HTML - Completed - Battle Quest [v1.0.2] [lobsterman9999]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    queso fresco

    The game does many things right: combat is enjoyable, story is decent, branches are fine. The story/smut ratio is a little bit heavy on the story side for my taste and there isn't really any customization to your character other than gender.
    Anyway, this game is pretty solid!

    Edit: in my humble opinion the writer could have left out the low quality animated anime scenes and just put in non-animated pictures, which hold up to the otherwise good quality images.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of v1.0.2 on 6/30/2022]

    Well now, an HTML game with a surprisingly good plot. That's unusual.

    Don't get me wrong, there are a few HTML games with good writing, but not necessarily a good plotline. I wouldn't call this mindblowing at all, but it definitely doesn't lack.

    The balancing for combat is okay. I managed to beat the game using the Rogue; sometimes, I had to abuse the back button to avoid some arbitrarily brutal RNG, but after a while, it all seemed to even out. Also, getting the endgame weapons is truly a game changer in dealing with the final boss.

    The sexual content is rather sparse, but it's somewhat tasteful. You can have one male partner if you're playing a female, one female partner if you're playing a male, and one female partner (AFAIK) if you're playing a futanari. There's masturbation scenes, and there's the option to screw some goblins early on as a female.

    It scratched an itch. Good job.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed playing it, liked the progression. Saw that they updated it with keybindings which was my only real complaint. Particularly enjoyed the class system and the gold management didn't feel too grindy.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Crys Heart

    I played v1.0.2. At this point, the game is has been completed, and it is pretty well done, in my opinion.

    The writing is simply amazing. The characters are all so alive. I came for porn, but the story drew me in and kept me playing, successfully evoking strong emotions in me. I nearly cried at the end during final battle. However, it isn't porn-heavy: as a female MC, I stopped pursuing the merchant sex questline since I didn't like where it was going, and saw little to no sexual content afterwards.

    As for the gameplay itself, it isn't anything fancy. They're pretty standard text RPG mechanics. It can get repetitive at times, especially if the class one is playing requires a lot of grinding/takes a while to kill an enemy.

    I don't have many complaints, save for one: I find the class descriptions misleading. The Paladin class, which is supposed to be the easy/beginner class, is significantly harder to play than the Rogue class, which is labelled as difficult. This might just be a quirk of my playstyle rather than a design error, though.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Was actually really surprised how good this game is. Here are my reasons.

    First off, the combat. Now, I never expected much from combat on F95zone games. Combat is treated as a second priority to the sex. Yet here the combat is engaging. There were many close encounters I had while playing the game. Even dying a few times because I went in unprepared. You need to plan before doing difficult battles. Bring enough potions, upgrade your character enough, wear good armor. All these need to be taken into account into the battles that can be a challenge without ever feeling overwhelming. There is even a library you have access to that explains how combat works but thankfully is never forced to read. You can learn through trial and error or read in the library and the game never forces you. Think their was only one time I would even say an enemy was too tough. Was at the end where you could defeat a guardian in the quest: Explore the Reliquary of Light. Even here, applaud the game for never forcing you to do this quest. This quest can be skipped to get to the final boss.

    Second the story. Wow, was not expecting such a good story. Despite featuring the cliches of elves, dwarves, humans, and goblins, the world still felt real and breathed in. For example, liked the evolution of the goblins who at the beginning are your enemies but because you help the brother of the king, helps you out later in the story. Or the elf Aya where yes, it is cliché you help rescue her but has an interesting character. She is not a historian, that is her brother’s domain. She is an archer. Shown when she paralyzed you in the goblin cave but not a powerful mage when she was brainwashed by another character. Wish more stories had characters with different strengths and weaknesses. The lore was also very good. Despite the whole story taking place in a single forest, you feel like this world is much bigger and that bigger world touches your journey. Like the massacre of elves only fifteen years ago really drives the characters to do what they wanted. Yet also fusing the long dead threat of the void from thousands of years ago.

    Also, the music. Excellent music. Calm and quiet when you are back at your cabin, energetic music when in a fight, even heard some Dark Souls music when fighting the difficult bosses.

    The only part I would take off a star is the sex scenes. Do not get me wrong, the romance is superb. The romance with Naya the elf was well built up. Just that the sex scenes themselves were a little lackluster. Just reposted sex scenes from different mediums.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked this game, an engaging story, well done battles and really nice characters. i just wished there were a little bit more sex scenes. But overall a really great experience.
    i played full male paladin and that made the battles overall quiete easy.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Lobsterman did exactly what he set out to do.... create a fun RPG that can be played with or without lewds and is engaging and fun either way. Obviously, I think it's a lot more fun with lewds, and can ALWAYS use more lewds, but still, an amazingly fun game with deep lore and story. Great work!

