Unity - Completed - Aura: Hentai Cards - Divine Edition [v1.6 + 5 DLCs] [AniCore Team]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A meh game. Play on easy and enjoy what story and animation is here. Took a few hours to beat while reading the story. Maybe less than an hour if you skip the story and DLC.

    The card battling is not just another copy of slay the spire - it's somehow both more complicated and overly simplified. Your personal stats apply to a card, so upping your strength adds a flat +dmg to all dmg cards. You can also permanently raise the amount of mana you get each round, allowing you to use more expensive cards. You can also discard cards for +1 mana and draw another card at a cost of 2 mana, leading to an interesting mercy mechanic of trying for that card you need to win. Blocking is based on damage type not value, and both player and enemies can have innate resistances to dmg types. However, the cards themselves are not interesting. Most are dmg, shields, heals, or +dmg bonus. The +dmg bonuses are, to my knowledge after beating the game, useless. They do not benefit from strength, they are expensive, and they use a card draw - it's better to just hit the opponent. Healing I didn't find useful as my goal was just to use the cheap shield cards and my best attack card. It would be nice to see strategic possibilities, but this isn't that kind of game.

    A separate paragraph for this one: some cards (two, AFAIK) have a "opponent misses their turn" mechanic. This mechanic is entirely cosmetic. The opponent does not miss their turn. I tested this repeatedly. The mechanic does not work. It just doesn't work.

    There's another card that has a 93% chance to do nothing, and it's not a cheap card. It has a 7% chance to deal 25% of the opponent's total health. Doing some math, that means using this card 58 times to win one battle, if you deal no other damage. It's certainly a different card, but it is completely worthless.

    The overworld and cities have quests. These are not repeatable, and you don't know the consequences of your choices until you choose. AFAIK, there is no way to save scum these. In the final town, I did all five job board quests and failed each one. There's no lore to interact with, no characters to learn about elsewhere, no hints at all. Sometimes the choice is a binary "go left" or "go right". Get it wrong, you lose. This is the only way to get many outfits in the game, which can give resistances and powerful cards.

    The save system would have also been useful for making choices dealing with the final box of the DLC and seeing the results of the other choice, but it's not manually usable to set save points. I'm not playing through this entire game again just to see that. Nice save system, can we use it?

    The game does try to tell you what enemy you will be fighting when doing story missions, but it doesn't work well. It's more telling you about the character you'll be talking with at the start, and *maybe* you'll fight them. Sometimes you'll be fighting someone else, and the deck you made can't handle them! Why pretend to give more info and then have it be wrong?

    The DLC areas are not marked and unlock without notice. For 2 of them (Snowland and Kong Gong), you get locked into the area and cannot leave to grind or get items. There's a helpful popup that informs you of this...AFTER you enter the area. Why not a warning box with a YES / NO choice before?

    Lots of mistakes that were made entirely on purpose sink a good game down to mediocre. 3/5.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a solid game that offers a catchy yet simple gameplay mechanic. However, after a while, the mechanics become plain, resulting in players recycling the simplest decks to minimize time spent in combat as it becomes highly repetitive.

    The story idea is solid, but the lack of depth in both the goddess and the MC’s characterization weakens the overall narrative. This left me questioning the purpose of my efforts and what the higher aim was supposed to be. On the bright side, the side characters felt well-developed, and I enjoyed the individual location stories, which gave the love interests solid personalities. Unfortunately, the main character’s extreme social awkwardness made it difficult for me to stay engaged in the dialogue, and I often found myself tempted to hold "Ctrl" to skip through it.

    On the upside, the pornographic content is excellent. Both the scenes and the cards feature great visuals. The general game graphics are solid as well, though the card images aren’t particularly special, and the combat backgrounds feel plain. The saving grace during combat is the opponents’ reactions to taking damage, such as losing clothing, which adds a fun touch.

