Ren'Py - Completed - Babysitter [Final v0.2.2b] [T4bbo]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    i quite liked the game. it gave me almost everything i wanted. i need to find a christine style woman in real life. the renders and animations were nice. also the amount of content was satisfying. (i finished the game with a happy ending)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I Pray this game gets a remake because I believe it deserves it. There was so much potential with this one.

    I wouldn't call it a short game as it starts out like a good slow burner, but it feels as though it ended halfway through.

    I played the light path (good ending)
    Things were finally starting to heat up. Christina had just accepted sharing you with Jessica, you just inseminated Christina then I was looking forward to the inevitable confrontation with MC's sister at the ski resort, but the ski trip took place on one night only so you could only choose one of the three women to sleep with. The spin the bottle game lead to zero big reveals because none of the characters wanted to reveal any secrets no matter how drunk they got. Monica never catches you with Christina or Jess. you leave the resort the next morning and arrive home then the ending montage starts... I couldn't believe it. I was really looking forward to having Sonya, Christina, Monica, Jess, Silver's wife and daughter all living with me in a mansion and all impregnated before the ending. I would have been happy with the three main LI's but Sonya is just gone after the yacht party. Jess never moves in with Christina and MC. Monica never moves to the city. Only Christina ends up pregnant long after the game tells you you knocked her up and it's a small non playable part. Silver's wife didn't even wire me the money the night I got her info. It's like I can pinpoint the moment the dev gave up on the game.

    "My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined" - Review Brah

    I don't regret playing the game though, but I'd feel better if there was a remake because I really started to care about those characters.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Overall - 2/10 - couldn't finish game
    NOT RECOMMEND: Slogging through so much text for no reward
    Models are the only reason to play this
    Good -
    Models look good
    Bad -
    Gameplay - super repetitive
    Weak + little animations
    Bad guy/ villain - the dudes trying to cuck you are so obviously mega villian super evil people
    No sound - nothing
    Hscenes - short, few and far in between (apparently more on NTR route but not for me)
    Characters - bland -> a lot of dialogue but nothing really feels like you're learning something new
    Dialogue / writing feels bloated and weak
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this game is best to be played on the NTR route, for people who are into it. There are too much meaningless rambling dialogues. Has the classic symptom of women not being real people, as was mentioned previously by someone here.

    The characters are so bad especially mr. Silver. Holy shit isn't he a true human trash, cringe as hell. I feel sorry for Christine, at first. Both of them are actually belong to each other in the end.

    This game is average at best.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Story: ★★★
    Dialogue: ★★★
    3D Models: ★★★
    Sex scenes: ★★

    Notes: You have three woman that you concentrate
    on Jessica who is friends with your niece, your niece
    Christine,and a lady you work with named Sonya.

    The game is repetitive such as change clothes, pee, take shower,
    get sandwich from fridge, watch TV, leave apartment etc.

    No music in the game.

    No sound effects, would have been nice if the bowling alley scene
    had some sound effects.

    Sex scenes are often fast and over with quick.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of Babysitter v0.2.2b ...

    ... as a game:
    * Decent story. Enough to set-up all scenes and quite original.
    * Good dialogs.
    * Has BG music, but no sounds or voices. No always there's music, and almost all of them are short ones looped.
    * No bugs, no crashes.
    ... regarding its erotic side:
    * Character design is great. The girl models are really good. Main girls has different personalities, but secondary ones are all the same (cheaty wife or horny teenager).
    * Scenes are good. They are very well directed and some of them has kinky themes like sex in the cinema or threesomes.
    * Animations are good enough.
    * Has BG music but no sounds or "moans" (so no voices). Same problem with BG music as above.
    * Has NOT a Gallery Mode. You cannot know if you saw all available scenes or obviously review past scenes.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I wondered how exactly grade this, but decided on 4 stars overall. I played with walkthrough mod, so I may not experience the entirety of sandbox. Yes, I admit I hate sandbox. If there is any alternative. I'm always taking it. So anyway, it felt kinda forced. Do I really need to click the "turn left" text every morning when phone rings? Would the game suffer if it was authomatically picked up?, And besides this, sandbox part was only the apartment, so it was basically 'get up -> shower -> dress up -> leave'. Sometimes also eat. And also no repeatable sex activites during those times, so why? Why bother? I really think it would be enough for it to completelly stay as VN.

