HTML - Bad Influences [v2.20] [zenhawk]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    edit: version 2.1 is even more broken. multiple times your corruption is reduced by 50 after getting raped... lol. it should add corruption but it reduces it.
    this game is just garbage multiple gamebreaking scenarios in this patch, meaning i cannot proceed unless i backtrack and choose a different route. i just changed my rating to 1/5


    version 2.0

    badly optimized HTML game.

    -for example you go to Frank's house (your stepfather) it says he is at work, then if you do yoga he can actually see you and get corruption.
    -your stepbrother is in his room, and you can talk to him, but if you want to go to bathroom it says he is in the bathroom... so both of them are at 2 places at once.

    breaks immersion.

    -rapes are out of nowhere. if you open janitor room, he can just suddenly facefuck you. no reaction whatsoever. you continue like nothing happened.

    i dont know what the previous reviewer was smoking, but it's a grindy game. you have to farm corruption stats for characters and yourself and grind looks work etc. 1 time period for 1 action (so a shower brings you from morning to noon) which is very bad game design, and very unrealistic. you can talk to someone for 2words and suddenly like 3-4h passed LOL. just low effort. so there are a lot of choices (like shower) which has 0 uses just passes time since there is no "energy" stat.

    if you use medium fonts, then you won't see the left sidebar and you cannot scroll down, so you cannot see the save game function.

    -it has other bugs, like if you enter a janitor's closet, sometimes you just get +50teacher rep (while you are alone there)

    -there is drunk level in club but there isactually no code about it. so again a deadend.

    -there are classes on saturday + sunday.

    so the game is just a mess, with lots of deadend, no coherency. LOTS OF GRIND. you get 20$ per work shift, and the first cloth which can increase your looks to unlock more content costs 300$... so yeah, LOTS of grind.

    although i love these female protag rape scenarios so i gave it +1 for that, so altogether 2/5. very low effort game but it has a couple of hot scenes. he clearly focused more on the porn part but the rest is very bad to break immersion just enough that you might as well watch real porn not play this grindfest game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Wake

    2.0 review

    This game is part of the niche of "real porn HTML sandbox rape games" that there are few of. Most are grindy and quickly abandoned or worse, content hidden behind paywalls. Bad Influences is none of these. Hardcore gifs of rape or corrupt scenerios galore, with each being sexier than the last. There is quite a bit of content in the 2.0 that makes it worth playing and even a cheat menu hidden in the bedroom desk if you want to get to scenes quicker. I personally think this is the best of its genre.

    I hope this gets more updates and more content in the future!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    v1.01 (very early version)

    The game features the same as other real porn games: there isn't consistency and your character will have a different face and body each screen, or sometimes even within the same passage. Whether that's a problem is for you to decide.

    There is a lot of clicking just for traveling - a map would do this game (and most other HTML ones) wonders.

    Right now there is very little content, and not much in terms of depth or development - your character can get raped and then go on with her activities like nothing happened.

    The picture/animation selection is good, as it features some nice butts.

    Unfortunately, due to how grindy the game is, the otherwise enjoyable pictures get old real quick.

    The developer has included a cheat mode, but I think it'd be best to simply reduce the grind so we don't have to pick between skipping all gameplay or repeating the same scene a hundred times.

    It's not terrible, but it suffers from the same problems as most others HTML real porn games: weak character and world building, repetitive, grindy, and slow/bothersome navigation.

    These are the aspects that I'd recommend polishing while the game is small as fixing things later on is always more challenging.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Twink

    HTML life-sandbox games are my absolute favourite genre and I judge them *harshly* but I must say... This is definitely one of the few I feel actually has some decent potential to be really good and I don't usually say that.

    Currently as it stands, of version 1.0, it does feel like it's missing a bit but that there's still actually somewhat of a game there to play and enjoy which seems pretty rare for this genre, especially on its original version.

    The two major complaints I have though is;
    1. The random events seem very few and far in-between and even the job courruption random events to get the game started can... take a little while to get.
    2. The sex scenes are a bit lacking. They have the absolute basics but... Seem to rely too heavily on the pictures and they don't say enough imo. My favourite parts of this genre is the more in-depth description of the events happening rather than "he pushes you down and fucks you and cums inside of you."

    But frankly, At it's current stage, I feel like it's pretty deserving of an "average" title of rating and the current product has me definitely interested in seeing how this develops. If you're a fan of HTML games, I recommend at least giving it a try. You'll see what I mean with the potential.