Ren'Py - Attack on Survey Corps [v0.22.2] [AstroNut]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    Review: Attack on Survey Corps [v0.22.2] [AstroNut]

    I decided to write this review after seeing one below mine that was so awful, superficial, and poorly written that it shouldn't even be considered a review. Moreover, it's about time I wrote about this game that I've been following for years. Without further ado, I'll be as honest and sincere as possible.

    Positive Points
    What can I say about Attack on Survey Corps? First of all, I've been following this project since the early versions, with "V.0.6.2" being the one I remember the most, back in 2022. At that time, the character art was simple and disproportionate, with static animations and a visual that looked like a bunch of scribbles. Today, the leap in quality in the game's art is impressive. The developer has clearly worked hard on this aspect, and their dedication is visible. It's one of the few erotic games based on Shingeki no Kyojin, and seeing this evolution is gratifying.

    Negative Points
    Despite the improvements in art and animations, one element that hasn't changed significantly is the protagonist's (MC) sprite. While the female characters' sprites received a much more refined treatment, the MC continues with a simplistic and inferior design. The most frustrating thing is that his background story is practically a Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V of Eren and Mikasa's story, with only minor modifications to insert him into the game's universe. His sister was also created as an OC (original character), but, unlike him, she at least has a bit more originality.

    In terms of personality, the MC is simply irritating. He's a pervert who wants to conquer all the girls in the camp and quickly gives in to his desires, without any resistance or gradual development. He spies on the characters, peeks through keyholes, and, worse, the game doesn't give you the option to avoid these attitudes. Moreover, his personality is inconsistent: at times, he acts like a dominant when he's alone with the girls, but becomes an insecure submissive when he's in public. He's also physically weak, getting beaten up by other characters without any reaction, which makes him uninteresting to play.

    The game's story is quite simple and follows the MC and his sister entering the anime's timeline during the military training arc. The MC's relationship with the girls, however, is extremely forced. He becomes popular out of nowhere, just by helping Sasha with her hunger, and suddenly, all the girls fall in love with him for no apparent reason. It's cheesy and unconvincing. The way he "trains" Mikasa to help her get with Eren is also laughable.

    Another frustrating point is that the characters' routes are interconnected. To advance on Sasha, Hange, or the instructor's route, you need to advance on Mikasa's route first. Moreover, some routes are unavoidable, like Ymir's, which needs to be played for Historia's route to continue.

    Technically, the developer's choice to build the game on Ren'Py Nightly Builds versions is a biggest problem of the game. These versions are unstable and not recommended by either developers or modders. Because of this, it's not possible to use the Universal Ren'Py Modder (URM), an essential tool to reduce grinding in Ren'Py games. Without URM, the game becomes extremely tedious and repetitive.

    Another issue is that, apparently, the developer implemented some kind of DENUVO to prevent capturing screenshots in the game through the Ren'Py "S" key. Furthermore, the UnRen tool, which allows extracting images from the game, also doesn't work. This raises questions about the developer's transparency and intentions in preventing players from accessing and sharing images from the game.

    Finally, the New boot system for version 0.22.2 has become more problematic and irritating. Now, when opening the game, you need to select the arc you want to play, wait for the game to restart, and select the arc again to finally enter the gameplay. This happened because the first arc was finished and the developer chose to integrate the two arcs into the same game, instead of separating them into distinct titles. If they had divided Attack on Survey Corps Arc 1 and Arc 2 as separate games, this problem could have been avoided.

    Attack on Survey Corps has great potential and has shown significant evolution in its art and animations over the years. However, the generic story, the irritating and inconsistent protagonist, the forced relationships between the characters, and the developer's questionable technical decisions greatly harm the experience. The gameplay becomes tedious and full of unnecessary grinding, and some of the developer's choices, such as preventing screenshots, build game in Ren'Py Nightly Builds engine, and new game boot system, are a biggest negative point.

    If you're a fan of Shingeki no Kyojin and looking for a game with visually appealing art, it might be worth trying. But if you expect an engaging story, a charismatic protagonist, and more balanced gameplay, you'll probably be disappointed.

