
New Member
Jun 9, 2019
Great concept. But to call this a demo is a far stretch. (Also riddeled with bugs and crashes, but that was expected)


Oct 1, 2019
in pdf credit to
Though still helpful, a simple spelling and grammar pass might've been nice.

"gave" = cave
"lianas" = ?? I have no clue what he was trying to spell here.
All of the periods and commas without spaces after them.
Step #1 and #2 directions are wrong. Swap "left" with "right" in most cases.


Jan 27, 2018
Though still helpful, a simple spelling and grammar pass might've been nice.

"gave" = cave
"lianas" = ?? I have no clue what he was trying to spell here.
All of the periods and commas without spaces after them.
Step #1 and #2 directions are wrong. Swap "left" with "right" in most cases.
Wrote it very fast sorry.I will correct the mistakes
lianas is this Lianas-1024x647.jpg
although in other sources its called vines
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Dec 25, 2018
Sorry, I'm just too dumb to play without the ability to save game. I drowned! :( Waiting for the next release, so I don't have to start over after every mistake.
Yep.... i know how it feels, after passing the temple getting the bow etc i get bugged with one mummy on sex scene NICE! xD .....pls save game option fasT!

Anyways to what i see this game is a diamon, we need things to refine but i loved it!!
Feb 1, 2018
Yeah, I give up for now. I keep having to restart due to bugs, and since there is no save system, I need to redo like 20 minutes of gameplay every time. There is huge potential here, like pretty much every other fucking game on this site, but potential only gets you so far. A save system should have been priority number one with all the bugs in the game. I mean, have they even played their own game? You encounter a bug about every 3 minutes. Once they add a save system, I will check it out again, but for now, this game is just frustrating.
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Jul 2, 2018
so here is list of scenes, tell if it's missing something
1. 3 with raptors (2 anal, 1 vaginal)
2. 4 with mummy (2 anal, 1 vaginal, 1 oral that is terribly misaligned - cock thrusts into your neck/chin instead of mouth)
3. 3 with vertical male? statue on the beach (1 oral, 1 vaginal, 1 anal)
4. 3 with female egyptian statute that unlocks tomb entrance (1 anal, 1 vaginal, 1 fast anal)
5. 3 in sequence with giant key-dildo that you use to open door inside the tomb
6. misc scenes, like pissing, shower, dance and masturbating in bunker (code to open it is 7153955)

That is... not much for how long in development? Question is, how long do we wait for part 2 or whatever more parts to finally see all the stuff from previews (horse, minotaur, skeletons, horizontal male statues)
How did you figure out the code?!

Also, I'm going to play devil's advocate here. That's 16 sex scenes plus some extra. There are porn games today on Patreon, that have raised more money than this, have been in development longer than this, and don't have this many sex scenes. I'm not gonna name names because I know the creators lurk here and I'm even a patron to some of them.

Animo's argument for why it took so long is that a lot of that development time went into the base game + mechanics, and that future updates won't take this long. Knowing Animo this should be taking with a grain of salt, but that's his claim.

He confirmed, there will be no sex with horse in game. Kinda sad, since animo is know as creator horse porn.
I don't think he said that. There's no sex with the horse in Part 1 but he didn't rule it out for future parts.

Look, I'm just as disappointed as everyone else, when it comes to the glitches, the fact that we can't have sex with the horse or the minotaur (especially when this was advertised in the beginning) and how long it took to come out, only to be released in such a buggy state. But let's look at the whole picture. The sex scenes are amazing. The graphics look great. Even the atmosphere, the intro cutscene, the notes, and the art from DevilHS are really good.

Personally I won't be canceling my SS subscription. I can't wait to see the final product. I don't think any porn game on the market today can hold a candle to what Animo is making.
Feb 26, 2023
Maxed graphics 30~50 fps. Thats good in this type of game. But with this fps number you have a bug in pissing puzzle. You have to lower the graphics to low-medium for the pissing work. After that you can go back normal with settings . After all not bad fps number
Tysm. I was stuck in that part bc of this.
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May 8, 2020
There is no Save/Load,any softlock will force you to restart the game.
Lower FPS means more bugs,hopefully this will be fixed soon
Unequiping the medallion in form of letter S in your inventory will give you a futa dick,it's just cosmetic in this release,but there are 10 voice reactions each time you unequip it,and this will help later in this walkthrough.
You can skip cutscenes with SPACE
Feel free to explore anywhere you see,the game will tell you if you are going where is nothing there.

