Ren'Py - Completed - Babysitter [Final v0.2.2b] [T4bbo]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    I played the v1.4 of this game and its very nice.
    Plot wise it's solid and it gets very interesting near the end(of this version).
    The renders/models at the start of the game are pretty bad but as the game evolved you can notice the change which is much great and welcome.(The models are good looking ;).Also some scenes are animated which is cool. :D
    The NTR in this game is avoidable which is perfect for ppl that dont like it.(not a fan myself,I was hesitant at first but i quite enjoyed it)
    There's replayability value as you can choose between 2 main routes that they branch out a bit.

    In summary its worth to try out this game even if you're not a fan of NTR.My only complain is the early renders,which make it feel cheap but its not.
    Try it out!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has both great writing, models, and story line. I'm quite impressed with the developer and look forward to more and also trying to pad this review since all I really wanted to do was add a rating to the thread.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    An other great game, where the story is meaningful and not just a way to add more images. The characters are good / believable as well.
    I really liked it, hopefully the quality stays like it is and the updates don't take too long.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Babysitter has a great story, images, dialogue and characters. It's a game that makes me feel invested in the main characters. Theres 2 main routes you can take during a playthough, but you can also explore other options.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    OK the games running for about a year and 3 months now,frankly the game is OK.story is good but I think the progression is a bit slow,considering the updates is way too short and a bit vanilla for Chris,it takes a year for mc to finally fucked her for the niece for ntr route,well there isn't much going.the yatch arc takes forever to progress,likes every update for the yatch story is about 150-200 renders and pretty much short,I guess by the end of the year the yatch story will end.that's how slow the progression is.
    I like the renders,good story but slow progression(feels bad for the patrons)
  6. W
    1.00 star(s)


    Good graphics and the plot while very much over used, is not to bad. There is no leeway at all in any of the choices. If you choose even one wrong choice, the game ends.
    One final observation is the lack of logical choices that should have been there, but were not.
    If you read the story, you will see what I mean repeatedly about the options that should logically be there.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I am a bit on the fence with this one, but I want to clearly state that there is a great deal of potential and further developments could make this into a good game.

    Early-on there are a lot of game overs, so save spamming is necessary. There is also a bunch of in-game time wasting without much direction, so you have to go around just trying things out, hoping you find something interesting that will progress the story in the way you desire.

    The models are decent, but some of the renders/animations can be poor and grainy. Hopefully as time goes on, the H-scenes get better/smoother, as there are a few decent angles, and few let downs. Often the models skins look quite strange, and all the male characters more or less look the same with slight variations.

    The writing varies from average to good throughout, but it can feel very slow and takes way too long to get to the few H-scenes. Personally, I'm into a good story, but this one has a really slow burn that takes a while to get going anywhere interesting. At first, it is kind of boring, but pushing through it does eventually grow more intriguing over time. There were way too many NTR-like scenarios for my liking. I don't mind brief encounters, but it is basically the whole game, even if you avoid the worst of it. Nearly every character in the game wants Chris. However, that said, there are some great scenarios/scenes that make Chris very appealing, and I did (eventually) enjoy the development of Jessica's true character/story coming out, even if the foreshadowing was a neon sign.

    I had to eventually give-in and use the walkthrough, but it was really hard to follow at times. It does a poor job explaining checks/routes, and many of the choices that were listed I never saw or couldn't figure out how to get, regardless of which route I was reading. I don't see why it had to be divided into two "routes", when everything could be explained through chronological flow based on previous choices (especially in pdf format with links if one requires to jump past scenes that only occur on certain routes).

    On a personal note, hopefully all the NTR-like stuff is out of the way now that I avoided everything I could in this early part of the game. The game does feel like it is lacking content for its' age, but as I stated earlier, it is hard to know how much I even missed... so maybe there is a lot more to it than what I encountered in my playthrough. It could just be a slow development process.

