Mod - Cheat Mod - Ren'Py - Banking on Bella - LaikDink's Walkthrough, Cheat, Improvement Mod[v0.08a][Profile Game Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    used the mod for v0.07a

    After playing through twice, with mod enabled and picking different highlighted choices I saw in the game screens that I missed a ton of content. None of it was visible in the mod. The mod should clearly state when a choice locks out other paths, and it doesn't do that. Thus, it is literally useless and more harmful than playing blind, because it gives the illusion of information while not providing the information, which makes it worse than without.

    +1 star because it at least doesn't cause the game to crash, but the mod itself is useless.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    I use walkthroughs a lot simply because what a dev means to convey in the choices they offer often don't read the same way (at least to me). A walkthrough or walkthrough mod help me make more informed decisions. So, over the years, I've used scores, if not hundreds of walkthroughs and mods patches. This one was the worst. By far.

    BoB has a lot of pathing and diverging routes. It is way beyond what many game has which is more "Do you want to see this scene or not?". Choosing to be even vaguely interested in one girl may lock you completely out of 2 or more others, and close off maybe dozens of scenes, and that's exactly WHY someone wants a walkthrough. Most especially because maybe something as simple as deciding whether or not you like classic cars is going to massively change what girls you might meet, and in what circumstances, somewhere down the line.

    This mod simply doesn't help with that. Somehow I missed an entire branching event with Mal (the concert) that at no point anywhere the mod warned me could happen. Not one hint. Utterly useless.

    Many of the best mods may allow you to bypass some of the branching, getting to choose more than one option the game intended. This mod kinda promised to do that. It lies. For some crazy reason, this mod gives you options to take two bad choices, (Piss off Fran or Piss of Janice becomes Piss off both), but won't let you have a scene with Sofia and a Scene with Tatiana, or, as mentioned, to go out with Malorie because you're on a path where you toss off to a webcam or whatever. Worst implementation I ever saw, and I have no clue what the dev of the mod was thinking.

    The recommendations it does give are just weird, with no explanation. Like it recommends you to choose for the MC to be interested in the ugliest, freakiest characters in the game, right at the start - the characters designed to be repulsive such that no sane person would want them - without any logic or hint as to why on earth you'd want to do that.

    Banking on Bella is a rather challenging game in many ways anyway for the forced choices that are often extremely unclear and even illogical. This mod seems to actually make that worse if only for offering the false hope it might make it better.

    Definitely not recommended.