Version Played: 23.1 Public
I just reliased I've never put out a review for this game, which is disgraceful on my part, because this game is amazing.
Characters: Absolutely ace. The characters are all great, everyone is clearly distinct from each other, and getting to know them and their stories is genuinely entertaining. A question I ask myself in my own projects like this; would I want to play this, if there was no porn in it?
For Auerlia: it's an easy yes. There would be a bit less to do, and hopefully that would be filled with more content in such a situation, but I would play this game almost as it is as a clean version, with no knowledge of such filth, and I'd enjoy it. To keep the record straight, I'm very happy it is a lewd one, but yeah, it's fucking good.
Renders: Ace. This game puts the art into pixel art. Beautiful scenes and characters, all lovingly rendered in a damn high fidelity, and unique style. 10/10
Story and Writing: It's good. Perhaps the weakest part, If I really had to pick, but it's captivating enough, and enjoyable even without the porn, as mentioned. But the porn is fucking great though.
The Sex: Amazing. Scenes easily replayable and findable, bountiful gallery of gorgeous scenes. I didn't mention it in graphics, but the animation in this thing is just *chefs kiss*
Mechanics and Gameplay: Perhaps the other contender for the weakest part. There is a fair amount of varied gameplay here, if you consider the mini games - but the enjoyabilty is going to vary from person to person. I'm a fan of the tower defence and Melkors tomb as it's improved, but the running game really didn't do it for me.
The majority of the game is pretty classic VN/Point and Click - the graphics really making me think of clasicc point and clicks, even though I didn't play many of those. This part is done fantastically.
Closing Notes and Thoughts: I normally write longer reviews, and go a bit more in depth... but I've barely a bad thing to say about Aurelia. My criticism, constructive or otherwise, is entirely limited. Basically, you should stop reading anything on this forum, download this from Mithrals Itch page, and have a blast. I'm not currently supporting anyone on patreon, but Mithral is one of the devs I did support - and will again once I have more spare cash.