    In the end, it's an average game, but does have the potential to be at least good, possibly great.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story and images, simple mechanics yet also at times complex mini games which makes it feel like a game instead of just click and read, truly great :)
    It's a game that makes me want to restart it to explore different paths/options.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This VN is highly recommended, and only gets better and better the further along you go. It has great characters, well written dialogue, and different options and ways to play through the game. I'm loving the growing relationship between Christine and Jessica as the backstory between the two of them unfolds. Overall, the sex is well paced and believable in how it progresses...not too rushed while also not full of stupid reasons that prevent things from moving forward. Whenever hesitancy from a love interest is encountered it makes sense, and adds a lot to the characters (Jessica was a complete surprise in this regard, but damn does it make her all the more attractive).

    The cosplay bit was incredibly well done! I couldn't get enough of that, and I hope it returns for many more scenes. There are so many really well done visuals, good use of music, and smart use of camera angles, etc, that this game honestly deserves a perfect score.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    this is probably my favorite game on F95zone. unlike a lot of Visual Novels, in this game your choices does matter and they have HUGE impact on how your game develop. great writing, great Graphics, NTR routes, NON NTR routes, whatever you can think of, this game has it.
    5++ A++ give it a try, you won't regret it :D
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game i enjoy it has a lot of good things going for it from the story and characters to allowing you to avoid NTR for us who hate it. The one thing it needs is some sex i think it is coming soon maybe next update.

    Sex 6.5/10 Not much of it
    Art 9.5/10
    Story 9/10
    Characters 9.5/10

    Below is edit om/5/14/20 after completing game.
    The endings could have been a little better, seemed rushed.
    Sex 9.5/10
    Art 9.5/10
    Story 9/10
    Characters 9.5/10
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Update after V0.1.5
    All in all, the updates since the Karaoke night have been a disappointment and as such I have reduced my rating from 4* to 3*

    Long arsed version.
    We were teased after V0.1.1 that a huge update was coming, a massive story line on a yacht (I will refer to it as a boat cos I'm a PITA), so V0.1.2 comes out and it is the morning after the night before which ends up in a spa with the 3 primary girls. And still we were teased, next that the boat update is so big it MAY be split (with the implication it being 2 parts), so I joked it would carry on until 0.1.6. So far the boat event has taken 0.1.3-0.1.5 and is still not completed. Some people have commented about milking and while I don't like to throw round accusation like that, I can see where they are coming from. Personally it feels like they have bitten off far more than they can chew and promised the world without even having a good map in place (eg staffing issues, apparently).
    Because of the dragging out of the event from the 1 big update to at least 4 plus an intermediary one it feels like this review, lots of talk, very little action.
    The pictures are still solid and the characters are fine, just the story needs to move on.
    1 issue I see is the so called NTR routes (I have changed my mind about them being NTR as you choose not to have the MC chase Christine and choose her to move toward the antagonists). During the boat update, their true colours will be shown and either the MC will do nothing and Christine will go off with them never to be seen again or he will step up and protect her pushing them out of the picture. Either route is game ending for the people following the so called NTR routes, thus possibly losing 1/2 their Patreons. Maybe the devs realised this and are stretching it until they work out a solution.
    Based on V0.1.1
    I will not give 5 stars until I see the finished product (I never do or will) as, until then, it could get better...not sure I know how but it could.

    TLDR (cos the full review is going to be a long arse one, I'm sure)
    Go play it, rather than 'Porn with a plot', I'd call it an erotic novel.

    Long arsed version.
    I think I discovered this little gem around 0.0.6 and it grabbed me by the collar and dragged me in.
    First thing to say is - NTR can be avoided. There are 2 primary routes, currently called Horny and Friendship (though there has been talk of renaming them). I'd suggest reading both through, plus the addendum at the bottom of the walkthrough so you understand which route will suit you best and how best to avoid or embrace different aspects.
    Within this, a warning, if you do not like NTR, there are 2 antagonists (so far) and they are written so well you may well want to punch them through your monitor. I stated in once of my posts that I struggle just looking through the image folder at their scenes. So best avoided like the plague.