    Story was quite solid, but that one star less is also for the ending. I'm gonna talk about regular ending, I didn't dabble into NTR routes. So... There are two possibilites(and another 2 for NTR), main difference is either Chris stays, or leaves. Not a lot, but endings itself are okay. Besides two things. And warning, stronge spoilers ahead:
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    For the graphics I can't say much, I saw much worse, but also better. But hey, since during the game there was clear progress with model looks and animations, I won't be so harsh. And while beginning was slow, I find amount of sex content appopriate. Not too much, but definitelly quite a bit of scenes.

    And I may be bitching about the ending, but at least there are endings. And quite solid at that. So it's decent 4 stars game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. I really liked the behaviors of Chris and Jessica. They are different but so attractive. I really fell in :love: with Christine... The story is very good and I wish it didn't end so quickly :cry:. Too bad there is no sequel with these 2 girls.
    Well done

    (I don't like girls with big tits, big ass... Julia's body is my favorite, but Chris and Jess are very pretty)
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    First off, the development time was like waiting for a tortoise to finish a marathon – painfully slow. The graphics, I won't lie, were a bit of a letdown, falling short of what's out there. Now, the story? Meh, not a page-turner. But here's the twist – a few characters managed to shine. Despite the snail's pace and some hiccups, it's not all bad if you're patient and can overlook the flaws. Just don't expect a masterpiece!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my all time favorite corruption and NTR game (which tends to be the path I go with). The girls are pretty, the decisions have actual impact to the story paths.

    Would've been nice if there were longer storylines with other female characters in the game, but overall the multiple endings are great for harem fans or NTR fans~
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    hello here.. I really enjoyed this ride! Surprised what you can do in path with high friendship points with CH and with little cheating with Jess :) I was afraid NTR with Mike Silver too much.. Chris is not fool .. Good game!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked the story, too bad some girls only have 1 scene, animation are not bad.

    T4bbo, the only think that shocked me was the publicity for Nicolas Feuillatte bubble wine which is a a supermarket trash/shitty champagne !

    It would have been better for the context to use Moët & Chandon, Veuve Clicquot, G.H. Mumm or other high class brand instead.
    Likes: T4bbo
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    My initial thoughts about this game were terrible. Mostly because the character models looked hilariously bad. They looked like someone had smeared shit over the default models. However, the story somewhat hooked me and I saw the game progress and develop in an amazing way. The models began to get better and even added 30fps smooth animations near the mid-game. That was honestly amazing. Seeing such games develop in such a neat really shows that the dev is willing to learn and improve. I can tell that this game was a huge passion project and not just a one-off. The plot was also amazing. It didn't manage to get boring or overwhelming, it has just the perfect mix of comedy and seriousness. Every character's backstory and plot were ironed out perfectly. In conclusion, I would give this game a 10/10.
    Likes: T4bbo
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    to make it short im not really a big fan of a game that doesn't have more models & side characters .. because you wont have much more choices .. you only gonna have to stick to these 2 characters you got & to the same few faces over & over the whole game .. and like it or not .. you gonna have to fuck them or else .. you got nothing & game over ( i mean why there's no x scene with the foxy waitress in the pool ? or the waitress in the sushi restaurant ? or even with Julia ? what if the players actually liked them even more than the 2 main girls ) maybe if the dev made an x scene to them it might give some wet vibe to this dry game.

    so the story is all about Christine which suppose to be the MC's niece .. and Jessica the friend of Jane & Erica .. and you keep roaming around them again and again for 2 days and maybe until the end of the game hoping you will have sex with them .. its just a waste of time for me i would of have more side characters to entertain me .. and have more sex content this whole time beside watching chris & jess .. but you wont find much .. besides the misleading title of the game .. and even if the Dev meant that the "
    uncle" is babysitting the niece .. then let me tell you .. the uncle is actually doing a horrible job in it .. and i definitely wouldn't call a teenager in a high school who opens her legs to her uncle " are still a baby " that's simply an insult to babies lol

    there's also some weird things i find in the story it self .. and i actually liked christene in the beginning but as the story goes on .. i started to turn off about her .. she really acts like she has a .. problem .. she keeps contradicting her self always .. and im not really sure if that's a mistake from the Dev .. or if its actually her true behavior .. such as :

