Back when this game all start, there was certainly some measure of promise. Story was alright enough, the visuals were good, sex scenes were hot though blandish, and the characters were good as well.
However though, for the Chapter 5 to have taken pretty much two years to "build', the expectation would have been a true grandious ending of sorts, with all of the paths included and such, the ending of Chapter 4 to be a key build up in surprise. For what ever reason though, the story, and by proxy endings, fell flatter than a pancake.
You had the surprise of a possible gunman with the ending of Chapter 4, and yet, turns out to be one of the marshalls. Okay, no big deal, makes sense given the situation. But as we go into hiding with our pairings, we are forced into saving the Dean, yes the Dean. Who added no shock factor in terms of storytelling whatsoever. NOW, had it been Sadie, then you have more weight to the story and making it memorable, not to mention the more build up with suspense. But overall, the story and such is a huge let down, even after the 2 years of 'work'.
Endings wise, kinda hit and miss. Heidi, Athena, Mora, Sadie solos were good. Zenda's, while slightly better end result, was more pointless and text wall. 'Let's go to Iran, it'll be fine... Famous last words'. HaM ending was fun, however the gold certainly goes to MASH for taking it all. Val getting a one off event after you wrap things up seemed pointless.
So in short, I can't give this a 5 star, or even 4. While there are some good, memorable moments in the game, and the art work is there, specially later on, the story, and it's conclusion failed to meet expectations. Hopefully Storm and Slockie can learn from things with this and build up on things in their next work, with the storytelling and other areas. But overall, gotta give it a 3/5.