Wolf RPG - Completed - Ayura Crisis! [v1.18] [Above a Damage Tile]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice, if short. I've seen oppai loli before,but thic loli is a first for me, and i liike it. Combat is responsive and fluid, pretty original way of unlocking sexy stuff - through various debuff states, changeable difficulty... Give it a try.

    Only major con i can name is censorship - pretty heavy, and you can just see how good the animations would've been without. But hey,at least you know it's censored with love, because it's heart insteads of black bar.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A pixel-art side-scroller... Beat em Up? The graphics and animation are superb, with animations for almost every combination of clothes the main character can be wearing at the time. The mechanics in itself are fantastic. For the most part, the game plays like a Beat em Up with only one lane. The available attacks link to each other to make combos, based on the direction pressed at the time of attacking. When levelling up, the character gets higher stats and more combo potential, able to go from 3 consecutive hits to up to 6 (far as I got.)
    When it comes to the lewdness, the game also shines with variety of enemies, fetishes and positions. Several status effects will influence Ayura's behaviour and abilities, most of them inflicted upon her by enemies or traps. The more sexual experiences she has, the higher her 'Skills' go. These skills mostly make her more sensitive to sexual approaches and more status effects.
    Lastly, for quality of life and replayability... The levels are infinitely replayable, the Gallery room is unlocked upon the first complete run and many enemies have different animation depending on the character's status, some of which she obtains upon losing to certain bosses.
    In conclusion: A must have for anyone who likes lewd games. Even if you don't care for the lewdness, the game is highly enjoyable as a simple Beat em Up.