RPGM - Completed - Auntie's First Mind Trick [v1.0] [DanGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Probably the best Dan game in terms of story and plausible story.

    The grinding was tough as always and the animations and milf were worse than in other games. Improvements in one side, failures on the other. Overall, average and not recommended ig you have other things to play.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I've been playing Dangames a lot lately, so I have a good grasp on his formula. While this particular entry doesn't elevate itself much above the other games, it does seem a bit more substantive than his normal output.

    There was actually a story this time, with an ending that I did not expect. Dialogue is still sparse, but it does show signs of improvement over his normal games.

    Animations were stiff as always, and the art was uninspired. He pretty much uses the same house layout for all of his games. I'm sure I have the layout memorized by now, as I've navigated it for at least half-a-dozen of his games.

    While this game does show limited improvement, I can't in good conscience call it good. Maybe soon his shovelware might reach the lofty goal of decent. For now, I'm willing to give it an extra star compared to what I usually rate his games, as I am seeing the starting signs of improvement.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is short.
    Only good thing is H-sean where average.
    The grind and gameplay is Repeative.
    Have total of 19 H-seans,4S-option.
    If u have played any game from this developer then its same just changed background and character model.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Really didn't care for this game. The story and characterization is non-existent beyond the opening introduction as neither of the characters even speak to each other at any time, nor does anything the PC do have any affect. You talk to the only woman in the game to initiate a mini-game to put her into a magical trance, watch a cut-scene, gain points towards leveling-up your powers to view new cutscenes, repeat until you've collected enough "points" to unlock the ending.

    It's a shame how shallow the game is considering it's completely focused on one location (the PC's home) and one woman, which meant that there was potential for lots of magical shenanigans' with multiple consequences and endings if the premise had been properly explored. Not a recommend.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolute dogshit "game".
    English is unreadable, gameplay is shit and boring.
    Art is mediocre but not enough to justify anything but a 1 / 5.

    It's the worst kind of RPG maker game, you just walk around, read the garbage English text and collect scenes. You can finish this "game" in less than 20 minutes.

    Also I hate that I have to proably invest more time into this review to post than the dev put into the English text.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Writing: 5/10
    Imagery: 7/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Kinks: 6/10
    Overall: 6/10

    Like their previous games, but with paralyzing magic this time.

    If you've played one DanGames game, you've played them all in same fashion. Their formula is the same. Introduce setting, meet characters, begin "gameplay", accrue points, unlock sexy times, reach max points, and active ending.

    Usually the endings are pretty "you win! You banged the hot girl, and she is not yours more or less", but in this particular game you do not win. Auntie becomes a crazed sex demon and sucks the life out of you, the end. Kind of a weird ending, but clearly this was released around Halloween for a reason.

    Overall I would have preferred full on Time Stop magic instead of this weird paralysis magic, since doing things to auntie early on without enough "good boy" points will result in the MC being arrested for being a creep.

    Model for the aunt is pretty damn hot, and if there is one thing good about DanGames, he knows how to make his women sexy AF.

    A rather average experience from them in the end.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a 4 star game, but forcing us to repeat needlessly makes it 3 stars
    The game is short, there are short games it happens, forcing the player to repeat won't make it longer.
    The female is top notch
    the story, there is no story, but you won't mind that really
    the scenes there is about 19 scenes or so.
    the animation is good, but the scenes aren't long.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    very good i wanna make sure this developer is going to update us this or more games because i f. love this genres, there`s absolutely beauty is big ass, futanari, more incest more parents, animated scenes pov and change the visual