RPGM - Completed - Avarice Dungeon [v1.101] [RR Research Society]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Dumpsterfire, bad UI, MTL, non-existing story, forgot to mention again MTL, poor try of a card game, didn't like it even at a first glance and decided to try it. Disappointing gameplay overall a shit game.
    Likes: ubira
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Looking foward for more games like these, has all the tags i like and the gameplay is pretty good, quick to finish thought.
    Can only hope for update or a newgame form this creator
    If anyone knows a game similar to this or if the game is gonna get a sequel/updates, please let me know
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I will start this by saying that I do not take MTL into consideration when voting because the alternative to it would probably be no translation which means I wouldn't be able to play the game at all. So even though the MTL is bad it is way better than having no translation whatsoever.

    The game is kind of difficult until you get the gist of it but I like this because this is the type game where you have to lose to see the scenes. In games like this I always prefer to see scenes by actually losing instead of having to lose on purpose. Unfortunately for my amusement the difficulty decreases expodentially once you figure out how things work even on Hard difficulty (with a few enemies being exceptions). There are some characters I really like (like the Mimic for example) but they are so laughably easy to defeat that it kills the atmosphere. That said things can still get difficult at times and a lot of the fights won't be TOO easy if you aren't doing a long dungeon run.

    Now it may be my lack of experience here but I find it extremely rare to see a femdom focused game such as this that is not only finished but it also has A LOT of content with ALL of the scenes being animated. This is one of the biggest reasons that I give this 5 stars just because of how grateful I am to it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Being a huge fan of deckbuilding roguelikes, I really WANT to like this game. It ticks all the boxes, actual gameplay, great art (and animated at that), feels like discount Slay the Spire, but with boobs! The game definitely has massive potential but there's a few things holding it back.

    1- some of the enemy mechanics are just either too ambitious or are too overly complicated for their own good. Most aren't too bad but there are a choice few that are just waaaaay too involved for reasons I'll get into later.

    2- card diversity is extremely limited, leading to there basically being one 'winning' archetype for each class. You hit the cards that steamroll in the late game or you're gonna have a rough go

    3-a few technical issues kind of drag it down a bit, probably once again related to the reasons I'll get into later. Font size on cards is a bit small and hard to read, and some of the enemies (namely heart girl) just outright crash the game... all most likely due to...

    4-the MTL. Oh god the MTL. This is what's holding the game back from being more than a middling 3/5. If I didn't have as much experience with deckbuilders and kind of have a feel for what the mechanics would be, it'd be even rougher to get through, but this is where the game's ambition becomes it's weakness. the MTL just isn't enough to properly explain core mechanics that NEED to be explained. How do you deal with the heart girl and how to the cards having hearts on them affect things? I still haven't worked it out. How do the strings work for the fortune teller fight? Maybe you have to manage how many strings are on there using the one replenishing card but aside from that, no clue, especially with how her fortunes play into things. How long does the mind control of the priestess take to kick in and what exactly do stacks of statuses translate to in meaningful terms? who the fuck knows. The real challenge of this game comes from deciphering the cryptic mess that is the MTL.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. I put like 10-20 hours in it for sure.
    Don't listen to the haters claiming 'its too hard, waaah mommy i hit attack every turn and lost!"
    They are bad. I beat every chapter on hard mode. (though to be honest I grew bored before finishing the last chapter, there are definite negatives to this game.)
    Every enemy in this game is unique and has a unique combat system that changes how you fight them. If you completely ignore that system and just attack attack attack, you'll probably lose. That said, a lot of the permanent upgrades kinda make a lot of enemies trivial and you actually do beat most enemies by just hitting them hard as crap really fast. The amount of times I lost against enemies with 1hp left though is kinda infuriating.

    Mainly I say this would be 5 stars cause its a real game with actual gameplay (slay the spire style) and hot hentai scenes with gorgeous women and animated sex scenes and most importantly, very varied fetishes. A lot of different stuff here and it is pretty exciting to being dominated in battle as your loss becomes inevitable to their tricksy moves. Kind of reminds me of Tower of Trample.

