Unity - Bare Backstreets [v0.9.0] [Jasonafex]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice sprites for the sex animations though kind of repetitive and not alot to do other than bait the monsters to fluff your butt. Needs more monster types and maybe more than one monster at the same time.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    having know Jason on a somewhat person to person level for awhile and being in touch with other mutuals of his, i can tell you now this game will be either

    A. Underwhelming
    B. abandoned, yet again

    as the game is now? its nonsense, lacking, the platforming is weird, levels look like something made in a Cartoon Network flash game, animation is fine, but the variation is lacking. a lot you see in the banner is not there or just next to impossible to find.

    I am aware that this game isint even 0.5 yet, but there are plenty of other games with better and more content, or were actually finished in a timely manner.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    When your patreon gets 3000$ per month and you can't even make GRAVITY work on the second level of your PLATFORMER, you should consider not making video games for a living.

    oh and this game has been "playable" since AUGUST 2019 ... needless to say this is a waste of time and money.
  4. B
    1.00 star(s)


    Just awful. Mechanically broken, "in development" for years and years, overly simple and tedious gameplay. Nothing good here. If the dev had any integrity he would trash the project. Of course, idiots keep throwing money at no-talent hack develops because "muh furry" so of course he's going to keep sponging off of them. It's seriously just trash, save your hard drive space for something better.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a high quality furry porn game and although the game is missing some important game play aspects it is understandable because its not complete yet and I hope the creates can improve this amazingly high quality game.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Original was way better. Dont know how you can go away from a project just to revive it with something this shit. I would love for them to scrap this and just go with adding more levels to the original art-style, which was brilliant.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Here is a slight review and comparative to this "New" Version and the old game. Might sound like a rant, but bear with me.

    So, where to start? I don't think stating the obvious out right would be a good place to start. I think a few reviews have already done that and for good reason. This "GAME" is a buggy mess in it's current state.

    My experience? I played an older version of this one, it was poorly optimized, I don't have a terrible PC but it's far from great. I would normally get around 10-20 FPS at better times. The bugs were still in the old one, and no not the actual good ones trying to attack you and stuff either. The ones that make the game unplayable, make it unbearable to even have taking up space on your PC. Don't get me wrong, it's a good concept, but... everything else is just... NO! It's horrid.

    There was a game under this same name, however that's neither here nor there. It's totally different and much worse. Why they couldn't just continue that game and it's development beats me. It was honestly the better feeling out of the two, this one being just... I think you get the idea.

    Now... onto the actual Bugs here. What can you expect besides bad optimization? I actually died on a slope in the new Level (Autumn I think?) and that is where it started to get horrible. The quick action bubble that appears over you when you get knocked back? Grappled by a Mob? Yeah, well if you were playing long enough then they were basically broken to the point they just won't show a valid point to actually escape. Mobs almost instantly climaxed at this point, no fun or pleasure to play. And personally (I have no idea if anyone else had this happen) at one point, I had the screen violently shake up and down for no reason at all while I was down! It only got progressively worse and actually gave me a headache. There was even a time I was able to walk around when I was supposed to be dead and then, randomly drop. I literally had no patience for this game and actually rage quit it.

    TL;DR Version
    Game is a broken buggy mess.
    -Poorly optimized
    -Broken downed states, allowing movement after you SHOULD be down.
    -Screen shakes badly when dead on a slope. Gave me (Personally) a head ache.
    -Buggy AI
    -Downgrade from the Original Game.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Basically a dead thread. All that comes around are empty messages like OI WHERE FIX AT DIS THINGY WON'T WORK. Oh yeah, the game crashes 5 secs in. If you are lucky, it crashes 6 seconds in. Probably a decent project, but it doesn't work. :(
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Have to agree with the other guy, this is so badly optimized that it's genuinely almost impossible to play. The sprites and models look good, but as is it'd be better as an animation instead of a game. Tbh can't actually say that'd be better as even the main menu page animation lags ridiculously, playing like 3 frames of movement before stopping for like 3-4 seconds. I can't recommend this at all in its current state.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Preface note: I was gonna give this another go to write an appropriate review as I had tried this out as an old public build, but I can't get this horrid piece of software to work.

    This is an example of how not to do a remake, textbook. The original game was clearly unfinished and unpolished (and unbalanced) but it was a nice foundation over which a game could have been made, eventually.
    This game simply feels wrong. From the moment you start it up you are greeted with a very glitchy looking main menu, like old TV static. To this day I'm not sure if this is deliberate or my PC doesn't like this game. Then you can navigate your way through a very fiddly and finicky menu, with icons with glitchy tooltips and shoddy mouse detection (how do you fuck up the hitbox for a button?)
    If you are lucky like me, your game will simply crash after a second of booting up every time. A small pop-up with a loading screen and an icon from the game will show up, load something for a second, and then it'll crash.

    ((The rest of this review I'll write based on what I remember from the old public demo I played.))

    Now, what is the most important aspect of a platformer? Tight, responsive controls. This game has the exact opposite of those. They feel clunky, laggy, slippery and overall not satisfying. Some enemies are difficult to attack, there's a lack of explanations on mechanics or even basic prompts to do things, the items go unexplained and even your objective is unclear!
    Lastly, the h-content. It's yet again that failure of a system where you are rewarded for losing. Take damage, get stunned, get fucked. If you play well (well, go become a professional e-sports player if you do) then you could technically go the whole game without finding out this is supposed to be an adult game. The animations themselves are good, if a bit simplistic. I can't say anything about the female player character's moveset or animations because she wasn't available back in the day, but I don't expect anything besides vanilla situations.

    TL;DR: I'm gonna end this in a CYOA style, pick one:
    1. Look up the previous iteration and play that, enjoy your 20 minutes.
    2. Put on your favourite ear licking ASMR video and go play a good platformer.
    3. Download this one and use it to practise to become a professional Overwatch player.