VN - Ren'Py - Bad Manners [v2.50] [Skaz]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Part of a frustrating selection of games that spend 20% of their lifespan as ambitious and exciting projects that could bear fruits and then the next 80% circling the drain. I swear to god the last 4 years of updates have only made the game less and less coherant as the fact the dev has no idea what to do becomes more and more obvious.

    The artstyle is in theory the best thing about the game, but as others have observed the deeper into the game you get the less new art there is and the lower quality it appears. The first 10 minutes of game time is by far the visual peak.

    I cannot overstate how incoherant the plot of this game is. The developer would have really benefited from some basic understanding of narrative structure as the game feels like it is in an epilogue phase for 80% of its duration. Characters have motivations so unclear they might as well not exist, the entire cast is hostile and whiney. You have one section of the story where you make a breakthrough with a character, win their affection and have sex with them. Only for them to not appear again for HOURS of gametime and when they return its like you have been reset to square one.

    Gameplay is hideously repetitive and incoherant. I don't even want to discuss it further.

    Honestly a simple design doc and a copy of Joseph Campbell on hand would have done this game a world of good. So many decisions that aren't commited to, storylines that are aborted, plotlines that twist into parodies of themselves.

    Total, total, total, nonsense. One of the worst games on this site with any kind of serious following or attention.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Developer really looked at Akabur games and chose to pick most obnoxious possible gameplay elements from it.
    I despise games which are sanbox clickfests. This is a sandbox clickfest. You have to go through one useless window to another, wait even more. Click more. Get no reward.
    Even with easy mode, it's still grindy. There's way too much text with very little reward. Game blueballs you the entire time until handing you mere crumb of a CG scene.
    Majority of the game is spent on listening to text bloat, clicking on the areas and hoping something happens.
    This is simply a poorly designed and unrewarding game. I'm sorry but I gave it enough time to make this judgement.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Genuinely one of the worst examples of WEGs and wasted potential in general.
    The story had a good hook and some decent ideas, but it slowly descents into incoherent mess of ideas and characters whose motivations and actions make no sense, and the farther you go, the worse it gets.
    The gameplay is unimaginably unintuitive, a whole lot of random triggers for bad ends requires you to play with complete precision to whatever nonsense logic the writer was thinking of, like the worst examples of adventure games of the past. Even the walkthrough won't help you much, and the ingame quest help menu is about as much use as sand in the Sahara.
    Art wise, very inconsistent, never above mediocre and dips pretty low, the later chapters definitely look worse as the dev team probably lost the good artist. Sadly, the main screen splash image is the best, by a wide margin, this game has to offer for the visuals.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Confusing game
    Terrible walktrough
    Renders are not bad
    Story is bad
    Half the time you have no idea what to even do because game even on easy mode doesn't really explain WHAT you have to do
    There is no console commands for money
    Game really needs a proper walktrough and a way to skip the money grind
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    It's pretty good. The game has a nice artstyle and a good sense of humour, thankfully never taking itself at all seriously. The story itself is absolutely braindead and frequently doubles back on itself or outright stops for a while, but the character writing is nice and makes the eventual sex scenes satisfying.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I played until CAP 3, I saw that it has a lot of content, but the beginning of the game seems very slow and boring, probably after those chapters it will get interesting, but I really got bored from the beginning.
    Objectively speaking:
    -it has a good drawing
    -The music is good
    -the plot, although original, is a bit strange, but it happens
    -the world map is normal
    -there is content +18, but I feel that it is little, at least in the first 3 chapters
    - Gameplay is good.

    I don't find it entertaining from the start but that's just my opinion, still the new ones can give it a try I give it 3/5
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    When even with a walkthrough you get lost in the labyrinth of things happening, only the art and theme saves this game from being one star.
    On top of that, no gallery, random game overs and path lock-ins you don't realize until it's too late, a grindy money system (even on "easy" mode) and damn do you (player and character) have to jump through hoops to get anywhere.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    good enough sandbox (or vn-into-sandbox if being more precise ; 1-13chapters)
    *i could have kept it with 4 stars, but i will +1 because i found most reviews below 3 not objective (looks like it were book lovers)

    -sufficient amount of content
    -solid qol (visual clues, mini-game cheats, etc)
    -external w/t u rely on to know what to do (ingame text hints are kinda useless)

    my issue with this game is that it kinda underperforms
    -art (faces in particular) could have been better. and not sure if it should be a problem given that sometimes things are depicted much better
    -first 6-7 parts has almost nothing trully lewd. given that it is about half of the game i feel like 'build up' is longer than needed. definitely there should have been some anti-blueball measures.
    -time passes weirdly. like to be at the basement at 21.00 u should start going at 15.00 as each movement (including door touching) takes 3h ; i didnot care about all that until chapter 13 (which mechanics is kinda burdensome and thus inconsistent with previously relaxed gameplay); also some ppl report that if u r on the location and skip time - u miss events.

