spending more time trying to find hacky ways to do what I want to do on Renpy and was spending even more time trying to fix my awful renders and lighting in Honey Select. Eventually, I gave up and moved to other things. However, as I played more and more adult games the desire to make my own grew further. Eventually, I decided to give it a try using Koikatsu and Unity aaand here we are. This also explains the possible question of what the game uses for renders, it's Koikatsu.

Can you show an example render?

Before I show an example render, please do note that I'm a programmer first and renders are at the top of my list where I need honest feedback on. Being a programmer doesn't excuse having bad renders but I also have little to no experience when it comes to designing my own stuff.

ESC main menu:

I'm looking forward to share even more progress when the time is right. If there are any questions regarding the question or anything I've developed and showcased so far, I'm more than happy to answer them.