Possibly the most run of the mill HTML game I've played yet.
It has a love/lust system based on choices at the end of dialogues which essentially serves to gate keep which girls clips you can watch, and 'interactive' lewd scenes where you get to pick scenes that is basically mindless.
That's basically the whole game, it's barely a step above a kinetic novel, which isn't inherently bad and could work with good writing and good scenes, but the scenes are mostly generic with very standard models offering little variety, that you've probably all seen before and the writing is mostly uninspired and riddled with porn logic.
Altogether a forgettable game but if standard 90's porn actress is your type you might wanna mindlessly click through for a quick fap, not much else to do here.
It has a love/lust system based on choices at the end of dialogues which essentially serves to gate keep which girls clips you can watch, and 'interactive' lewd scenes where you get to pick scenes that is basically mindless.
That's basically the whole game, it's barely a step above a kinetic novel, which isn't inherently bad and could work with good writing and good scenes, but the scenes are mostly generic with very standard models offering little variety, that you've probably all seen before and the writing is mostly uninspired and riddled with porn logic.
Altogether a forgettable game but if standard 90's porn actress is your type you might wanna mindlessly click through for a quick fap, not much else to do here.