    subjective issue
    -all those alt options are bit annoying (u just have to save and look scenes to avoid having a feeling that u missed something).
    it is a VN approach which should not be applied to sandboxes.
    goes without saying, having alt endings (=gameovers) is totally ridiculous
    (at least u can show it, then cancel/return back and inform user to make another choice in order to continue gaming)
    -chapter13 mechanics is weird. any cheat for deadline extention?
    -this game leans towards vn so it is kinda wordy, ofc i skip the text [who nobody reads texts in sandboxes?]...and unfortunately external w/t is not enough to fairly comprehend what is going on besides you corrupting fems)

    >external walkthrough is easy to follow. almost literally step by step. if you stuck it is probably because u failed to buy or manufacture some item and give or leave it somewhere.
    >i cannot say i was affected by any grind.
    i dont remember any npc scores to gain via some gifts or any repeatable interactions without progression (which is the definition of grind, not what book geneouses think. everything besides staring at walls of texts is grind to them) cash amount could stall you but for couple of ingame days (in case u dont tweak your saves)
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    *Sigh* I don't like that I'm giving the game 2 stars, but feel like I have to given how tedious this game gets. Like with all of my reviews, lets start with the pros first.

    Alright, so the first positive I'll give this game is the story. The writing is solid, although the translations are certainly poor at certain times. Playing as Hans is definitely an interesting take. The Artwork is good. The sex scenes are also pretty decent.

    So let's get into the bad. This is one of the most tedious porn games I have ever played. Figuring some of the stuff out is not intuitive at all (bear in mind, I played without a guide as this was before my time where I had discovered f95). Seriously, this game gets so unbelievably tedious at times that I just wanted to stop playing. It is not fun, and I find that this is the case with a lot of Russian porn games for whatever reason.

    Second, getting to the juicy sex scenes takes forever, and there is no way to replay most of them which is just irritating as hell. How about a gallery? No, get fucked. So despite having some decent sex scenes once you reach them... I still wouldn't recommend this game as you are unable to replay them.

    Hence why I give this game 2 stars. I wouldn't recommend playing it. Period. The story alone isn't captivating enough for you to continue playing, and the sex scenes are such a pain to get to that I would just recommend attempting to search them or finding alternative Disney content on r34 instead.

    Adding a gallery would bump my review up by a star. Until then, 2/5.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Would rate one star but i want to fuck the Frozen sisters!

    This is the biggest slow burn/cockblock/blueballer ive ever played. Im in what, chapter 7 now and there was only one sex scene for MC so far!

    The whole narrative builds upon beeing cockblocked by a dumb contract with a succubus and besides one girls, she didnt let you fuck any other girl so far...

    The sandbox is completely useless since there are no things to do besides making money with a stupid hunt but even this is capped weekly so you do it one or two times a week and youre done.

    Without the ingame cheats which show you where you can do stuff or progess, this game would be literally unplayable since there are no other indicators for where you have to go etc.

    Sadly i will still play it further since i want the girls at least once.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Another game that hasn't been flooded with reviews, so I'll throw my opinion into the mix.
    I love this game. Other reviewers clearly don't, that's okay. Why do I love this game?
    It's plot-rich, that's one thing. There is a lot of plot going on, and the protagonist's efforts to keep himself unhorned, unfrozen, and to restore himself to glory are a great driver for all the various machinations. And it's all driven by a kind of cartoon silliness. A lot of the plot points are almost, but not quite non-sequiturs, so the story carries itself along with its own logic.
    Which means it's also very consistent to its world. By this, I mean the language, the actions, the behaviors are all very congruent with the faux fairy-tale kingdom setting. It reminds me of a children's book of fairy tales, not the gritty Grimm ones, but the flouncy Perrault ones.
    The mechanics aren't too complex - most of the time you're led to your next action. But a walkthru matters because there are a handful of game-ending decisions, and you are given no warning when they come.

    The artwork... well, I love the artwork. You know what it's trying to capture, and for the most part it does. There are a couple of characters who stick out, jarringly. I assume they used a different reference model, rather than a canonical illustration, and they don't fit in at all. This, more than anything, is the reason why I don't give 5 stars.

    What I love most about this game, though, is the dialogue. I can't express how unusual this is for games on this site, because the writer is clearly not a native English speaker, and there are lots of odd idioms and grammatical errors. But if you imagine they're all speaking in heavy, Northern European foreign accents, then the illusion carries over. The two sisters in particular are excellent. They express this tone of "no proper lady would ever stoop so low... would she?" and I, personally, find that really erotic. It's a Euro soft-core sex romp in costume.

    Anyways, I should also mention that the dev team are very good at releasing regular updates, with substantial additions to the story, and, as we know, that alone is worth a lot.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Bad Manners [v2.20] [Skaz]
    I'm sorry but it's bad.
    It had a lot of potential but each update contains too many errors and every time you reach an ending you have to restart from a previous save (nothing warns you that you are going against an ending).
    This creates a lot of annoyance and boredom.
    The drawings are not the best at first, then it improves chapter by chapter, but it never reaches high levels.
    I expected a lot more.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the worst examples of a game on this site that can waste solid, maybe not top quality, but still good enough art on something that is so sad to play. I cannot even imagine how anyone would rate this abomination anything other than the lowest possible rating if not being the dev himself or his shill.