    10/10 would quest to battles again.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    If I had to sum up this game as succinctly as possible, I would describe it as “bizarrely excellent”.

    At first it just seems like a run-of-the-mill dime-a-dozen HTML porn game, with the slightly unique twist of it being set in a high-fantasy setting, which is more the territory of your standard RPGM porn game. But if that doesn’t turn you off immediately and you choose to actually play the game rather than just open the HTML in Notepad+ you’ll find that the developer has put a lot more effort than most games made in this format, and indeed probably more effort than is warranted.

    The music is what tipped me off first. While there is an issue of music not resetting after loading a save, the quality of the music and, more importantly, its placement was enough to wake me up and get me to pay attention to what I thought would be just a quick snacky bite of a porn game.

    I won’t bother praising the story too much, suffice to say plenty of other reviewers do that and none of their praise is unwarranted. While it’s not exactly this generation’s Lord of the Rings it is miles above its contemporaries in the genre of high-fantasy porn game, and it’s very, very clear that the writer has put a lot of effort and care into making the narrative both consistent and satisfying to the reader.

    What I wasn’t expecting was the gameplay to display a similar level of care. I picked the “soldier” class (which might more aptly be named “barbarian” but I digress) and it genuinely felt like the dev put actual thought and effort into designing the class’s skills to harmonize with one another to form an actual coherent identity. Which is absolutely baffling in what is, again, a bare-bones HTML porn game. Not only that, but certain core gameplay functions are woven seamlessly into the narrative itself, like how a character that lets you forget skills to learn new ones is unlocked an almost precisely the point your existing skill slots would fill up and you would need to forget the less useful ones. Not only that but there’s even actual class-specific gearing progression in the game as well, which is, again, baffling in how well thought out it is.

    Despite all this praise, the game is still not 5 stars, and the reason for that ties into both the above paragraph and what I said at the end of the second paragraph. HTML text-based turn-based rpg is quite possibly the single most bare-bones and limited game format on the planet, and boy does it show in Battle Quest. To see a rich narrative, compelling game design and fascimating world-building being squeezed into that utterly limited framework reminds me of a cat squeezing into a tiny box and looking ridiculous whole doing so. It feels as though whoever is making this game has a brilliant idea for a game, but can’t use a more complex game engine that’s capable of letting that idea unfurl into its true potential. Heck, even the images aren’t original content made for this game, but vaguely-fitting pictures likely picked up from google image search (and I’d be shocked if the music wasn’t the same, although I didn’t recognize any of the tracks.)

    That being said, “bizarrely excellent” is still excellent, and Battle Quest gives more than its bang for its buck. If you’re looking for a text-based html that is far, far above average, you needn't look any further. While I do wish there was as much attention given to the porn side of things as there was to damn near everything else, this is definitely a game that earns the 4 and 5 star reviews given to it.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is alright... but rest is meh to bad. I honestly don't understand how this game is rated so highly.

    There's barely any sex scenes; most of them are easy to miss and take hours to find. They aren't all that impressive or hot. A few random images that don't match the character portraits and a bit of writing.

    The combat and gameplay loop is a slog. Lots of time consuming poorly balanced battles. You'll be spamming the back button during battle constantly to avoid being stun locked and/or buff/debuffed that last the whole combat.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    damn it, misclicked past the review window before sending. Can't be arsed to write another one.
    TLDR: Game itself good, especially writing. Combat system makes you think a bit, but you can skip past most of the grind by using proper build and rushing next equipment tier.
    4 starts as far as rpg epic tales go, short and sweet, with epilogues and everything. 2 stars if you rate it solely on porn aspect -there is some kinky writing, but gifs from well-known hentai feel bad and out of place here. Real life clips could've worked better(it's all close up shots anyway), like in Adam and Gaia.
    Likes: aktzv
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I came for the promise of porn and left disappointed. There is a sfw game here, but that's not why we're here; gameplay doesn't count unless it serves up the porn. That gameplay isn't enough to keep me returning to the game, so I can't even give it a second star for the gameplay.

    This is a prime example of what to avoid.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    People who give this game 5 stars are disingenuous at best and bots at worst.

    This game has maybe 1% porn after hours of grinding, I saw 2 gifs. Making it a HORRIBLE porn game.

    It isn't even a good casual game either, the mechanics of the mobs are SO BUSTED that if they don't follow exactly what you want, you need to immediately restart the fight. Maybe dozens of times.

    I am saying saying this as someone that loves to save scum, and even this game needs too much of that for me.

