Hi. I hate to break it to you, but 98.9% of you are terrible at utilizing the English language. (Hopefully) Most of you are non-native speakers, which is fine, but what's not fine is that you don't seem to be using editors. The thing is, though, plenty of people, myself included, would be willing to help you out! I don't even think you'd actually need to pay anyone to do it, too. Please, please ask your patrons, or the simple folk on your game threads, if they'd like to help clean up any grammatical issues. It's not really that hard, just copy your dialogue into a text document, email it to someone, have it be corrected, and insert the corrections into the game. So easy even a caveman can do it. I know it's weird complaining about grammar when we're mainly supposed to just be getting of to them but, for fuck's sake, I feel dumb playing some of these, when I should merely feel like a pervert. Think about the grammar nazis aficionados, won't you?