VN - HTML - Back to Freedom [v0.33] [Bald Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Possibly the most run of the mill HTML game I've played yet.

    It has a love/lust system based on choices at the end of dialogues which essentially serves to gate keep which girls clips you can watch, and 'interactive' lewd scenes where you get to pick scenes that is basically mindless.

    That's basically the whole game, it's barely a step above a kinetic novel, which isn't inherently bad and could work with good writing and good scenes, but the scenes are mostly generic with very standard models offering little variety, that you've probably all seen before and the writing is mostly uninspired and riddled with porn logic.

    Altogether a forgettable game but if standard 90's porn actress is your type you might wanna mindlessly click through for a quick fap, not much else to do here.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I was roughly OK with this till day mid-twenties. To be sure, this is drowning in a supernaturally talented/lucky MC that every woman wants to be with. It has grind elements and minigames. With Twinehacker/Sugarcube, I could brute force my way past most of it. And what was lost to the bizarre gatekeeping in this game, I simply didn't care. Nothing is compelling enough to warrant multiple replays, let alone the mental gymnastics involved in keeping track of where the gate keeping happens and how you could avoid it happening.

    As another review mentioned, you'll run into things along the lines of "you would have had to have done something with this person on Day 13 to be able to use these 3 options with them on Day 24" or "There would have been a lot different scene on Day 28 if you had gotten them pregnant on Day 18". They constantly have these orange circle question mark icons that initially are helpful and later on seem helpful and a slap in the face. I understand that this is supposed to incentivize multiple playthroughs, but I was TRYING to impregnate all of them and I cannot FATHOM how I missed Jillian unless I chose someone with more priority on that day and unknowingly blew my only chance at that option.

    I'll wager that insight on stuff like this is outlined in the Official Game Guide you can get for $2.00. If it isn't, then it's worse than I thought. Realistically, they aren't asking for TOO much. For $10, you can unlock all the useful cheats. But it still smacks of the manipulative and predatory tactics in mobile games and that Activision and Ubisoft love to try to put in their games to bring that Mobile money to PC Gaming. But it's less predatory in this one than in other recently reviewed HTML games by me.

    What brought me to a stop to write this review before even finishing this to the current update is the storyline for the MC and Kelsi that starts in the Day 20-ish range. For a guy that developed a city-wide reputation for being a problem solver and always knowing what to do and gets things done. I cannot abide by the sudden idiocy in his reaction to Kelsi. Literally, he's doing what he gave his daughters and Kelsi shit for earlier on in the game. And it's ironically occurring at the same time that he gets caught betraying someone important to him. The amount of willing suspension of disbelief expected of me to swallow this not just 180 degree reversal of character trait but a sudden and isolated regression of skills and mental faculties as a human... but mostly JUST for the Kelsi storyline at this point. I feel like I'm supposed to not question this and just ride with it like it's character growth because he's also written as being completely blind to how he should handle his wife around this same time. Again, completely unlike this character has been 99.9% of the time up to this point. I just don't believe for a second that he would waste his time on this whole convoluted scheme. I think he would just be like, "Kelsi, I just want you to be happy. If you feel this is your happy, then by all means." And then when/if it fails, if it does, he'll weigh whether he should help her again. I'm sure I'm biased here, since I always kicked Kelsi to the curb - I didn't need another Gina.

    Hell, I stopped liking Being a DIK because I felt the game jumped the shark after the INTERMISSION release or whatever it was. So maybe I just don't like this game because I can't easily see all I want to see playing it and will just cheat to unlock the Gallery and stop playing it. Maybe I'm the only one that has issues with a smart MC suddenly acting like an idiot for two new developments in existing storylines. It just undermines an already precariously held together foundation, imo.

    I'm hanging on by a thread with this one. Will update if I end up with more to say or somehow can make this wall of text make more sense.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games / VNs around. Storyline has a bit of everything and all options can get really complex. I tend to cheat on these games but this one is really worth it to go over and over discovering new paths. Besides of good quality of writing, engagement and complexity, it's not grindy but with enough difficulty to find different scenes/storylines.
    Last but not least, dev is really engaged in the community and has very regular feedback on anything. Keep it up!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing: 9/10
    Imagery: 9/10
    Gameplay: 7/10
    Kinks: 8/10
    Overall: 9/10

    Back to fucking every woman you come across.

    Your wife, your daughters, your maid, your boss, your secretary, your boss's daughter, your daughter's rival, your wive's mother, the list goes on and on. Luckily our ex-military man, hardened further from his time in prison, can handle them all and still have enough energy to go toe to toe with Ivan Drago.