    Overall, I’d call it a very "okay-ish" game that doesn’t go much beyond an average experience. That said, I wouldn’t want to discourage anyone from giving it a try.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It is not to deep but the gameplay is always appreciated among this sea of visual novels.

    Designs are good and so is the pacing. Animations could be a little more ambitious but overall its good.
    A small 3-5h experience that is pleasant and fun.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Its an alright game, the combat is easy, I didn't pay much attention to the story if there is one and it doesn't take long to beat, for the people who just want it for the women then I guess you'll like it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is a real paradise for the eyes, because here you will find a huge number of beautiful waifus <3 the game can be completed quickly but at the same time there is a lot of content and variety to enjoy :sneaky:
    in fact, it's incredibly fun to fight because the dialogues are amusingly written out and the card action gives you the feeling of an exciting strategy
    anyways if you're like me and you're attracted to anime style and beautiful female characters then you've come to the right place
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring sex scenes
    All cards do the same thing (dmg or block)
    Worthless side content made to waste time

    Nothing in this game is good enough to recomend to anyone. If you like art just look up the full gallery showcase.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    You can see whole content in like 30 minutes spamming one card and boosting only strength. Girls and scenes are pretty mediocre, aside from the dragon girl, which probably is mediocre too, but i love that tail and her feet.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a short game, about 5h to complete everything and unlock everything in gallery.
    Overall the game has nice art (artbook in the bonus section if that's your thing) but wonky mechanic. Damage type are divided into 2 types : physical and magic then you add your stat on it. Problem is your stat are way higher than the bonus damage on the card so the most effective way is to only use the lest expansive damage card. That way you one shot everything.
    For a total of 19 cards ending up using only 3 is a bit of a shame.

    There are nice idea like adding card depending on your costume but with the failed combat mechanics it's completely useless.
    There are a few bug here and there but you just have to go back to main screen and reload your save to get it fixed.

    It's not a bad game nor a good one and if I could I would have put 2.5 but well i did not pay this game so let's put a 3.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    -It's different from most games.
    -The art style is beautiful.

    -Boring story.
    -Boring gameplay.
    -Animations are short and shallow.
    -Gameplay does not feel "smooth".

    Overall I like the art style, but it would be better suited as a galley rather than a game. There are little to no cards to choose from, and you have to beat each character three times with a deck made up of three cards. You can unlock another couple of cards, but honestly, there needs to be hundreds if not thousands of cards for a game like this to be fun. Especially if they want to sell it. The game is needlessly grindy. It's one of those games where it seems like, (and I am not saying that it is, only that it seems like) the developers think the sex scenes are such amazing rewards, that players will happily grind away for hours to unlock them, even though each scene is just a loop on repeat.
    The story is shallow at best. There is no consistency between characters, or story between battles. Just a few sentences to reference something new and that's it. No date scenes, no romance, no new locations. No reason or feel of progress.
    It's very flashy up front, but ultimately very disappointing.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Dull is a great word for this game. The mechanics and story are uninspired, the scenes are pretty, but terribly vanilla, and it never feels sexy. Pass on this one.

    After playing for an hour or so, the only scenes come after beating each heroine three times. They come with no dialogue, no way of speeding up or skipping past, and are awfully vanilla. They look good enough, and would be fine if they weren't simply boring.

    The mechanics don't function like a typical card-battler, and aren't engaging. It feels like they could be, but they just don't excite or tease possibility. Perhaps it's because they have nothing to do with the story, and aren't sexy in the least.

    The story is the most fleshed-out, at least in terms of dialogue. There's plenty of conversation happening between the main character and the heroines. It's the standard "Chosen One" shtick, complete with heroines who are attracted to the MC for no reason. Like the mechanics and h-scenes, there isn't anything there that's special or engaging.

    Since it doesn't function as a card battler, story delivery device, or porn delivery device, I can think of no reason to recommend this to anyone. It feels like there could have been something here, it's just too bad it never manifested.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The degree to which they had to try to make a card battler mechanic NOT interesting is frankly astounding. Just letting the player do Solitaire or Uno would be 20x more engaging than this shit.

