Ren'Py - Baskin All-In the Family [Ch.2] [TheSugarRay]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the genre and this game has a unique take on it. Wish I could skip ahead a few updates, and see where it goes. But I love the direction it's heading.

    Subbed, hope I never see the abandoned tag on this one so just doing my part.

    Keep up the good work dev. 5* for me. Smart, funny, and, original..
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I like how the game started and where it is going. Sometimes you feel like there's too much dialogue (I admit I have skipped some parts), but it's well written and doesn't go over the top. The girls look lovely and they are varied. There are some emotional moments too.

    Sex is a bit scarce for now but that's OK, I prefer a few sexy situations over a ton of forced scenes that end up becoming routinary. Suggestive scenes, like those upskirt shots, surely help keeping the interest :p

    Keep it up!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Man I really want to love this game, but with my poor English I can't understand shit when reading dialogues. That's why -1 star

    Other than that, models are beautiful, relationship is wholesome, sisters are cute, side girls funny

    Dev in my opinion has improved his writing compared to his previous games, but it is still far from being good
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    tiger in the hood

    I really like the unique atmosphere and incest content of the new game Baskin All-In the Family. In today's flood of family incest games, I'm glad that the developers have improved this type of game and added a fun backward rural background, which really adds a lot of flavor to this game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Played the game and liked it .It has potential.The models are good and there is already some action with the main LI .The story and dialogue could do better .There's incest+virgin +harem which is great combo .This is the exactly the game you expect from the premise. If you are looking for some deep storytelling and gameplay ,you will be disappointed .Overall its a more of a good fap game .
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    • Dialogue seems like a bunch of random rubbish. Is it a bad translation or the author likes to express himself in riddles? I've no idea;
    • I also actually have no idea what any (ok not all, but most) of the choices presented to you mean;
    • Those facial expressions are genuinely scary;
    • So is MC's body hair;
    • The animations are indeed animated;
    • There is only a single chapter right now, that lasts for about 20-30 minutes;
    • The whole experience felt like a fever dream.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this VN has a load of potential.

    The story line isn't bad but the dialog could use some help .Parts of it didn't make sense to me. Sure it uses some standard tropes but not bad ones. I like that the MC and Tulip pretty much embraced their incestuous feelings with little apologies or excuses.

    Scene transitions could use some work.

    The ladies aren't great but not bad either. They kind of have a real world feel to them. However the body hair on the MC had an off putting look to it. I'm a sucker for mom and sister stories, especially when they don't have beach ball boobs and grossly oversized butts.

    Hopefully the Dev will make side girls optional. I could be content with mom and the sisters plus making any other girls optional increases multiple playthrough ability. It'd be nice if certain fetishes are also optional. I'd like to see an option for pregnancy as well.

    A far from perfect VN but a good start none the less. Keep up the work Dev.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Still early, but I think this game has lots of potential. Beautiful girls, sexy story, and I like the premise. Also any game with multiple redheads is worth a shot, especially with realistic proportions! Good luck!
  9. 2.00 star(s)



    Only thing good are the models
    I only got one sex scene near the end of the game
    Story : there is none
    no bugs
    There was no sound
    Would wait for more updates there isn't much in this game for now
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Playing 1.04
    The description doesn't match the current content.

    This is a game about distance between family members. Boy leaves small town to chase his dreams, only to find the big city crush him over time. Young man comes home for the funeral of his father, who won't be missed (being a drunken family beater) and find the family and town that he tried so hard to escape.

    There's genuine moments of good storytelling and dialogue, mixed in with this beaten down feeling of people who had dreams but who've seen them die over time. But the animations, transitions, and so on are where problems come up. Some areas look like proper 3d environments, some look like badly painted static backdrops. And unless the mother has been really getting around, there's no way your three 'sisters' are fully related to you. Half sisters more like.

    I'd like this to be a game about rebuilding and finding prosperity in a small town. And that might be the description of the game, unfortunately, it's not in the game yet.

    In short, if you want some incest undertones, some 'small town with beaten down people', some 'america country-folk' dialogue and acting that will take all of 30min to get through? This is the game for you.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    VERSION: 1.04
    SUMMARY: Poor at best, with OK models, bad writing, not worth the time.

    1. Semi decent looking models
    2. Semi decent animations (err)
    1. Scenes and renders are popping in and out instead of having decent transitions. e.g., sister on bed talking to MC, flips around back and forth between 2 renders while having conversation instead of maybe just sticking to one scene and have a few more lines then flip to another and few more lines instead of the same render.
    2. Renders and animations are fine for a beginner developer but I would take my time if I were trying to break into this market, there are plenty of good (at least much better) VNs out there. Putting this out just throws your work away IMO.
    3. Adding to above point, having your characters bob from left to right on screen but have the same "look" is like watching some cheap muppet show.
    4. Writing is mostly pure crap, this goes way beyond proof reading The dialogue itself leaves much to be desired, the characters are empty and the script feels way to rehearsed and unnatural. Toward the end of this version the characters are speaking like the dialogue was written by schizophrenic.
    5. Story is typical hillbilly BS, brother comes home, bangs family who clearly already crossed the line before he left as every sister is sexually frustrated and make sexual remarks that is not the socially or morally acceptable norm (at least where I come from)
    6. On point above, while its a VN and its meant to be fantasy and BS, the best ones are those who have a bit more subtle approach, characters have inhibitions, dark fantasies and desires that become more apparent as the story goes, those IMO are the better ways to go about it.
    TLDR: If I'm brutally honest, its bad, its lazy and a poor attempt. You can do more with less and have better quality with more effort and care. If you want financial support for a VN, you are not going to find it with this kind of work...