    There have been complaints that the MC is weak, wet, beta or other adjectives, I personally found him to be gentle...not necessarily a gentleman. It is your choice how to play him though. I have not tried too many variables outside of the walkthrough so I don't know how well you can mix up the routes.

    In my opinion, the writing is good and the devs are not averse to dropping side characters (one went at 0.1.0) if they cannot see the development of them. There was also a tweak to the script in the current version to address some of the comments about the MC. It wasn't the sort of pressure changes seen on other games that totally change them and to be honest, as one who never had an issue with the MC, didn't really notice the change.

    It is not an unusual set up, innocent main love interest in a strange town, sexy, horny friend shows up to prod her in the 'right' direction. However, here again don't get too complacent as the writers do not play it straight once again and open up the back story of the friend, in a good way as it adds another dimension to her and will give her so much more depth.

    There are also several future events that have been hinted at or out and out been stated that show there are plenty of development ideas in place. This suggests there is a while to go with this story.

    If you like a good story with less than standard characters, this may be for you. If you want instant return with the MC building a harem out of nowhere, you will not like this. I like harem's and have seen hints at it, but knowing the writers it may be at the expense of a relationship, I really don't know.
    Two things they have done right, listening to Barnum, they leave you wanting more, without leaving you dissatisfied. Also one of the team frequents F95 and is very active on the game thread taking and giving feedback.

    I guess it indicates how good I find this as I have not mentioned the renders yet. They are generally good, you will notice some grainy ones, but these are dark scenes and the grain appears to be used to give the effect of seeing something in dim light. The female models used are all, so far, stunning, the male models are tainted by the story, but are all attractive in their own right. Possibly my biggest gripes about the models are sometimes the girls when wet look like they have been painted gold and the MC's dick at times looks like a snozzcumber, google it, in shape, not colour.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has really grown over the last few updates.
    The beginning was a real slowburn, but unlike other games (ahem DF comes to mind), this one knows when to start to deliver.
    I can totally live with how far 0.1.1 went and look forward to how the story with Christine develops.

    I know some decisions on the horny path are dangerous in terms of NTR, but the friendship path at least, it never went beyond Jessica dancing with BBC guy aka Robert.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    An insteresting game has an amazing story to it keeps you hooked up from the begining to the very end you will enjoy every minute of this game i highly recommend this game to those people who are looking for wonderfull quality great story and just overall an incredible game. Please support the creator on patreon cause he really deserves it for creating such a touching story. You all will be thinking of this game even when it ends cause it's just so catchy an interesting that keeps you interested in it. I personally wanna thank wynin for adding this game here cause it's just an amazing game it left me stunned. Thank you very much !!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game.

    Story is very well done so far.
    The progress of the relationship between protagonist and niece feels real, so I actually got really interested in them.

    It's not some typical spicy porn, where people just want to fuck. This has depth, with hot moments, but also a decent amount of drama and also just real life stuff. That makes it even more realistic.

    Side characters have depth, too. I have actually become interested in them as well.

    Different stuff is always happening, no grinding, no repetitions. And that with good pacing.

    Choices actually matter (or at least they feel like they matter)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has it all; Both subtle and non-subtle erotics, familiar and unfamiliar love, good graphics, good writing (with proper spelling), non-linear storyline with different outcome, and more. This game is truly something that can "explode your load" with a well made storyline and character build up. One of the few games on Patreon I recommend to support!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Challenging character development and great looking characters. The MC has some tough competition out there. Hope he can play his cards right. A lot of twist and turns in the story all revolving back to an person you don't know is the master at playing the game.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my 2 favorites at this time, because it has a level of interactivity and discover-ability of content that sets it apart from the "auto play and read" games that are in abundance. The current release has about 10 in-game days to play out, and you can set your relationships up in vastly different ways over this time-span.

    I played and replayed this game about 4-5 times when I first downloaded it, because you really can uncover different scenes and situations based on different choices.

    With regards to the 1 negative review below, I will say you really only have to "choose your words" in the first few days, and it's for a really sensible reason. While the game is called Babysitter, you play the uncle of your niece. The dev's approach on teaching the player that you can't go full out when you just start getting to know her is very smart and adds a degree of realistic consequence to how you set up your gameplay. And it makes testing the waters with her that much more exciting.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.0.8 updated...

