Seeking Battle fuck games (sex during fights and/or losses) with good art quality


New Member
Feb 10, 2024
Games I've played so far in order are:
Night Of Revenge
Modern Pink Elf
Monster Girl's Quest
Karryn's Prison
Tentacle Prison
Niplheim's Hunter - Branded Azel
Pure Onyx
Parasite in the City
Goblin Conqueror
Monster Girl Dreams
War Demon Kirsten

I've also played Summer Clover, though it isn't of the same genre as above I really like the art quality if it helps for referance.
Also, I'm new to this type of stuff so I don't know much about tags, genres and definitions of some things.

I'm open to other genres but what I'm mainly looking for is good art quality and easy access to sex scenes. The battlefuck type of game is just what I generally prefer but I don't mind trying out other sorts. I also use cheats for some of these games to gain easier access and freely roam around to explore their respective galleries.

**Also, please no recommendations with lolis and child-looking characters, I really don't like that sort, and no blood(?) if possible. Because even the blood from hymen breaking unsettles me. Just some straight sex/rape is alright for me :)
**So sorry, I forgot to mention I would just like actual games (I'm not sure how to phrase it more respectfully I'm sorry) and not visual novels or any of that sort.

Thanks for reading!
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Active Member
May 18, 2021
Here's what I can think of off the top of my head:
  • A.I.D.A.: Some enemies can do sex attacks and you can sometimes do them to enemies back. Unfortunately they don't really have a purpose..
  • Rignetta's Adventure: Not really a battlefuck but the sex scenes aren't just always a "game over" when they happen.
  • Tunnel Escape: I don't think you're able to initiate the sex during a battle.
  • Hard Stuck: This time only you can initiate the sex.
  • Black Souls 2: I think there's a sex scene via a battle with the succubus from the first game. But uh, I think it doesn't appear if you turn off H-scenes.
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