    Final score: ⭐⭐⭐ (3/5 stars)
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Where to begin. . . I'm not sure why this is rated so highly? The art quality is lower mid, the "animations" are awful, the story is. . . strange? The game is a pain to play and for some reason just feels bad. Like. Everything is slow to respond, I'm never exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing, annoying freeze frames galore. All for mid animations. The second chapter isn't nearly as bad. I'll update my review if they continue on and eventually replace the first few chapters with polished things. But as of right now, playing this game just feel bad.

    Also, dev. Replace those minigames. They're awful.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I really enjoy the artstyle of this game, there are some CGs that are kind of meh, but mostly are very well-made.

    The story follows the anime/manga very well while adding its own touch of creativity. I confess that I wish the protagonists weren't a Ctrl C + Ctrl V of Eren and Mikasa, but that's okay.

    The pacing is a bit slow, but tolerable.

    (I miss some scenes/dialogues the game had in it's first versions, but I get why they were removed. Still, that's frustrating.)

    Overall, It's a good game if you like Attack on Titan.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Story isent bad but it dosent really matter much when everything else is.

    All you do in this one is grind and grind then grind some more, each and every fucking girl is forced meaning you cant skip someone you hate or just dont give a shit about, LIs are tied together so you have to progress one to do the one you want, its idiotic.

    Game is sandbox but i couldent tell you why, since its 100% linear, or in other words a plain boring kinetic novel just with a shitload of grind added, you have no choices and 0 freedom which is what a sandbox is supposed to be about but nope, its the worst kind of sandbox.

    Girls looks good art is nice but it takes to long to get anywhere and its just not fun doing stuff with people you dont want to do anything with and you cant avoid it.

    Then theres the MC, hes nothing but a pervert and it gets to cringy all the time, he likes to spy on people, looking through keyholes and shit and again with 0 options not to do so, he also has multiple personalties going from all out pervert being with with molesting girls in their sleep, to being extremly unsure of him self and asking girls if they are sure or ready over and over, it just dosent work that way, its like MC acts like a dom when no one sees it and extremly submissive when theres people around.
    Hes also a whimp with absoultly no backbone, he gets pushed over by dudes and even gets hes ass kicked by a girl, hes just no fun to play what so ever.

    Not sure if it was ment to be a corruption thing with Mikasa but its just weird and is no where near corruption, she has no interrest in MC but wants to be with Eran, so now MC has to train her? starting with head pats and slooooooowly moving up the ladder to kissing and so on and MCs reasons is to corrupt her so she wont think about being with Eran and then stay with MC, it feels way to bland.

    Alot of people seems to like it so maybe you will to, but for me its a pass i wouldent be able to stay awake long enough to finish this game.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I wish there was an option to skip uninterested LIs storyline
    The player should not be forced to play all the storylines
    My three favorite storylines :
    Step Sis

    The story line of these three is very tense and exciting and deep, but the story line of other LIs is not given much importance or maybe their personality is not attractive

    If it is possible to skip the storyline of other characters in the future, I will increase my rating to 5 out of 5
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the game i would love if it have some fights against titan with some minigames, the game was pretty fun to play actually, the situations and the history is fun and interesting i hope it gets more updates soon
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Graphics are great and the idea to make a porn version of AoT is also good but the rest is just poor. Its biggest flaw is gameplay, we have to grind and grind and grind just to make a small step further. What's more we have to do it in a specific order and for example we need to advance Christa's story to advance Hange part. What's the point of making a game a sandbox if everything is linear anyway? Other than the game being dragged out so that suckers wouldn't notice it has almost no content and most of the time is wasted on doing same things again and again.

    Yeah, the game has little sexual content and to reach it we have to waste way too much time. In other words it's the worst kind of sandbox game. I would gladly give examples of sandbox games done right but unfortunately this is against reviewing rules so I'll leave it at that.