    Combine that with non existent story and paper thin animations and you have another game churned out overnight to make a buck from the steam stooges.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Played game version 1.0 - Divine Edition

    I like to do my reviews with three different categories, The Good, which are things that the game does well, (pros). The Bad, things that the game does badly, but aren't a big deal and are just me nitpicking (minor cons). The Ugly, these are things that really ruin the experience or make the game not worth playing, with that being said these might not deter you from playing the game.

    The Good:

    - Artwork is very nice

    The Bad:

    -The speed of the sex animations doesn't change much between the 1x speed and 2x speed options.

    -More than a handful of spelling errors and grammar mistakes, I don't think that the dev's native language is English, regardless in my opinion you should always have somebody proofread your work, regardless if you're a native or non-native English speaker.

    - The Agile Killer and Master Marksman Equipment (which should've been named Outfits in my opinion) block the textboxes, doesn't make the words ineligible to read, but it's kind of annoying to look at.

    - Lockpicks are called Picklocks for some odd reason, and they're drawn like old keys.

    - The quests in the town and in the world map can be exited out of, allowing you to restart the quest in case you selected the wrong option or don't have the stat required to select a specific option.

    - The Equipment is completely useless in my opinion, as you'll probably only use 1 of the 6 Equipment throughout most of or throughout the whole game.

    The Ugly:

    - I don't think that the game dev has ever played a card battle game before, as normally in a card battle game the amount of specific cards you have in your deck influence the likelihood of drawing said cards. You only get to put nine cards in your deck and it doesn't matter if you put one card in your deck, because somehow you can magically pull three of those cards from your deck despite only putting one in deck

    - There's a card called "Murder in the Shadows" which has a 10% chance at instantly defeating an enemy, after you get this card from the second town and you combine it with a bunch of Elixers of Mana and the game becomes pitifully easy, even if the 10% instant death doesn't activate, it still does decent enough damage to defeat any opponent, I defeated the final boss with a deck comprised of only this card and even though the instant death effect never activated, I defeated her in three turns with the help of some Elixers of Mana.

    - The game sometimes doesn't progress its story after defeating an opponent, so I have to exit the program and restart it to fix the problem.

    -One card is called Quick Paws, its description is similar other cards, it says it gives you 20 physical and magic damage, which normally means it makes your next physical or magic attack deals 20 more damage, well in the case of Quick Paws, it deals 20 physical and magic damage, so I was cofused when I used it and instead of buffing my damage like the other cards that says it gives you physical and/or magic damage, it actually just deals damage!

    TL;DR: A very average game, it isn't too long, so you can give it a shot if you want.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has excellent arts! Possibly the best 2D girls there ever seen. Card combat is not perfect yet, but I'll give it a chance because it's demo build. Developer promises a lot of girls at release, I hope that he'll design it. I also liked hacking chests, it's similar to TES games.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The writing is very poor, and so is the gameplay: instead of having "hentai cards" as the title suggests, you're basically playing rock, paper, scissors with cards that don't trigger any lewd content.

    Once you get past this terrible part, you get rewarded with some generic CG. Rinse and repeat.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is straight garbage that it doesn't deserve a proper review.
    The dialogue feels like it got written by a 12 year old.
    The combat is literal bs,one of the girls can spam shield to the point that you can't do any damage on them with your limited move set and is not worth trying to beat the system just to get some mediocre scene as a reward.
    The only good thing about this game is the art same with their last game wanderer and oh lets not forget how the game just randomly spews onto your face that one of the girls which are part of the main cast got hard r by demons,the same curse as their last game(Main girls of that game got boned by old men).
    I would not recommend playing this,such a waste of talent and this game is clearly for people who like being miserable.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I played several hours and I think this is a nice game! I'm waiting for the full version on Steam, I think I'll buy it. I noted the good card combat, beautiful 2D arts and animations. I hope developers will make a lot of monster girls in the completed game
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Even if you pick the right cards (which are rng based mind you) it only seems to do damage at random. How is this even a game? I tried to play this, but is just a shore since it feels like you aren't improving, is worse than rock paper scissors.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    A card game that has no strategy. So as far as the gameplay goes it's essentially flipping a coin over and over again. Scenes are alright I suppose, I like the art style but getting to them is kind of meh.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I finally got through the demo version of this game and want to share my impressions with you.