    but on the negative side, the MTL sucks and you have to ignore the constant use of wrong genders, things not making sense from time to time, the card descriptions being difficult to read or understand, and on the subject of cards there basically aren't a lot of cards per weapon, mostly you just have 1 build possible and that's it. Also a lot of cards are completely underwhelming. The sex scenes are also kinda underwhelming because you know its going to be just 1 picture animated with MTL text that ain't great.
    Still i really enjoyed seeing all the different enemy types and playing through trying all the different weapons and builds and seeing all the unique combat styles of different enemies. Very worth playing and I want more like it, just, you know, better
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    great art, interesting plot, decent difficulty... and then you get to the boss... at first I thought I was playing wrong... I thought I made a mistake somewhere... I came to the boss again and again... I didn't use resurrections thinking that it would be uninteresting and would not allow you to learn how to play... in fact, it turned out that this game is one of those where even hacking will not allow you to win... why? everything is simple: the very first boss, upon reaching a certain level of health, takes the player into a “capture”... in order to break out of it you need to use a special card that will be added to your deck... exactly what is in the deck... because that in the capture you will have 5 boss cards in your hand... to draw a card from the deck you must use at least one of the cards in your hand... but you can't do this because it will lead to instant defeat... so you find yourself in a situation where all you can do is either wait for a slow defeat when you will run out of HP... or use a card from your hand to end your suffering... and you still remember what I said about cheats? waiting is not an option! 150 turns with immortality, but they still held me back, and I still only had 5 instant death cards in my hand... but you know... that's not the main problem of the game...
    because in the end I was lucky, I managed to get to the right moment and the right card came exactly when it was needed, namely at the moment of capture... which means the game is passable... if you are very lucky... the main problem of the game its bugs... for example, the “rules” may “change”... a familiar card that inflicted 72 units of damage on the enemy may suddenly inflict it not on the enemy, but on you... or by using a card with a cost of 1, you will spend 3 energy.. .or you will start the turn with 9/3 energy... or with 0/3... or just skip the first 4 turns in the battle... you could attribute this to negative statuses, but... the joke is that they are it wasn’t...it’s just that the game decided that this particular time everything would go wrong...

    the best game about dominating a player, 146/10! so download it quickly, it’s not for nothing that you are whining of a person without the right to vote XD
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    It blows my mind that anyone would give this game more than a single star, let alone three. It's 3.5gbs and there's essentially no art diversity whatsoever. That is an absurdly large size for a game that uses the same single image per character no matter what they do. This is yet another trashfire wannabe lewd slay the spire in which, regardless of the situation, the character on screen just zooms in during """"sex"""". Handjob? Zoom in. Oral? Zoom in. Full on sex? Zoom in. No picture changes.

    It's proven now. This dev is consistently horrid. They make cheap, lazy, poorly made games that somehow have enough of a draw to warrant some degree of profit. I've played AI slop with more effort than this. That's a statement I absolutely hate having to say.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a nice femdom game. It has some really good game mechanics which integrate the H-Scene amazingly. Almost every enemy has a unique gameplay and you actually need to use your big brain to beat them, maybe too much. The gameplay can become really hard very quickly and at about half the story I had to grind the previous levels just to be able to continue.
    The H-Scene are pretty nice, there is a high variety of fetishes regarding femdom and a focus on bad statuses and restraints. All scenes are animated but the movements are quite stale. The dialogues are ruined by the awful MTL.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Get good passives and cards on first run on Chapter 2, absolutely steamroll the run and on the way to beat the boss.
    It's stuck on 1hp, invulnerable & spamming status-cards on loop.

    You're forced to lose the first boss fight in a deckbuilding game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I finish all bosses as hard mode

    battle is good even with perm debuff they don't effect gamplay that largely as you can remove later and not game changing loss even if you max lust to 100 or cam to 100 it also does not matter as it will remove after few turns. the only thing to worry is health

    the translation is good i got hard on few encounter

    if you got capture or defeated that's the only animation also they are same animation which is boring but hey there's a lot of girls.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    decent little rougelike deck builder, mostly only "captured" skills have animations for each girl(when your heart meter reaches 100), translation is about as rough as you'd expect. encountered a few bugs in chapter 5 out of 7, but honestly nothing the games generous auto saves or respawns(in easy mode, which is honestly how i'd recommend the game)

    for the people clicking for the mind control tag, Bubble Girl in chapter 1, the Heart Girl in chapter 3(although she crashed the game during her ending and its replicable, definitely needs patched) and the nun and dark elf bosses, all have their own hypnosis mechanics. and those are just the ones i remember encountering.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't normally play Male-led games, but one of the things that attracts me is well written mind control. This is...mind control consistent with other MSub games I've played, at least.

    Another one of those Slay the Spire games, Avarice Dungeon has you get involved with...the concubine's power? (Don't worry, we'll get there) as you search for seven gems. Each gem is held by a boss at the end of a dungeon; you advance through the dungeon, fighting enemies of various strength fof various rewards; the stronger the mook the stronger the reward, which is often a card but sometimes a passive skill, along with coins to use at a shop.