    1- i understand that she was so impressed by the fat ass of Jessica because chris doesn't have any .. then why in the world after a minute .. she will be jealous of Jessica for not having any fat in her body ??? for god sake she was just impressed by Jessica's fat ass from awhile ago .. that doesn't make any sense .. in fact christine is actually more skinnier than Jessica .. she doesn't have fat nor meat .. chris is totally just a skeleton girl walking .. so there's nothing to be jealous about.

    2- when Jessica touches & squeeze the boobs & ass of chris in the shower .. then she gives her a sexy lingerie ( in a freaking girls sleep over ) chris was totally fine with all that ,,
    ( yea .. as if that wasn't creepy as fuck & a huge red flag at all ) :sneaky: .. yet when her ex BF & the poor guy in the train almost did the exact same creepy action by only trying to touch her boobs .. she freaked out with both of them as if its the end of the world .. how is that any different ?? why is it creepy when it comes to the BF .. but not creepy with Jessica ? that is some double standard shit .. Jess was even more creepier at that day .. Chris should of freaked out with the 3 of them .. if she is really fair & honest

    3- she claims that she is not into Robert .. yet she rides the car with him to the gym .. & she gives him all her info , number , website & address !!! why didn't she give him some breast milk as well
    for a bonus .. to show him how much she dislike him ? :unsure: :cautious:

    4- she said that she is a vegan yet she eats eggs & sausages .. and yea .. she loves sushi to .
    ( and who knows .. she might be sucking & drinking blood secretly in the midnight when the moon is complete .. if that's the case ).

    5- she dislikes wearing a short clothes when Jessica chooses for her the interview dress .. yet she walks around wearing shorts all the time .. even inside home & out .. she even sits with her uncle wearing a babydoll before they get in to that secret relation .. what a real shy girl.

    and the list goes on & on .. so that shows me that christine is such a 2 face liar .. and she pretends that she don't like things yet she like it at the same time .. you either like fat or you don't .. you either like ur boobs being touched or you don't .. you just cannot be both at the same time .. that's fucked up .. i know that most of the girls in real life they say things & they do the opposite .. but Chris here is even more confusing.

    and why the Dev is so obsessed in making jess kissing chris ?? he kept pushing this idea 3 times in ( true or dare ) & i kept avoiding it every time .. so he just forced it in the 4rth time as its the only choice left ?? are you kidding me .. im not sure its because of
    ( the Dev or the mod ) .. but im not interested in turning chris into a lesbian like jess .. we already have enough lesbians & bi around in this game .. at least keep one of them straight .. and after all the ( avoiding kissess choices i made ) Jessica still keeps pushing it again in the ( Cat woman stream ) .. even the creepiest guy in the world he wont behave like that during yoga stream .. i don't know which part of ( im not a Bi ) that Jessica or the Dev didn't understand ?? why is there a sexual choices if its not effecting !!!!

    and im not gonna talk about the narrator who still keeps describing what you can see with your own eyes in the screen .. as if we are blind players or something
    ( she bends over infront of you - he lean his hand in the table - she gives you a seductive look - he smokes his expansive cigar ) .. narrator should pop up once in a while to explain the characters feeling , thinking , or explaining off camera story .. but not describing the visual scene that is front of your eyes .. it will cost alot of extra unnecessary reading .. & that's a cheep trick to streatch the game .. i actually understand the whole story by skipping the narrator .. & reading only the conversations with the visual scenes.

    and ill not talk also about the unnecessary repeating scene of the garage and stuff in the map .. lets say thanks to the mod .. but you got the picture

    i actually enjoyed the ( yacht ) even only .. it was more of an adventure & it felt like totally a different game .. with more side characters with us in 1 place & jumping from new girls talking to other boys talking & rich content .. but it will not take long until you Finnish that event & back again to the same dry vibe , lonely routine you was doing before ..
    there was a second event i was excited about at first .. which is the ( VIP club ) with Robert .. but you will soon notice that it was just a false hope .. & the club is actually empty .. & your still stuck with these 4 characters & 1 bar tender who is nagging you .. nothing else .. there's no new girls or characters to spice things up .. even silver is not gonna join ..

