Ren'Py - Completed - Ataegina [v1.0] [Kthulian]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Started great, but then it became a stupid circus with nonstop sex. Like literally 20% story, 80% sex scenes.

    And the worst part is the ending: I think I got the worst "pity" ending, but I literally have no idea what went wrong. The game was giving me nonstop sex scenes until the very end (since every girl loves u and wants to fuck u), but in the end u can't find anyone aside from some random prostitute to finish the game :WaitWhat:
    It's probably broken somewhere, but no fix was released, so idk. What's the point of telling that girl love is maxed if u can't even pick her?

    I really don't have time to research a walkthrough with probably a thousand choices to understand what went wrong.
    In the end I can describe this game as "disappointment" and "a waste of time".
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    really good power fantasy game well thought out plot and background.
    Loved the unique fight mechanics. Chars were fun, massive amount of content. Personally I also like the 3dcg daz renders. Act 2 with all powerups and plot reveal was really good too.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall - 7.5/10 or (Act I - 6/10, Act II - 9/10)
    Recommend - if you like power fantasy (chosen one) + harem
    Good points -
    Multiple endings - based on LI + karma
    Renders + Hscenes
    A lot of content
    Optional combat
    Bad points -
    Act I is a slog
    Combat system + sandbox
    Character depth is low - too many characters
    Story - 7/10
    MC is the chosen one -> life in magic school -> save the world from threats
    Story is nothing original or crazy, but there are multiple endings depending on LI and karmic system
    Characters - too many of them, some are better than others
    Writing - Act I was pretty boring a lot of random dialogue -> Act II is much better
    Renders - 9/10
    Good, few characters do look weird.
    Sounds -
    Simple bgm instrumentals + sfx - better than nothing
    Animations - n.a

    VN uses many still frames - it works
    Playability- 7/10

    Plenty of Hscenes - good quality
    Very long game
    Act II >>>> Act I
    Sandbox game - annoying in Act I, but Act II much less sandbox
    Combat - turn based -> usually is cc > dmg > cc > mana steal etc. enemies get really tanky becomes bullet sponges but SKIPPABLE
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Man I absolutely love this game. Probably one of my favorite fantasy themed game out there. Giving it a rating of 5 stars, even with several shortcomings to the game. Loved the plot and world building, got me playing from start to end without even skipping much dialogues. That along with the choices, characters, and endings allows for multiple playthrough. The ladies in the game are also really beautiful, and each have their own personality. I just absolutely love Queen Lufina, probably my favorite elf design by far. Cerea is really great as well. Combat system is also pretty fun, plus having the option to skip the battles is a really nice touch. Love the music selection as well! There are however some unavoidable scenes throughout the game.

    The main issue I have with Ataegina is that there's just too many characters in the game, with some of em not having much impact to the story at all. While it is nice to have plenty of options, the sheer number of females here really affects the amount of time/scenes you get with each of them, that along with a number of unsatisfying endings, felt the endings could've been a little deeper with the characters. Mida for example, has scenes early on from Act I and all the way through Act II. But with Queen Lufina, there's really only one scene with her and that's at her solo ending. The bedroom scene doesn't really count, since getting to Lufina's ending would mean picking the royal title and missing the bedroom scene anyway. Would've loved solo endings for Cerea and Ayna too!

    Dev seems to be in the process of polishing the game, fingers crossed for solo endings for Ayna, Cerea and Katriona. Would definitely love to have more solo H-scenes with Ayna, Queen Lufina, and Lust since her scenes are mostly only in dream scenarios.

    -Fantastic story
    -Beautiful characters
    -Queen Lufina!!
    -Good selection of music
    -Decent combat system, skippable as well

    -Lack of animations
    -Lack of solo endings for some of the girls
    -Too many dream scenes
    -Some unavoidable scenes
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    old chicken

    worldbuilding was a good at the start but I think it got a little out of hand towards the end. i also felt like there were too many characters as a lot of them didn't get too much screentime. there are a lot of endings but I am sad that there is no harem ending with all the LIs, as they are all grouped. I'm not sure why this isn't possible since the MC is pretty much a god in the end.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    This game deserves its stars simply because it is finished. I've got hundreds of games that I follow, but most of them are unfinished and they will stay that way.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't play this game to the end, even using the walkthrough mod. The reason I abandoned the game was the blandness of the models. The faces are somewhat different, with features ranging from cute to ... cute, apart from some demons that were just plain ugly. The bodies, on the other hand, are quite featureless. Most bodies resembled that of Mida.

