Story isent bad but it dosent really matter much when everything else is.
All you do in this one is grind and grind then grind some more, each and every fucking girl is forced meaning you cant skip someone you hate or just dont give a shit about, LIs are tied together so you have to progress one to do the one you want, its idiotic.
Game is sandbox but i couldent tell you why, since its 100% linear, or in other words a plain boring kinetic novel just with a shitload of grind added, you have no choices and 0 freedom which is what a sandbox is supposed to be about but nope, its the worst kind of sandbox.
Girls looks good art is nice but it takes to long to get anywhere and its just not fun doing stuff with people you dont want to do anything with and you cant avoid it.
Then theres the MC, hes nothing but a pervert and it gets to cringy all the time, he likes to spy on people, looking through keyholes and shit and again with 0 options not to do so, he also has multiple personalties going from all out pervert being with with molesting girls in their sleep, to being extremly unsure of him self and asking girls if they are sure or ready over and over, it just dosent work that way, its like MC acts like a dom when no one sees it and extremly submissive when theres people around.
Hes also a whimp with absoultly no backbone, he gets pushed over by dudes and even gets hes ass kicked by a girl, hes just no fun to play what so ever.
Not sure if it was ment to be a corruption thing with Mikasa but its just weird and is no where near corruption, she has no interrest in MC but wants to be with Eran, so now MC has to train her? starting with head pats and slooooooowly moving up the ladder to kissing and so on and MCs reasons is to corrupt her so she wont think about being with Eran and then stay with MC, it feels way to bland.
Alot of people seems to like it so maybe you will to, but for me its a pass i wouldent be able to stay awake long enough to finish this game.