    any way im glad the new game that the Dev is working on now .. he fixed most of these problems and its actually way better & a great game :)
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    I played friendship route (vanilla-romance path) and I must say it was pretty good, like a dating sim sometimes, Chris is adorable. Her transformation into a GF was pretty natural. The story is also quite interesting and engaging.
    Also I used WT to avoid even slightest possibility of any NTR stuff, so I didn't have any problems with it either.
    The only bothering thing (thingy I'd say) - dialogues, they are a bit weird sometimes, I understand that it is a sandbox and mostly dialogues are universal, but man. For example there is a scene when you can get a 3some with Chris and Jess, but also you can reject 3some after Chris gives you a deepthroat (I wanted Chris solo only ending). And if you didn't have 3some dialogues later in the car are weird, like as if you had 3some - Chris askes if MC liked and MC says - yah I loved it, I even dreamed about it. What has he dreaming about? - deepthroat? Again, I understand that it is sandbox and usually dialogues are weird in a game, but not that weird.
    Or a moment in Veruca's house - we delete Chris's photos from PC but MC says it's Jess, tha's just a mistake I guess. Anyways there were quite a few of such confusing moments with dialogues, but it's bearable I guess.
    Also True or Dare games were a bit annoying cause you are locked with a few choices only to ask, especially on the yacht (kiss or get drinks naked).
    There are consequences for cheating on Friendship path (cause you are kinda dating) but there is still plenty of fuck (during second half of the game): you can fuck Veruca twice and get her pregnant, Jess - twice (on the yacht and in the end on the trip), Sonya - once in the end.

    I got two endings eventually:
    1) Chris solo ending
    2) Chris+Jess ending
    The latter one feels even more natural if you have a 3some and cheated on Chris with Jess. it is like everything adds up in the end.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Some hot scenes and characters, but tedious controls and options. Lots of boring filler content and actions required, especially at the start,

    There are so many hidden ramifications - playing this with a walkthrough is a must IMO.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has so many different rotes and interactions, definitely one of my favorites here. The models look pretty good, It has a nice buildup and decent writing and I like the interface and how you navigate inside the house to unlock different scenes. Most importantly, the game is finished. I'll probably check the other games from this dev; good stuff.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Its good and completed.

    On the NTR thing, if you dont bang your niece you will get cucked. There is no wholesome platonic path nah instead if you dont give her the D some black dude will. Kinda odd. Also if you bang the black hair girl but not your niece for some reason the black hair girl will still berate you for getting cucked like what the hell lady. It is not cucked to not have sex with your niece like seriously this expectation you are setting on me is rather harsh.

    In short you must have sex with your niece this is the rules there is no way around it. Kinda based
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    This is for the final version (v0.2.2b)

    Holy crap this game is bad.
    Like, the writing is stilted with random visual effects all over the place like someone discovered they have an effects tab and decided to use all of them, the default audio setting is so loud that it nearly blew out my speakers, and navigating through the apartment is unnecessarily difficult because there's arrows at the top that say where they will take you, but then there's a million unlabelled icons you can click and interact with to go to places you NEED to get to with no indicator as to what you are supposed to do or where you are supposed to go.
    This is literally just in the first five minutes of playing the game.

    If you want to spend a stupid amount of time randomly clicking every icon on the screen, then be my guest, but since this game is "completed" (aka: dead and abandoned) I would recommend avoiding this headache and play something with at least a tiny iota of direction.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    If you're into NTR it's probably a good choice for subject matter. Game has the classic symptom of women not being real people, so even if you avoid NTR one of the main women tries constantly to cuck you even when resisted by both of the other two characters.

    One of my pet peeves is VNs that mistake detail and depth of storytelling for showing you every single breakfast the characters have etc. This is on full display for a lot of this game and I find it very tedious. For what I was looking for, this game didn't particularly do anything well.