    2 Stars for making a playable game with decent gameplay loop.
    Nothing more because it needs serious balancing patches and additional rewards(porn)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I was not expecting this, the story was simple yet engaging and even without the porn (that was mediocre at best) I doubt I could stop myself from binging this game from start to finish in one sitting and I will likely play it again to try the other classes and see the other "romance" endings.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great and interesting rpg. The story dont give sleep, the enemies some times give butthurt. Economics (if it can names like it) relaxing. There is new game+. Didn't check this but there is some feeling maybe after month or two should try this feature.

    Good game for one evening
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    As a text based game on its own, it's fine. The story is interesting enough, but considering this is a site primarily for porn, I'm mainly reviewing it for that. If you're after a game rather than pleasure, this is a great time killer for you. If you're after porn, look elsewhere.

    The porn can be completely disabled right at the beginning, and that tends to tell me that it's more of a half hearted addition rather than the core focus, and that is very much the case here. Scenes are about 2 to 3 sentences with 1 to 3 images that vaguely relate, and then it's over. You'll need the curse of on pump to ever enjoy the lewd offerings of this game. Really just feels like it's there to claim that it has it, but is clearly more of a gimmick than anything.

    Fine just as a text based adventure, filled with the quirks of boring turn based combat mashed into Twine, but dreadful as a porn game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Its nice and simple. The gifs could be better though, as in they are taken from hentai that is of legal age at this point. And are also a bit inconsistent with the images of the characters. That minor complaint out of the way, it was fun.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit less sexual content than I'd expected, but the gameplay and story kept me playing through to the end. It has some of the usual quirks of HTML text-based games (such as accidentally loading the save above the slot you'd been trying to save in), but overall is a solid little time-waster.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    [v1.0.1] This Game could probably (with some work) reach the level of masterpiece. The ideas and the writing are really good. I kept playing for a long time despite the low amount of sexy scenes.

    Here are some (obvious) suggestions
    • the battles are quite long, it would be better if the amount of clicks could be reduced (there is a link for Opponent's Turn, that you have to click even though it's the only thing you can do at that point)
    • You can get stuck in a battle with now ways to do damage (e.g. no mana, you can do normal damage, but less than opponent's armor, and similarly, opponent cannot do damage to you, forever). Battles mechanics should have a resolution for draw states, or not allow draw states.
    • you could find yourself in an unwinnable dungeon, with the first N fights being doable, but not the N+1; that's a bit of a bummer if you don't have a save prior to entering the quest/dungeon. And even then it would be hard to entirely rebuild your character. Like the other reviewers mentioned, some fights seem a bit unfair, mechanics-wise.
    • there should be a longer, more fine grained corruption/seduction thread (with more intermediate sexy events).
    • Some of the html tables with thick borders make the game look worse than it is

    It's sad that it is completed now. I only just discovered it. I wish there was more.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    this is for version 1.0.1

    The gameplay was very repetitive (explore an area until you can easily defeat all enemies there, clear a dungeon, fight a boss, repeat) with each area bringing in a new NPC to interact with and slowly scaling equipment to fight somewhat tougher enemies (percentages don't change, just the size of the numbers).
    The "sex" scenes are far and few between, but the creator was clear about that being the case from the beginning, with the statement that sex scenes should be as frequent as boss battles.
    Sadly, this means that you have to play quite a bit before you get to any kind of new lewd content.
    Luckily for the game, the gameplay itself scratches just the right kind of adventure itch to make the lack of NSFW content tolerable...until you get to the boss of the winter palace.

    This dungeon as a whole is a pain in the neck, with enemies that can regularly and repeatedly use abilities that not only ignore your armor, but also lowering your stats while buffing theirs (RIP paladin class).

    This plays completely differently from the rest of the game, making it feel like all of your awesome equipment and hard earned experience is completely worthless, and you better keep a save handy from before you enter the dungeon as there are multiple occasions where you will not be able to leave and come back later after you've levelled up and changed equipment.
    Combine that with a two phase boss fight where the boss recovers all health and mana while you recover nothing and even have to spend several turns reapplying some buffs before you can start hacking away at his 1800 health and you have a rage inducing encounter that takes forever with the nearest reset being outside the entire dungeon.

    So the story is fine, the gameplay is fine, and the lewd is minimal but tolerable, but that dungeon completely killed it for me as the only way to get back there in a more prepared state now is to start the entire game over again.
    Add more T&A and that'll balance it out again.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game, clearly had a lot of work put into it, just wished they would have changed up the actual porn gifs usage at least just a little bit. But its well done overall, unironically has a pretty good story. I played through it twice and had fun both times