    We have everything worst here, a pathetic loser protagonist, that says he will get everyone every few sentences while at the same time bending down to take in his ass at every opportunity, simping to everyone as the best way to progress the story, a genie that acts like a moron, a succubus that mocks the protagonist and a bunch of girls that basically will do what they want anyway. At some point the protagonist even has to pretend to be a gay to progress. And of course the grind and one of the worst sandbox system I've ever seen in which you need half a day to go to some location to find out the day has ended. I mean the game tries every possible way to be as obnoxious as possible to the player. At the same erotic content is basically nonexistent in the first few chapters and barely any overall.

    I really regret wasting few hours on this, maybe at least this review will save some people from repeating my mistake.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Terrible grinding game.

    Confusing and insufficient hint system.

    Very few and bad sex scenes, animations are also very bad.

    I liked he story and endured until last chapter.

    But, Cassanda quest become the last straw.

    Huge waste of time.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    It doesn't have much of a clear objective or goal. It's just clicking through the motions. Much less a game ... more like a coin tossing simulator.
    Animations were good. But I didn't really care about anything and it's EXCESSIVELY wordy to the point of being gibberish.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is interesting. The art work is very good.
    The main problem i have is why did you split the game in 2 parts?
    I have played the game before now way back. And my thought where the game is not the most original idea but i respect that since this is your personal take on how the game will flow based on your preferences.
    I stand at 4 stars if you make 1 complete game where 2th parts are united i promise to change my score to 5 stars.

    For the players reading this! The game is very well made and its worth checking out.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game for its parody elements and relatively engaging story. But some poorly written characters, reused assets, and ultimately lack of H-scenes finally have me gave up. I played 5 hours straight to chapter five and the most explicit H-scene is a naked Rapunzel. Why and how I managed to blueball myself for 5 hour straight starting from midnight is a mystery I'll never be able to solve.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    This game is somewhat mixed in my opinion. It has some great things and some very bad things. It is totally linear and definitely isn't a trainer, your decisions have no lasting effects (and you can begin in whatever chapter), which is good and bad depending on who sees it. To me, who likes management, it's bad, but some people prefer something more linear and easy to pick from where you left when an update comes.

    Great graphics
    Very interesting story, the kind that can survive even without the sex (which it does for the first part)
    Interesting minigames

    Elsa's portrait, she is so much better in her CGs, her portrait looks like an evil stepmother. Also, the girl's portraits all look the same, which is ok if they were just mob, but the game wants you to remember their names, and have h-scenes with them.

    Noncharismatic characters, especially Hans. He isn't the worst character of all, just not someone I like.

    While the story is good there is a thing I didn't like about it.
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    Chapter 10's beginning made no sense, more precisely, the thing with Meridiana, and it was what made drop the game. I did get the ending of chapter 9 which even leaving a taste of "something is missing here" it was satisfying enough. Chapter 9 is the reverse of the rest, much sex and little story, which was strange, Hans is more fun when he is under high pressure.

    And mainly, the Sex. You only begin to see some sex at part 2 of the game, until there, is just some eye candies here and there, a pair of breasts in chapter 4, a little scene in chapter 5, but no more than that. That's too long to wait to get some action, fortunately, the story kept me playing, but c'mon. Also, most of the scenes are quite short, some are a little longer but most are short.

    This one isn't a bad game, it is undoubtful interesting, the author knows how to use the underdog effect quite well, even Hans being an arrogant and stupid character doing something really questionable, you can still relate to him because the world falls over him in each chapter and he needs to do something about it. But the lack of sex at the beginning can make it unappealing for fans of Eroges, which this game is, and chapter 10 had a gigantic plothole, enough to make me drop the game. So, I'd suggest, play the first 2 chapters, if you like the story, go ahead, but if not, drop it now, it won't get hotter anytime soon.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for version 0.8

    I really liked the game. Artwork is good, and in later chapters there's plenty of scenes with nudity. I especially liked the common girls ( well, they all share the same character, just different hair color ). Anyways, it looks really good.

    Story is good also, and in some points even really funny. Anna and Elsa especially are hilarious at some points.

    If I had to nitpick on something, maybe it took a little too long until the good stuff started. I assume those that started playing when chapter 1 was released and waited every new chapter were not that happy at first.

    As an improvement, maybe some sort of hint system would be nice, since at few points I had no idea how to continue. Thankfully there's walkthroughs if you get stuck, so not such a big deal really.

    Anyways, now game has good amount of content ( I'd say about 5+ hours at least ) and hopefully more people find this little gem.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall it is great game with good interface with difficulty options and "cheat" menu that allows you to avoid the money grind to get anything done.

    Story starts slow and builds nicely developing main characters (well except the 3 Princesses that have competition to trap MC and after little progress the storyline dropped cold without any explanation though two of them turn up on deck of cards with artist having great familiarity with bodies...strongly implied they posed for live including gangbang,,,so how that evolved would also have been nice to be explained).

    A gallery option for such a long game would have been nice. They also reuse same artwork for a few to many scenes (having H scene with character multiple times with exactly same poses just slight variations in outfits.