Unity - Completed - ~Azur Ring~ virgin and slave's phylacteries [Final] [PinkPeachStudio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good for spending a lot of time into.
    Not much platforming for a metriodvania but a lot of combat.
    The sex scenes are alright not great but not bad.
    What really sells the game is the upgrading system which you can choose between 3 weapons and upgrade them basing on your playstyle.
    There is also an inventory system in which you can unlock gear by defeating enemies, fighting bosses and opening chests.
    It is quite addictive by trying to get better and better gear.
    There is also rare type gear that is apart of a set and when you get enough pieces of the set you get great bonuses that can change the playstyle in which you play.
    There is also a "story" to this game but it isn't that good and if you play the game for the story you are doing it wrong.
    Likes: jttth
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I' am happy that I listen to the other review suggesting to download the save and the uncensored patch. Because he really saved me from a devastating failure. He said that all the money went into the art. I say all the money went into the menu. The menu animation is the only one in this mess. The guy which I got the save from played over 7 hours. I hope atleast he had fun with the game. Because what you are rewared with (sex scenes) are garbage. Really bad animation, the sound is off not even with the quality also with the timing. It still has the typical japanese censorship and so are the positions in game lacking any good views. Just plain bad in my eyes. I gave it two stars because I can't say anything about the gameplay but I saw in the comments that it is not good.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game feels like all the budget for the development went into the art. The art is top-teir. The combat is simple and feels like a numbers game, and by that I mean you hit your enemies with your numbers and hope that they die before you lose your hp. So combat wasn't satisfying at all. The characters were about as generic as can be. There's voice acting in this game, but (at least to me) the VA's sound like they are WAY overdoing it. I muted my computer at every single sex scene. My recommendation is to download the completed save in the comments as well as the lewd patch, (The lewd patch does NOT come installed on the f95zone download. You have to download it yourself, it's in the comments.) and have some fun with the wonderful art in the CGs while skipping the rest of the game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a sidescroller, plataformer with rpg elements, you can change fighting style by equiping each girl weapon, obtain new skills using money from farming enemies or selling accesories that you are no longer using.
    the sex scenes have a good art but simple animations, neverless i still would recomend this game even if the scenes were bad just forthe gameplay.
    A solid four stars.