    The other issue I have is the writing. Lots of infodumps, lots of transitions and fights that you don't know if they are real or dream, and lots of text which is a chore to click through. I get it that the devs fell in love with their world, but to me that world seems a tedious harry potter ripoff.

    I also have an issue with the chosen one trope, but that would have been fine if the sex scenes were less boring. Which circles back to the models that are objectively boring, just nice faces with nothing else interesting.

    Otherwise, no bugs for me, the game is finished, and lots of content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    its an excelent game with plenty of nice mechanics and the story is ok!
    the world and lore are well built.
    i would prefered a deeper path for each girl and the hability to make decisions! like spending more time with my elf princesses and let the orcs get fucked!
    so nice story, good mechanics, really nice sex scenes but as a game could have aimed higher!
    but in comparison with the rest thats around?
    its better then the vast majority of other games on this site!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best if not the best game in this XXX fantasy genre, I really liked that ending where Mida assimilates Lust, it was very good. Of course, there's always one little thing or another that I would change, but overall a very good story, renderings and characters. Perhaps the only thing that bothered me the most was that the demon Carilielli disappeared or died, she should have been part of the MC's harem, little screen time for Diana I would also add her to the harem. If I could make one suggestion, it would be a continuation of this game in the same universe and the return of the more interesting's female characters.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best adult games I ever played. It's so much more than just a porn game. It has a good written plot which catches me so much that I want to play it again and try all other possibilities. I played many games with multiple endings and I often thought about playing again and never did but this game is something else. I will definitely do. Thank you so much for your great work! (y)
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    A game that I had high hopes for and have played many times over the years over the course of it's development life. I now see the game for what it is - a shallow pathetic excuse for a harem fantasy game where you have absolutely no control over your character.

    - You can have a harem
    - Beautiful ladies and great characters (Like Cerea, there are a few others I really liked but I can't remember their names)
    - Plenty of sex scenes
    - Good/Evil Paths

    - You can't choose whose in your harem, I think you can tell certain girls your not interested/want to break up, but they come back at some point only to disappear again. Your choices are meaningless.
    - The story goes nowhere. It's a meaningless kinetic novel disguised as an RPG where the ending only goes one way or the other and your choices no matter what they are will always lead you down either path.
    - Part II completely ruins everything. It has better graphics and looks better overall, but story wise it's a nose dive from Part 1.
    - The endings are meaningless garbage, the evil ending especially so. It just feels empty when you conquer the world. No emotion, no proper sex scenes, nothing. Everybody who survives is a slave, this not what I wanted or expected. Where is my harem of loyal followers? Total crap.

    If the developer can learn from these mistakes and make the characters, story, and choices matter in his next game I would still give it a go, but as it stands Ataegina is complete failure in my eyes on nearly every level.
  11. 3.00 star(s)



    a game that tries for epic fantasy but falls a bit short for me. a lot of what happens in early game becomes obsolete and the endings are mass effect meets daniels K, both uninspired and pick apart your harem bit by bit.
    becoming an MC who extricates himself from a harem is never going to be my first choice

    mid game is good with plenty of battles and adult scenes aplenty. the story is in full structured swing and the game flows.
    i get a sense that the developer has found their pace and is ready to work something new, which if this is anything to go by, should be worthy of anticipation.

    hopefully with the whole fantasy instead of a bitesize ending
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    4.5 rating from even though it lacks animations. Goated AVN themed on magic. The act 1 is peak after that it may seem a bit lacking on the story immersion part but it's just that the act 1 was so good, one would have more expectations in further story but it's ok. I was thoroughly hooked in the story. With animations this one would have been among the top tier AVNs.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It starts off great with a decent Act I and goes down in quality pretty quickly.

    For a "magic" game, there is only one or two scenes with actual magic in a sex scene where the MC duplicates himself and DPs a chick - which was pretty wild in a good way. Other than that, rest of the scenes are either short or just look the same and you quickly get bored. The girl models look great though. However, no animated sex scenes is a huge let down.