    In any case I can't recommend this game unless you're a Shingeki no Kyoujin psycho fan.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    As you can tell from the title, it's an Attack on Titan parody game that successfully incorporates its original content and the main character into the story. The narrative keeps you engaged and entertained, although adult content does require some grinding. However adult content is more than enough do not worry about that, due to mechanics like day cycles, you often need to grind to access adult scenes. If this attracts your interest, I recommend trying it out without hesitation.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I sipmly loved playing this game! The drawings are mostly really beautiful and it's really entertaining. I didn't get bored at any point and it's always funny to see how situations are gonna end up like.
    There is quite a lot of content (I finished it in like 4 hours at least) and there updates every two weeks or so.
    Honestly I'm pretty happy and I hope this game is going to get lot of content and donnations cause they deserve it!

    ps: I love Attack On Titans but I think you can still enjoy this game even if you don't know the anime. It's worth giving it a try at least. ^^
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    T J5020

    Very good AD for a 3 person team, well developed characters, art-work and storyline with in-game hints and with lots of content to keep you busy. Overall one of the best AD games I've played. Would recommend if a fan of Attack of the titans, but can be played without knowledge of this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Consistent updates, Great content and decent branching to keep it somewhat replayable. Definitely the best AoT porn game and I'd say one of the best porn VN's out today.

    Side Note: Mikasa and Annie are definitely the best content but the original characters add a lot to the world too
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    1 star - for the presence of animation
    2 stars - for the availability of the Android version
    3 stars - for beautifully drawn characters
    4 stars - for the plot, which I hope will only get better over time
    Overall, I was satisfied with the game
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This could be a really good game if the dev could make up their mind on how they want the MC to be. I actually really liked where this started and the parody of AOT, however, just like in many other games the MC just drags this game down. I feel like the devs don't know if he's a good guy or bad guy MC. If a person is willing to sneak up to girls while they're sleeping and molest them he sure as hell wouldn't care about whether or not they were ready to get fucked. Also, the constant "are you sure?", "We can stop if you want", "you don't have to" is so irritating and just used to drag out the plot. There's a difference between slow burn and padding out the length of a game. Despite being willing to touch a girl in her sleep the MC is the biggest pussy and it makes no sense the others are attracted to him. In the actual few instances where you can make him take control, he immediately backtracks and apologizes for doing so and promises to never do it again. It makes no sense. Also there are times where options are presented just to have the MC say no I can't do that. What was the point of that? Just saying that you're an asshole taking advantage of people doesn't make you an asshole taking advantage of people. I don't mind playing nice guy MCs and having a straight up romance, but then the MC needs to follow that path and shouldn't be touching girls in their sleep. If the MC is molesting them in their sleep he would have no problems cumming inside them even if they don't want him to, fucking them in their sleep, and being more dominant and forceful. I always think a MC can make or break a game and this one takes what could be a 4 or 5 star game and drags it down to a 2. If the goal is to make the MC a nice guy then it should still be toned down with all the questions and turning down sex. You don't have to constantly ask for consent during sex. This isn't real life we can get away with just asking once and assuming that the girls wants to do everything she is doing. Also the dialogue is weird as even after having sex the MC still exclaims that he's finally feeling a pussy for the first time when having sex again later. Promising game that is dragged down by a pussy, flip-floppy, non-sensical MC.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    As a big Attack on Titan fan, I was beyond excited to dive into this game, and it didn't disappoint. The character models, art, and animations were on point, perfectly capturing the essence of the original anime while adding a sexy twist. I especially loved Annie and Mikasa and the new path for Christa and Ymir. Their portrayals were brilliantly done, staying true to their characters and adding an extra layer of excitement to the game. I hope that future updates will bring even more content featuring them. All in all, Attack on Survey Corps exceeded my expectations, and kudos to the devs for creating such a captivating and enjoyable parody adventure!
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Attack on Survey Corps [v0.13.0 Beta]


    Gameplay basically consists of you looking at the questlog and you're going from A to B at a specific time of day to unlock scenes.
    There´s also a minigame where you have to click the arrow buttons while a timer is running out in training games and in some scenes, so you don´t get caught by the girls. It doesn´t feel that interesting or intuitive.
    You don´t have to do minigames that often, but having that on top of the basic sandbox mechanics makes the gameplay feel a bit tedious and grindy.

    The visuals look pretty good, but the models can look very inconsistent from scene to scene and in the questlog.
    Sex Scenes look pretty good though, but it takes a long time to get to the good scenes and not every girl has those yet.