1.You appear on the beach,you have 2 choices,if you want to explore this small part and find sex scenes go on the right side from where you initially spawn.If not,go to the left to the broken tree branches,crouch and jump to step 5.
2.Going to the right, you inevitably will encounter a cutscene with a shrine,there should be another cutscene right after that one,but it does not trigger immeadatly so you can go to the shore in the distance.If you go 10 meters further and then back,it will trigger a cutscene with Tara pissing and a raptor arriving.You can submit to it by getting hit two times,giving 3 choices of sex poses and 6 cumshots total.
3.Looking at the ocean,you can go left along the beach,will arrive at a 4 armed statue,you can have sex with it if you go right in the direction where the statue is looking,swimming in the water and find a blue flower.3 sex choices and 3 cumshots.Behind it is a small cave with some comics and letters.Along the same beach,more at left, in a bright light is a chest.
4.If looking at the ocean you go right you will arrive at the bunker door.There is some comics and a letter near it.The bunker code is 7153955.Explore it,there are some pissing scenes,a mirror scene,a shower in the bathroom and a striptease,a masturbation scene and a gun in the "living" room.To turn on the lights you should go to the red light(generator)and then look around for the green light.
5.You arrive at the gave,there is some light parcour nothing specifically hard,Tara can grab the ledges and lianas.Even if you fall down,there is water underneath,and fall damage basically doesn't exist in this game.
6.Exiting the cave will trigger a cutscene.Right after it jump into the water below.Pressing control or by controlling with your mouse,go underwater and right behind you on the right should be two pink glowing crystals with a cave in between.Swim into it,arrive at a door/bookshelf,interact with it,go inside the small cave,at the white big statue of an angel there will be the first nipple.Go back where you came from.
7.In the small pond that you emerged initially in step 6 will be a small island in the middle.Go around it and you will find a path.Going along the path you will find the second nipple.While going back into the water,go underwater and find a blue flower,it should be on the right side to the small island.
8.Go to the temple,you will encounter a statue of a woman,a cutscene will trigger,after it,interact with both sides of her tits to place the nipples found before,another cutscene,then a choice 3 poses each with a cumshot.
9.The door of the tomb will open,go inside,go to the small opening on the right,a long cutscene will trigger.(NEXT IS A SECRET,NOT NECESARY).Go down the stairs,on the left on the table will be a box,take it by pressing E,go to the broken column on the opposite of the table.Press RMB which will trigger a trajectory,throw the box by holding RMB and pressing LMB so that the box lands on the other sideof the column.Hold CTRL to get down and go in the small opening below.Take the box again and throw it on the high floor in the left corner right in front of you.Climb the box and jump to grab the ledge on the wall.Press D to move on the ledge and D+SPACE when she stops to jump between them.Arriving at the wooden planks,press S+SPACE to jump on the other side,then W+SPACE to pull yourself up.Jump down of the other side of the debris.You will find a well,behind it is a skeleton,some comics and a key.Grab them,then jump into the well.Go down,through the tunnel,emerge on the other side.There will be some comics, and a chest.Go to the right to exit through a passage right at the beginning of the tomb. Credit : Enthusiass View attachment 2893448
10.Go in the front corridor to the statues of 3 women.Go to the left, press the lever behind the column,enter the room,solve the puzzle,I will try to attach the solutions to the puzzle later.This will open the right side door.Go there,press F to piss into the bowl till it goes all the way down,this will open the dor behind it.Solve the puzzle there,and go to the door that opened in the big room with the statues.(solutions credit : Jonathan0009
View attachment 2893418 View attachment 2893419
11.Go in front,then left on the stairs then right, to a lever.Activate the lever to open the door.After a cutscene interact with the totem.3 masturbation scenes in total with 3 squirts.
12.After a cutscene when the mummy appears,you can submit to it by getting hit.This will give you 4 poses with 2 cumshots in each pose to choose from.The mummy does not dissapear after sex.They are very slow,weapons are ineffective for them,just stunning them a little.They being slow,just run to press the levers on the walls in that order:First left from the door you entered in,second right from the door you entered in, second left from the door you entered in, first right from the door you entered in.Easier explained:From the first lever on the left,just make a cross.