    While that might sound like a lot, trust me when I say the story is actually really well written. Normally I will blast past the stories in these real life porn games since they are barely worth the time, but here I was intrigued by the MC. The choices on how you can direct him are really in line with how I actually would react to some of these situations myself, which helps put you in the character's shoes and it is because of this I wanted to know more.

    I've played through the current version of this game, 0.31, around 5 times now. Sometimes as a pure good guy, sometimes as a corrupted jerk, and other times as a huge prude who only bangs his wife while fighting off the advances of all the other girls who approach him sexually. While there might not be a big difference between the paths, the choices available do depend on your level of corruption and how far you have gone with the women. So even the last path mentioned can have its own unique moments.

    Now one other thing I want to say is that whoever is picking out the ladies to fill in the rolls here are doing a bang up job, all the women are sexy, hot, and all bring something a little different to bedroom. The only suggestion I'd make is for a hot goth chick, I don't know how or where to implement her as it stands, but that is what I'd like to see.

    For now I'm digging this one, and I'll be back again at the 0.5 mark to see what's changed.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The first half of the game is very good. What I liked:
    - Development of family relationships
    - Video selection
    - Non-linear narrative
    At first I really planned to give the game all five stars

    But in the second half you start to notice some significant shortcomings:
    - Too many characters are introduced into the narrative, they scatter the player's attention. And at the same time, interaction with them seems superficial and strained. After the 24th day, I simply did not understand who all these people were that I was fucking in the ass. That is, pornography completely pushed the narrative into the background.
    - Many options are not available without cheats, they are vital for comfortable play and disclosure of a huge layer of content (the save editor will help us here)
    - Some choices require the right action a third of the game ago. Moreover, the choices are not critical to the narrative, for example, in order to have the opportunity to have anal sex with character X on the 32nd day, you had to have sex with her on the 8th day, this looks absurd, especially in cases where we subsequently sleep with this character more than once, but anal sex remains an unbreakeble taboo for us in all the later game. Because it did not happen six months ago and now there is no way to fix it. WHY? Its nonsense.

    And lesser significance - some events are quite non-obvious, require a grind or a guide. For example, throwing a specific number on the roulette, it just took me about 20 minutes to save-load the event. This is not cool, this is not fun, this is not a challenge. Repeated scenes and a drop in the quality of videos in the second half. Not technical, I mean more the selection of actresses, staged scenes with pseudo-sperm, liters pumped into their cavities, and the like. In the second half, the focus of attention completely shifts from Gina, Megan and Angela to absolutely unrelated girls - the boss’s secretaries, strippers from the club, etc. By the end was the same boring repeateble minigames with shooting or dancing. So...Day 1-24 (or about it) - 5. The all game as is - 3/5 due to a significant drop in quality
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    For a game that has "freedom" in its title. This game sure has a lot of paywalls and gatekeeping. I'll rate lower if not for the effort cause game literally needs your full attention and could easily ruin your run because of simple route divergent that for some reason completely gate keep a progression. Doesn't help that the guide as well as the cheats are behind a paywall. Making the grind and this game feels like total chore and a waste of time. Once you lack certain lust or love you won't be able to replenish it as it's already cemented making your run full of holes that you potentially could fix if this was a sandbox but nope. This is a virtual novel and your stuck progressing through everything and having to endure not being able to access a lot of routes. Overall. This is the kind of game you wouldn't like to re-play once you lost your save. It took too much time and the gave back isn't worth it
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I found the story interesting, the characters are pretty well written and some of the interactions are really good,

    I like that the MC is not a wimpy beta cuck who undergoes sissification which seems prevalent in so many html games for who knows what reason.
    Of course if that is your genre then i would probably stay away from this game.

    Looking forward to more updates and content in the future.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The videos are well done, but the models are very oftne used in real-life HTML porn games. Not much discovery here.

    The MC and the world is the definition of mainstream porn. He is a huge powerful, dominating manly man, ex-military, bla bla bla. Boring as hell. Interactions are robotic, dialogue is cringy. Relationships are not believable at all.

    You will enjoy it if you like mainstream porn, and if you like basic porn logic for all interactions.

    Otherwise, it's a no-go.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    If I had to summarize this game, it would be "pointless". The illusion of choice is presented, but in a manner that makes it nearly impossible to see all the content without paying for the patreon cheats. Which, hey, I understand - you do what you gotta do to make a living. But if you (as someone on this forum) aren't interested in throwing down the cash, just skip this game and save yourself the frustration.