    There´s not much of a Story to speak of here. You for whatever reason are allowed to sleep at the girl's dorm.
    You can molest the girls while they sleep and corrupt them to the point of them liking you and creating a sexual relationship with them, which takes quite some time.
    Some story arcs don´t make much sense and are not build that well, like you not wanting to perv on your sister to molesting your sister in her sleep and creating a common sexual interest without much of a buildup.
    But even there you don´t see a sex scene yet, but more vanilla stuff.

    I think this game, while having it´s issues, is still pretty good. But it could’ve been so much better if you get the pacing right and not have meaningless filler and instead somewhat meaningful story arcs. I still will follow the game's progress and see how the character arcs will continue.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    I rape mommy's

    Let me start with con bcuz there is none but still wt I felt a con is MC name cant be changed for some reason I don't know why cuz if you are a fan of attack on titan This game is a feast for all AOT fans so ofc u felt your name wanna be there but hey Thats all cons
    Well all of em are pros this gane models art animation everything at its peak
    It starts with slow pace but once you got it its so so addictive and man I cant just express how much I like this im really going to subscribe this guy cause its worth every penny.The pleasure this game gives is so enjoyable
    When I see its not a VN I got disappointed but when I installed and played fuck I really need grind cause this game grind is definitely needed
    Tags feel like I excepted and missed netorare,swinging ,multiple penetration and other orgies because there is a little tease in this game when interacting with jean those who played will know what I am speaking but its ok no problem this game scores good points on its way but yeah its just my personal opinion
    Lewd scenes : FAP ALERT !!! This game lewd scenes are so fappable and the sleepsex here is very hot man and gosh wow really damn I am impressed so yeah keep doing this job man expecting lot from you
    I hope there will be things that i missed will be in the future even its not duh its k so yeah kuddos to dev keep doing great work buddy.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Fap-able, despite the slow start.

    Good amount of content at this point (v0.12.2). Played it for 3+ hours and I have yet to finish it.

    The art is inconsistent at times but the h-scenes are mostly well drawn.

    There are some grammatical errors and Mikasa felt a bit out of character, but these can be overlooked.

    No major spoilers if you've watched season 1.

    This is a good, fap-able game. You'll like it if you've watched AoT.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Art is a mix of excellent and meh. Gameplays' a bit boring but writing is generally pretty solid. 'Combat' is pretty bad though: no SFX or bgm, slow 'animations' for every action, timer for inputs is a little shorter than comfortable for a porn game (and it might be the same time req regardless of input length), and for some reason the first 1/3 to 1/2 of the timer bar sometiems noregs the first few input, wasting time and potentially failing the input combo. 3.5 but I'll round up to 4 for now.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This game surprised me. The synopsis and example pictures do not to it justice.

    Art Style 5/5
    Character Model 4/5 (not all types are present)
    Lewd Art 4/5
    Scenery Art 5/5

    Sounds 4/5? I can't remember it now tbh
    Lewd Sounds 5/5

    Story 3/5 the story is not the reason to play
    Characters 5/5 the characters were all different and similar to their originals

    Gameplay 4/5 the series of unlocking things was actually pretty engaging
    UI 4/5
    Grind 4/5 All the grind was also the reward. This is how you do grind!

    Kinks/Fetishes 4/5 It had a few specific ones like training, sleep stuff, public, etc. It did them well. Nothing overly extreme.
    Lewd Frequency 5/5 It kept me happy
    Sex Quality 4/5

    Enjoyment 5/5
    It has a lot more content than I expected. Yet I want more.

  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Amazing game with a lot of horny content. The writing is quite good and the characters make sense. I applaud the author for including some more taboo fetishes and not being afraid to go into some a bit more in depth.
    Two things I'd personaly add are the ability to ping the current path/quest on the main screen so you don't need to open the notebook after every other encounter, and improve the variability of the different female character's "intimate places", for example, a bit more distinctive labia size for each girl, some pubic hair, color and such. But that's quite a minor nitpick and I know some people wouldn't agree/care. 10/10

    Since it seems now that the night scenes are most likely never coming back and new ones won't be made, I'm lowering the rating from 5 to 2 (and yes, I'm salty about the tag baiting me every update).