    (01/04/2018 - Original Review - v0.0.8)

    So far I'm actually enjoying this visual novel/game... It isn't the best, as it has a couple issues, but it's not bad either... Also, a downside is that, it is yet another Family Sex themed VN/game...

    The visuals for the characters are pretty good, although just slightly grainy, which is probably due to picture file compression... Same goes for the backgrounds, although I did notice some re-hashed backdrops that I've seen in many other visual novel/games, probably because they came from the same source... Navigation in the house was alright, especially with the highly visible buttons at the top... The boxes for the story were also unique and creative...

    The script for the most part had few flaws, but as it got into the last few game days I noticed some tiny amounts of broken English and a few spelling/grammar errors... Probably just needs another once over for proofreading... The plot itself revolves around a male protagonist, who is self employed, who's niece is sent to live with him by his sister... A friend of hers quickly comes into the story, and after that you read about the their lives and interactions... The niece gets a job with one of the uncles clients, although the boss is a shady womanizer, who the uncle tries to help protect her from... The niece's friend runs a webcam sight which she makes her money with, and the uncle gets to spy on both of the girls laptop cameras... There are a few other sub-plots that play out, with eventually the current content ending with all of them visiting a club... Obviously the uncle has feelings for his niece, and there is the option for the same with her friend... This VN/game is still early into it's development, but has a decent amount of content thus far... Not as much erotic content as in some erotic VN/games, but so far it's been well balanced... Which I prefer, because throwing in too much, starts to detract from the story... And so far it has a decent amount of deep and meaningful story, mixed in with the occasional erotic scene/event...

    The biggest issue I really ran into with this VN/game, is that it has lots of choice punishment "dead ends"... Especially early on... I really hate it when author/s do this in erotic visual novels, because it then forces the readers/players to have to save game every couple minutes for fear of a bad choice, that may not always be obvious... I started getting tired of having to start over and/or save/load game all the time... I found it practically necessary to download and use the Walkthrough to stop that non-sense and experience the content like a normal person... And I did enjoy the content...

    Overall, I think this visual novel/game shows a lot of promise, and the only current recommendation is to get arid of the player punishment "dead ends"... I really hope they keep the good balance of story telling along with the erotic scenes, which is it's current trend... And I look forward to seeing further development of this VN/game...

    (04/01/2018 - Review Update - v0.1.1)

    Well it's been almost 3 months since I last played this VN/Game... The new content is pretty good... I'm not much a fan of having to work around the ever looming NTR nonsense, but the love/romance part of the story is keeping me playing/reading... The visuals and story telling is pretty on-par with prior content... The karaoke event was unique and creative... And not just the erotic part...

    My only qualm is that if you really want to avidly avoid the NTR crap, you have to play with a walk through, so you know when to make the choices that will avoid Mr. Silver's plans and any other male character that aggressively goes after Christine and other women the protagonist has an interest in... Which, even though you avoid it once or more, it keeps rolling around trying to worm it's way back into the story, which does become somewhat annoying... I usually avidly avoid any VN/Game that has NTR in it, but it is avoidable so far in this one... It's just not always obvious when it's avoidable, which pretty much requires a walkthrough or guide to know when to avoid it... Which, all in all, is probably why I can not give this VN/Game 5 stars... Which is a shame...

    All in all, the game is taking a bit to develop new content, but it's decent content when it does get released... I will most likely wait a while before revisiting this VN/Game, due to it's slow development, to give it enough time to grow more than it has this go around... I liked the new content, but I don't like waiting that long for content that on average should take half that time... And I know that each developer has their own development speeds... Hence why I'll give it a lot more time before revisiting again, so I can experience a lot more new content next play through, several versions down the line...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with good renders. At least 3 branching paths so far...

    Graphics - 5/5
    Story - 5/5 I enjoy the build up with the various girls... and they don't all drop their panties at the drop of a hat. Excellent job so far!!