ASSET Recommendations


Nov 25, 2021
I am developing a few characters for my upcoming game. I am confused with female characters as there are a lot of awesome female character models for DAZ. I have probably looked at over 50 models and can't decide.
I need to create 2 female characters. So can you recommend female character models for Daz with their webpage link and if possible, a picture. Genesis 9 and 8.1 preferable.
Here's some info for the characters:
1st character - late 20s, submissive, cute and innocent vibe
2nd character - late 20s, dominant, hot and sexy vibe but NOT SLUTTY

Also, I need hairstyles for these characters. They are going to have different hairstyles throughout the game depending on the situation. I need 4 hairstyles per character, so 8 total.
1 Base Hair
2 Ponytail
3 Tide up in a Bun
4 Wet Hair

I tried a few hair assets, but their color and look didn't match. Like if I changed both to red, the shade was completely different.
I want it to seem like the ponytail and the bun are really tied up base hair.

Any help would be much appreciated.