Update after V0.1.5
All in all, the updates since the Karaoke night have been a disappointment and as such I have reduced my rating from 4* to 3*
Long arsed version.
We were teased after V0.1.1 that a huge update was coming, a massive story line on a yacht (I will refer to it as a boat cos I'm a PITA), so V0.1.2 comes out and it is the morning after the night before which ends up in a spa with the 3 primary girls. And still we were teased, next that the boat update is so big it MAY be split (with the implication it being 2 parts), so I joked it would carry on until 0.1.6. So far the boat event has taken 0.1.3-0.1.5 and is still not completed. Some people have commented about milking and while I don't like to throw round accusation like that, I can see where they are coming from. Personally it feels like they have bitten off far more than they can chew and promised the world without even having a good map in place (eg staffing issues, apparently).
Because of the dragging out of the event from the 1 big update to at least 4 plus an intermediary one it feels like this review, lots of talk, very little action.
The pictures are still solid and the characters are fine, just the story needs to move on.
1 issue I see is the so called NTR routes (I have changed my mind about them being NTR as you choose not to have the MC chase Christine and choose her to move toward the antagonists). During the boat update, their true colours will be shown and either the MC will do nothing and Christine will go off with them never to be seen again or he will step up and protect her pushing them out of the picture. Either route is game ending for the people following the so called NTR routes, thus possibly losing 1/2 their Patreons. Maybe the devs realised this and are stretching it until they work out a solution.
Based on V0.1.1
I will not give 5 stars until I see the finished product (I never do or will) as, until then, it could get better...not sure I know how but it could.
TLDR (cos the full review is going to be a long arse one, I'm sure)
Go play it, rather than 'Porn with a plot', I'd call it an erotic novel.
Long arsed version.
I think I discovered this little gem around 0.0.6 and it grabbed me by the collar and dragged me in.
First thing to say is - NTR can be avoided. There are 2 primary routes, currently called Horny and Friendship (though there has been talk of renaming them). I'd suggest reading both through, plus the addendum at the bottom of the walkthrough so you understand which route will suit you best and how best to avoid or embrace different aspects.
Within this, a warning, if you do not like NTR, there are 2 antagonists (so far) and they are written so well you may well want to punch them through your monitor. I stated in once of my posts that I struggle just looking through the image folder at their scenes. So best avoided like the plague.
There have been complaints that the MC is weak, wet, beta or other adjectives, I personally found him to be gentle...not necessarily a gentleman. It is your choice how to play him though. I have not tried too many variables outside of the walkthrough so I don't know how well you can mix up the routes.
In my opinion, the writing is good and the devs are not averse to dropping side characters (one went at 0.1.0) if they cannot see the development of them. There was also a tweak to the script in the current version to address some of the comments about the MC. It wasn't the sort of pressure changes seen on other games that totally change them and to be honest, as one who never had an issue with the MC, didn't really notice the change.
It is not an unusual set up, innocent main love interest in a strange town, sexy, horny friend shows up to prod her in the 'right' direction. However, here again don't get too complacent as the writers do not play it straight once again and open up the back story of the friend, in a good way as it adds another dimension to her and will give her so much more depth.
There are also several future events that have been hinted at or out and out been stated that show there are plenty of development ideas in place. This suggests there is a while to go with this story.
If you like a good story with less than standard characters, this may be for you. If you want instant return with the MC building a harem out of nowhere, you will not like this. I like harem's and have seen hints at it, but knowing the writers it may be at the expense of a relationship, I really don't know.
Two things they have done right, listening to Barnum, they leave you wanting more, without leaving you dissatisfied. Also one of the team frequents F95 and is very active on the game thread taking and giving feedback.
I guess it indicates how good I find this as I have not mentioned the renders yet. They are generally good, you will notice some grainy ones, but these are dark scenes and the grain appears to be used to give the effect of seeing something in dim light. The female models used are all, so far, stunning, the male models are tainted by the story, but are all attractive in their own right. Possibly my biggest gripes about the models are sometimes the girls when wet look like they have been painted gold and the MC's dick at times looks like a snozzcumber, google it, in shape, not colour.