    First of all, the art here is amazing, Wanderer Studios holds the bar. The backgrounds, the characters, etc. are all of good quality. This is very important for games of this genre.

    The story here is about an ordinary farmer who is lucky enough to get the power thanks to the goddess, and with her help he has to defeat the queen of demons. This concept is used in many games with fantasy genre, now it is difficult to evaluate it, because we only have the prologue of the game.

    The gameplay has the potential to be based on a rock-paper-scissors game, but now too much depends on the luck aspect, you discard 3 cards every turn and find yourself defeating your opponent, of course there are potions and skills that diversify the gameplay a bit, but now it's a bit boring. I hope the developers will listen to the players and change the game for release.

    I will follow the game and wait for future updates.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Sooooo GracefulDarkness has already highlighted several issues that i have with the game as well on page 2 and i'll go over them here as well.

    1. The "Combat" is extremely uninspiring and overall just not fun to play whatsoever. The 5-way Rock-Paper-Scissors concept is interesting but because the player has absolutely no way of telling what their opponents has as well as their own hand being randomized each turn, it just devolves into a RNG-riddled spam fest where you just throw cards and pray you can get some damage off. I had to fight the Knight Commander multiple times purely because of this RNG and i was fed up with the game by the time i finished. There is no thinking involved here, you can't when you have so little information to go off especially with the next point i have to make.

    2. The next biggest issue is the opponent being able to spam their skills wherever they want like it has a real time cooldown timer while you're restricted by MP is also beyond frustrating. Because these skills can provided shields or do damage to you, it only reinforces the high speed spray and pray method of playing. You don't want to waste choosing what card to use because your opponent can end up with an overwhelming advantage. for example, it seems the Knight Commander throws out her damage skill every 15-20 seconds. I even started the fight and just did nothing and they were throwing their skills whenever 15-20 seconds even though neither of us played a single card.

    3. And all of this just to get to the erotic content that i'm sure is what most players are after. Because of the way the combat is designed, this makes getting to the hentai scenes what i can generously call a painful grind at best. For those that are not after the porn but the gameplay, yea welcome to RNG hell, enjoy your stay.

    4. Then there is the English translation. I won't give the devs too much flak here, making a game in different languages or translating it from one language to another can be painful. It's mostly decent but some bits can be improved upon

    5. Finally there is the art. I won't go around accusing everyone of it but it feels like AI. The artstyle just gives off that vibe to me and i'm not really interested nor motivated enough to pore over every single detail to confirm if it is or isn't. If it isn't AI, then the art doesn't feel that inspiring. If it is AI, then please mark it as so. Not everyone enjoys AI art.

    Of course this is just an alpha so changes can happen with suggestions. As for any suggestions i have, the first and foremost would be at the very least, give the player an indication of what could possible be in the opponent's hand. Like something over the enemy's head that tells what they have in their hand and how many during combat or a warning before the fight starts that says "This character loves using this and that element". That would make the combat infinitely better. The second suggestion would be to remove real time cooldown tied to the enemy's skills. The first suggestion would encourage players to stop and think but that can't happen if the enemy is throwing on a shield or hitting you with their skill damage every 20 or so seconds. Instead, it would be best to just tie the skills to a turn countdown. For example, the Knight Commander can throw out her damage skill at the end of every 4 turns. That way, the player can know when to save a heal in order to counter the damage taken and also allow them to actually slow down and think about their move. Also the art can be improved if it's not AI. There is potential here.

    Edit: this review is for Alpha 0.1