RPGM - Completed - Baldacchino [v1.0] [TakionMELO]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I think I'm more disappointed in this game than my parents are with me.

    The gameplay is clunky, one-dimensional, and easily cheesed, even without the health "soda" you can activate to cause normal attacks to leech life. The world and level design, if they could be called that, are made of cubes that would bore a toddler. There's not really a game here.

    The CG art is nice, but the three scenes I could be arsed to unlock were vanilla as hell, and the girls acted bored during all of them. I guess there's people who are into that, but even those milquetoast sad sacks have to admit that the machine translated text is just not worth reading for how badly it came out. The game is largely incoherent and uninteresting.

    I'm just sad that I wasted my time. Hopefully, this will save yours.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Good change from your typical RPG game for a more action oriented one, a little junkie on some moments but nothing that ruins the experience in its entirety

    The art and design of the characters is gorgeous but there is too little CGs to fully enjoy it in my opinion

    I am giving a rating of 4 because I enjoyed and I see promise BUT considering this is not a first game from the developer might reduce to a 3 depending it this is suppose the best work so far
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A first person "action" dungeon crawler in Rpgm, making the "action" part kinda clunky, but it works. The gameplay is actually kinda simple, but different. The Hscenes are all VERY well made CGis, but there aren't that many sadly. The main character is a muscle girl swordswoman, which is the best type of gals! I conclude this by saying that "Baldacchino" means canopy in italian...I really don't know why they choose this title!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is average by old h-game standards, and good by modern standards.

    The plot is simple, yet convoluted at the same time. The premise is resolved by the end, but the main knight never recovers her memory and the alien invasion is left at a cliffhanger.

    The gameplay can be cheesed by spamming right-click commencing with an enemy attack (easy parries & heals from then onwards). The follower's powers are interesting.
    5/5 just for not being generic RPGMaker turn-based combat, yet still cohesive It's faster Elder Scrolls instead! (3/5)

    The pornography is standard melon22: ~10 actual sex scenes, naked chiseled & voluptuous women, and your character loses her armour at critical health. The art is great as per usual, but actually seeing it is a pain. In order:
    1) Only one sex scene can be chosen out of a few during certain events, while some require defeat in certain places; this is all circumvented by the gallery unlock after the final boss
    2) Seeing the allies nude in the bath requires giving them bath incense (costs 30 gold each, totaling 150). This is earned by grinding the cactus in town for herbs, then using it with the meat from enemies and bread you buy to make bento boxes that you can resell for 20 gold. Please note that the cactus can kill you, and the incense is necessary to power up your allies' support attacks.
    3) You cannot see your character's reflection, just her naked breasts by looking down; on the plus side, her breasts jiggle even when clothed.
    5/5 for art, 2/5 for accessing the art

    Overall, Baldacchino|バルダッキーノ is mediocre. The reasons why I consider it to be above average are the
    > artwork
    > different gameplay
    > utter state of the greater h-scene
    This is a nice game to play through once.

    Ranking the characters:
    (blonde) bunnygirl bandit > (blue) knight captain > (redhead) main character > (purple) alien apostle > (tanned albino) shrine maiden > (green-grey) alien knight = (brunette) rookie knight
    Likes: roupe
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    El Presidente

    Baldacchino is an action game where you are a knight and fight things. The story is very basic, you start with goblin, you end up fighting god. other than with the sword you have 4 character that give you power and can get upgraded giving them soap (like a gift). This is one of those cases where RPGmaker is pushed to the limit, but the combat is basic, the enemies are all 2dsprites because the engine can manage that and the best way to defeat them is flanking them. Arts are basic, the stands are good but mostly are those big girls standing . Overall is average but with a innovative gameplay for the standard.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Illidan No Women 10000

    Hello! It's me, Illidan! Today i will reviews this... Poor pseudo unity game. Like... Who in the hell does gameplay, worser than some student in unity? I am sure that i could have made better game on unity like when i was 14 years old. Instead of using crappy RPGMaker to make pseudo 3rd game. Eh... I need to stop with my yapping and just continue review. I will rate this hgame by these categories : Translation, story, gameplay, hscenes

    Let's start!

    Translation 2/5 - Really crappy translation... You already can see mistakes in text and differences, when you choose dialogue choices.

    Story ?/5 - Sorry, i wasn't able to complete it fully. So i won't be able to rate it. Overally, there is some crap with corpse arts and etc... WHICH GENDERBENDS YOU. Guy got genderbended, because he used it. Also martial arts and weapons are bad and etc

    Gameplay 0.00001/5 - Seriously... It might be great in terms of RPGMaker. But it's worser than 0.00001/5 if it was unity game. Even in middle school, you can make better game with free models, than this shit. Because everything is so laggy, sometimes when you move mouse to look at other direction, it warps a little bit further. Enemies are still 2D and don't have proper models. I don't even talk how bad is combat here and dialogues. It's seriously bad. I don't even talk, about how little content here

    Hscenes 1/5 - Serious downgrade, compared to previous games of same dev. There is far less scenes and they look worser than previous released hgame. Which was in 2018 and named "Demon Lord and Guardian".

    Conclusion 0.1/5 - This hgame, doesn't deserve your attention. Scenes also not worthy to see. Better to play previous hgame of this dev, than this one.