Sounds like you've thought it out pretty well. I am extremely impressed if you can put out that much content consistently (avg english reading spead is a little over 200 words per minute which means you're writing around 120K words every couple weeks). I definitely wouldn't put pressure on yourself to put out that much content as writing blocks can crop up or it might get slowed down focusing on the different paths you take and I would feel bad if you felt like you weren't putting out as much as you feel you should or risked burning yourself out. But I'm super excited if you are able to generate a huge amount (web novels and light novels are one of my favorite ways to relax and unwind, but waiting for the next snippet is soooo frustrating).
I wouldn't worry too much about how long it will take to complete the game. So long as you are consistent with releases and keep engaging the fans of your work people are pretty loyal and will stick around for as long as it takes to put out a good project. Doubly so if you are planning to hire/work with others as their time can slow down your output and make you feel frustrated.
As for art or visual novel side of things, that is a wonderful goal to have (I'm a very visual person hence my suggestion focusing on the layout of the pages). You might want to look into the
recruitment section to see if there are any editors (super useful to have an outside opinion when you're writing as much as you are) or possibly an artist that might be willing to help out for free. I know art wise it probably wouldn't be enough to do a full fledged visual novel, but you might be able to get some page art or a random scene piece here or there to add to the pages to help break up the text a bit.
The snippets I've seen so far are really interesting world building and action. I might suggest also tossing up a screen shot of a smut scene or two if you have any you are proud of (currently you're showing 2 world building, 1 character interaction, and 1 combat scene but no smut) as writing styles vary quite a bit depending on what is going on in the scene. For example, I'm decent at world build and combat writing, but crap when it comes to dialogue or non-combat interaction between people (my characters always feel a bit wooden when I read what I've written outside of combat). That might also help draw in some others who like text based and use the screenshots to see if they like what they see enough to give it a try.
I also agree completely with you about pointless choices (that's a pet peeve of mine). Choices should only appear when it is genuinely relevant to a story and they MUST change something. So many VNs put in those flavor choices or completely meaningless choices and that is so frustrating. If a choice doesn't have consequences that change something then just get rid of it. *hops on a soap box and goes into a mouth frothing rant about fake VN choices*
If I get some spare time this weekend I'll give it a go and let you know what I think of it after I've had a chance to dig into it.