    The game itself isn't terrible. Pretty typical male-power-fantasy / small-dick-energy, where every woman you encounter is desperate to get it on with the uber-Gary Stu MC. The writing is good enough that you can play it without rolling your eyes so much they fall out of your head.

    The clips that the dev uses are well-placed and generally consistent (as opposed to most HTML real-porn games). There are some things that are novel and unique, like the ability to take viagra (which, honestly, should be way more common in games where characters have sex multiple times in a row lol).

    If you want a game where the only challenge and mystery is which specific order to massage a woman to get her to bang the MC, then you'll like this. Otherwise, there's much better options than the free version of this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Brazilian Engrish

    I don't have the right words to describe how good this game is. The story. The game mechanics, the cast of girls, main and side ones and their personalities. The choices and different outcomes. Everything is very well done. Congrats to the dev.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It really makes you want to play this game, but all the scenes are almost impossible. You have to play through the game x times. Because there are so many ways to complete a scene. And that too retroactively. If you had done this and that on day x, you would now have the option for x. And I had that more than once while playing through. And the instructions aren't always entirely correct - that's what I noticed with Part Ginna
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Of all this html games (real porn) I’ve played recently, BtF has the best porn scenes/stars. It has a great UI, it’s generally got no hiccups, and the overall presentation is unique and yet comfortable. I also love that you can pretty much tailor your viewing experience to whatever type of content you really want. With that said, even though the content is presented in such a personalized way, the amount of waiting for the content you foresee & really want (and dangling certain content for so long I already fapped thrice-over ) - it means practically speaking you’re limited to less of the “personalized” experience and more of a generalized, contented porn-viewer.

    This game shows how ultimately, picking great scenes and having the scenes be cohesive and engaging will carry a visual novel, followed closely by just picking great pornstars. A lot of other real-porn games fail (or miss the mark) at these main aspects. To me, it’s much more akin to being a director, not necessarily a designer or seasoned writer.

    I had to weigh some subjective opinions about BtF, such as the amount of writing(a little too much for me, personally (but yet a lot less than most)) and feeling of grind (better than most, but not perfect imo) with the overall polish and immersion in this game. Even though it is very fappable and an overall nice experience, I still feel it doesn’t do everything perfect. Overall, for anyone who likes regular ol’ straight porn, mainstream fetishes including corruption/love options, some step-cest, and a good amount of anal, plus an interesting & straightforward plot - you’ll have a nice time with Back to Freedom.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Played this a few times and always a frustrating mess. Once you get into it a little, every page seems to tell you about a scene you've missed, or mini-games like the massage that you always fail unless you do exactly the right sequence of moves, which mainly have no rhyme nor reason.

    The porn and the actresses used are very well done, the story is pretty lame for the most part, with a few passages that a very good. No consistency really. The UI is OK, pretty clean. Worth a play through maybe, if you don't mind missing most of the content.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A ruddy marvelous game, especially because the scenes are carefully curated wrt plot in question and makes it an enjoyable play through. In addition, the plot itself is rather good and there IMO there are plenty of directions this can go.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not my thing to review but this game is awesome! I'll be waiting for the next update, I had played twice online in mopoga. Keep going man, can't wait what will happen to the next mission. The storyline is good, I wonder how it will end since Ms. Kiss offer to join hands with her. I just hope it will have a multiple endings.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I must have skipped a few versions but this one is a meaty game. The premise is easy -but the underpinnings of a morality system brings in some drastic changes as consequences for previous decisions.

    I love it.
    Keep making this dev, please.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best rp games, the story is good along with the vids selected for the each of the cutscenes. Atfirst i thought it would be a typical porn game but addition of crime/mafia in the mix really surprised me. even except the porn the game can hold its own storywise. one complain i would have is that there arent more sources to get money from, but apart from that pretty solid game.
    looking forward to the updates
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great options and storyline, love the diversity and mini games. Growing the story has been at an amazing pace and with very few or no glitches that i have ran into. There is a bunch of decisions with respectable consequences and provides and great sandbox feel to it
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty good and not just good for an HTML real porn game. The story is interesting, the characters are varied, and the freedom of how to treat those characters is well done.

    However there is a lot about the game that severely detracted from the former. The minigames are many, varied, and obnoxious, content being locked behind choices with little or no feedback on how to get the desired result without a walkthrough, and esoteric puzzles sprinkled in (looking at you ducts and massage).

    If the negatives either don't bother you or you can stomach them then this'll probably be a 4-5* but if they do it's middle of the road.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    The Wizard of Oz

    The game itself is quite well done, although nothing special
    and outstanding among other HTML games in it. Because it is because of the gameplay that players do not see an impressive part of his work. Quite a strange decision...