13.The door will open,go through it,watch cutscene,go to the door with the hole in it,interact,watch cutscene.Go through it.There will be a room, a small corridor after ,and another room further.Go to the last room with the lever, interact with it,go past the mummies in the small corridor, which will have a passage to the right,try to take the mummies with you,because the door open very slowly.In the corridor you go there is golden key on a piece of wood.Whene the door near the lever opens,go through it,crouch below the column and enter a room with pressure plates View attachment 2893343
Go into this order to the opening doors(There are like 8 door opening one after another so wait).Credit: @Just4m0dss
14.Now this part is bit tricky.As of 31 august 2023 , there is a bug with the next room which is a falling ceiling trap room.For this room to work properly you should have at least 60-80 fps(you can toggle the fps counter in Display settings).So lower you graphics resolutions and everything till you get 80 fps stable.Now:
After the cutscene when entering it go left, there is a small hole in the wall,get as close as you can to the bowl in the hole,then press F and start aiming the piss to the bowl.It should get a new layer of liquid(slight blue or transparent) but visible layer which should go to the top.Aim the piss at any angle you can and move Tara however you can near the hole till you see a layer appearing in the bowl.When it fills it falls off.After that run to the second one in the right top corner of the room,same thing there.Getting a Futa dick should help if you have low fps.This should be fixed in the next bugfix update(A week or more)
15.A door opens,go through it.A corridor with 2 metal doors will be in front of you.Each door has a chest,and to open it you will need the keys described earlier.Contains some comics,letters and customisation.Go further.There will be 2 mummies in a room.Go to the wooden boxes on the right side of the room and climb them,then get down (Hold CTRL)to go through the hole in the wall.After the hole jump down and go to the left and below to the light.
16.Small parkour room will wait for you there.Jump on the ledge on the wall behind you and climb to the top ledge.By pressing B+SPACE jump to the block of bricks and then to the stone thing with a red mark and to the next door below.
17.A statue of Horus will be in the next room.After the cutscene go left of the statue to grab some Blue flowers,then interact with it.A long scene with 3 poses and 1 cumshot,very hot.
18.After a cutscene the last door opens,and you can go outside.There is not much in the terms of exploring in this area so you can go straight to the ship.
19.Go to the ship.Ship is divided into two pieces.Swim underwater into the smaller piece on the left,to find a light,near it will be a key.
20.Go inside the big part on the ship underwater to a red light.Swim through doors to arrive to the stairs.At the first floor of the ship on the left will be a chest with lots of clothing and a plug.Go to the next floor.Open the right door.Into the corridor on the right will be a door.Accesing it will use the key you aquired earlier in the small part of the ship.A small scene will be at the table,with some customisation in the locker on the left of the door and letter.
21.Go further,arrive at the bathroom,can interact with a toilet, and a urinal,2 poses each, a shower and a mirror.
22.Exit the bathroom,go to the right into a room with a valve and a letter.Take them.Go back to the stairs.You can go higher to on the stair for the captains room which has some customisation and letter then go back to the broken door.Interact with it,open it.Go through the tight opening.Open the door on the immeadite right.This is your room.Take everything from there.
23.Go to the door at the end of the hall with EXIT written above it.A cutscene will play with a horse.Follow the horse to a minotaur statue
I didn't include here all letters and puzzles.They are scattered everywhere and are not hard to find by exploring.Hope I covered all of it. I will edit it if something is wrong here
I am stuck in the plates step scene, there should be a bug because the door does not open when I step over the correct sequence of plates... Any help?


May 8, 2020
By the way, this is a fantastic game, in so few time the creator has achieved more than 95% of the 3D games in one year. This is right now on my top list of 3D games
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Engaged Member
Aug 12, 2017
Though still helpful, a simple spelling and grammar pass might've been nice.

"gave" = cave
"lianas" = ?? I have no clue what he was trying to spell here.
All of the periods and commas without spaces after them.
Step #1 and #2 directions are wrong. Swap "left" with "right" in most cases.
lianas are right spelled
you climb them like a ladder
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Dec 6, 2017
pretty the path for the plates is correct except you have to step on the right one first, then middle

idk why i was under the impression, based on one of animo's posts, that the sex, at least with the monsters would have a manual option, i swear i remember him talking about being able to control the actions, oh well


Dec 6, 2017
look on the land directly behind statue, there is path otherwise there is a small cave underwater with crystals by the entrance
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