    The normal, elite, and boss battles each have individual mechanics that attempt to manipulate your deck in some way; either cards they'll force you to play or cards you don't want to keep in your hand. It becomes a game of building a good deck and trading off using cost to discard bad cards and attack with your good cards. This concept is what drew me to the game in the first place, and I'm glad to say that both it and the bad statuses are executed well; this is not a game that you can just mindlessly blow through, even on easy.

    How much you enjoy the H-aspect of the game is going to really depend on how you feel about the fetishes presented. The game has a distinct masochistic bent, with breath-play and sadomasochism among your encounters, though hypnosis/brainwash is one of the most common, and often leads into the other fetishes (including lingering status effects that make it harder to fight even after winning a battle).

    Outside of purely subjective fetish areas, this game suffers from two major problems. First: the translation. It's a machine translation. Japanese is a difficult language to 1:1 into most romance languages, including English, and that's pretty heavily displayed here. It's not unreadable, you can usually understand what's happening, but very frequently the grammar is just weird (though it is a nice change to see a male get 'blamed' for once). I don't doubt for a second that a Machine Learning Tool that was trained only on Japanese-English translations for quite some time would be good at the job, but we're not there yet.

    The second issue may well be related to the first: the images are buggy as hell. There's one encounter that's unusable after a certain point, I've had enemies linger on screen far past their battle, and certain cards will lead into an 'image not found' loop that won't go away until the game is closed and reopened. It is possible to clear the game still, and that's what counts for me, but it is frustrating.

    If you can get over the bugs and the translations, there may be something here for you: the artwork is good, not AI for once, and if you're into the fetishes this game features, you're probably going to have a good time. But unless you're really into submissive man and having your deck manipulated, this is probably a pass.
  13. 1.00 star(s)

    Illidan No Women 10000

    Hello my fellow degenerates! It's me, Illidan. Today i will review this piece of MTL and overally pretty meh hgame. I will rate this game by such categories : Translation, story, gameplay, hscenes/animations

    Let's start!

    Translation 0/5 - This translation horrible asf. Some choices not even translated, like during rest. Well, it's obviously fault of MTL, which was used to translate this game. Could have at least put English(MTL) here...

    Story 1/5 - Man... This story... It's so bad!!! There is nonexistent story in 5 story mod chapters i completed. I am so fed up with lack of story and bad gameplay, that it made me leave without even completing the game. Maybe it's heavily influenced by MTL, which makes everything incomprehensible.

    Gameplay 1.5/5 - Man... The one who designed mobs and their mechanics, on top of high HP is a madman, which never played normal games. Let's see.... Let's take a mob with 3.6k hp on 2st story chapter. You ideally deal 200-300 damage in 1 turn. But what if.... SHE INCREASE COST OF HALF CARDS IN YOUR HANDS(every 1-2 turns). I don't even mention first story chapter boss, which can straight ruin everything if you get for no reason, status which makes chance to struggle 0%. Or when at last phase, you must use card struggle in deck., while all your attacks will be converted into their ero attacks. It's so fucking stupid and terrible. We have better example with this hgame - "Lost Chapter". Another roguelike card game, which kinda slow, but doesn't do same shit as this game.

    You might say : "Oh, but you can choose where to go, blablabla."

    I will say : So you wish to fight enemies which increase cost of half of your cards, when your max limit is 5 cards? High HP, guaranteed grabs after certain status effects and simply bad UI? Well, good luck to you mate. :confused:

    Game which i mentioned:

    I don't say that this game is 100% better, but it's less annoying comparing to Avarice
    Completed 5 chapters on hard difficulty

    EDITED : I forgot to mention that most of non standard enemies. DEAL PLEASURE DAMAGE, making phys damage as somekind of rare attack...

    Hscenes/animations 2-4/5 - For someone such game might have good battle fuck or even animations. But i see simply moving closer image of enemy and changing face, in case of first boss. Some other mobs have different animations in case of grabbing MC. But they also done kinda... Poorly. It's simply up and down animation in some cases.

    Conclusion 1/5 - This game doesn't deserve your attention, if you want to complete somewhat decently, without taking much ero damage. And overally it's very annoying to play on hard difficulty. There might be different result with easy mod. But this game still have terrible translation and nonexistent story, so as maximum it could have get 1.5 or even 2 out of 5.