I think the game has great potential, but it has significant flaws.
The game is extremely grindy due to RNG. I am not sure it's even designed without rollback in mind. For instance, to grow confidence, there's like 66% chance of failure (-1 confidence) and 33% of success (+1 confidence), you're average negative confidence with this.
The game has basically zero cues as to what you're supposed to do. There is a main quest, which is intentionally made to be padded (oh you did something on the weekend? Continue next weekend! Repeat 4 times!"
So mix these two together and you're basically making zero progress forward. Just to put it in perspective, I had to open up the quest and script files to figure out what to do with most NPCs.
Finally, file size is misleading, the game contains a lot of videos that just aren't implemented yet.
The game is extremely grindy due to RNG. I am not sure it's even designed without rollback in mind. For instance, to grow confidence, there's like 66% chance of failure (-1 confidence) and 33% of success (+1 confidence), you're average negative confidence with this.
The game has basically zero cues as to what you're supposed to do. There is a main quest, which is intentionally made to be padded (oh you did something on the weekend? Continue next weekend! Repeat 4 times!"
So mix these two together and you're basically making zero progress forward. Just to put it in perspective, I had to open up the quest and script files to figure out what to do with most NPCs.
Finally, file size is misleading, the game contains a lot of videos that just aren't implemented yet.