    The combat and story are okay-ish.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I liked this game from the start. It has magic, fighting, good characters and a fun story which just keeps getting better as it goes on. The story is near the end and now there are a lot of paths to get there. All of them are fun. It gets a little confusing since you can actually get to the end before the final end but it is all worth it. If you are just starting, you have a long way to go .
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Impressive Title with only one thing lacking. My actual rating for this title is 4.8 stars.

    The renders are gorgeous and the different characters are distinct and memorable considering the large cast of characters.

    The very best part of the VN is the WRITING which is exemplary. It's rare that a VN makes you feel like you are the MC and makes you want to read the majority of the dialog. This is not Game of Thrones level writing but it would give a show such as "Legend of the Seeker" a run for it's money.

    I play my character the way I would play a DND character which is Chaotic Good and it feels great. I briefly go down the more evil choices and the feel evil, not a bad way to play and if that is your playstyle it seems just as good as the good path. I will probably do a second Playthrough exploring the evil branch.

    Another thing that raises this to a 4.8 are the thoughtful touches by the dev, while I enjoy the combat and it flows naturally, sometimes you are not in the mood and the Dev gives you a handy "Skip Combat" button so you can continue.

    I generally like Corruption based games and I think I missed this game for so long, is the lack of a corruption tag. You are literally fighting or giving in to corruption to the MC and the characters around you.

    So why 4.8 stars and not 5? The lack of animated renders, if you could take the gorgeous animation team from the "Lust Theory" game and put them to work on this title this would be a perfect game. "Lust theory" is a similar magic school based VN but they could use the writers from Ataegina, which imo are far superior. Ataegina it is damn near perfect for lovers of the DND genre.

    IF you like DND settings and great writing, beautiful renders then this gets my highest recommendation.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is getting close to finished with various endings being worked into the most recent updates. There is a lot of content, which isn't too surprising for a game thats been in development for nearly 6 years.

    Writing is above average for AVNs even if it leans a little towards the cheesy side, and the plot is unique and entertaining. This AVN does a good job of balancing story content and dialogue with sex scenes. There is a element of player choice, its not huge but it does impact the story and content.

    This is one of the better games out there, I would recommend playing it
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    While it is not a masterpiece, being neither original nor great in writing, it at least does VN storytelling some justice.
    There is no too much boring exposition, the dialogue flows naturally, renders and models are eyepleasing. Better than most things I've played.

    For the dev:
    Why sandbox? Most of the time we have only one choice to pick anyway.
    Skills system had nice premise, but went soulless really fast.
    My early Necromancy aspirations went unnoticed by every other character, sadly. Didn't found any reason not to use only one strongest spell as well. Zombies and spiders got feared by skeleton. I drained mana from animals.
    There should be some synergies and antisynergies, so player have to think of which spell to use.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Felt pretty mid, maybe even poor. Story is not the first what I judge in this type of games, and here it is... present, but it's jumping all over the place and not really consistent, some stuff just doesn't make sense. Porn is ok, but lacking. A lot of blueballing to compensate lack of scenes, in my mind it's just doesn't work. And about sub-systems, like, battle system, map navigation, etc, I honestly would prefer simple VN over how it's done there. It's all about a first chapter though, don't get mislead. It's just so plain boring so I deleted.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love fantasy games and this one is chef's kiss delicious. Deserves 5 stars.

    Characters: Lovely characters, and lots of them. Some more important than others of course. Mida oh Mida, I can't get enough of you.

    Story: It's interesting, as it starts by looking like and ES inspired world but it slowly turns into it's own self. I couldn't help but to eat it all up.

    Graphics: The girls look pretty hot!!! You can clearly see that the first stages of the game have aged a bit compared with the later that are really good.

    Please don't let this end now!
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all the only reason why i don't give 5 stars is because i'm missing decent animated scenes in the game.
    Besides that I really love the game.
    Story : 5/5 A nice story that make the MC grow in game to become a god ;).
    With a lot of female attention (sometime i think it's a bit much everyone wants in the harem even the devils .
    Graphics : 4,5/5 As i said besides the animated part it's great, awesome looking models with their assets showing it all of and the world aswell is great.
    Music : 4,5/5 Well i always love music in a game that is suited to the action and evenythough the music might be limited it was always a nice add in the game.

    So in conlclusion I just want to say great game, great story, really loving it and curious on the next chaptor. Real nice work Dev.