VN - Others - Bedabots [Chapter Two, Part One, Version Six] [Tinkeringturian & Himokone]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this, actually. Been a long time since I've enjoyed a "Beat Thy Meat" kind of game not only for the porn, but for the narrative, characters, worldbuiding and overhall development of things. The developer really scrached a deep icht I didn't knew I had until I tryed this. Will consider supporting, if the price, conversion rate and taxes don't just tear me like rabid dogs on crack. Anyways, the review, starting with what I like:

    - "The American Dream" is real for sure here. Country boy goes to the big city to make a fortune is something you cannot go wrong with, especially when he claws his way from botton to the top.

    - Loved the whole female cast. Desing, apresentation, personality, interactions: Nailed everything down to it's most finer detail. They all have a "Role", and they all fit perfectly on it. My favourite is Red (Slutty chinese gals who are not afraid to get what they want but knows the things she can and cannot do, with a weakness for kisses on top of it? HELL YEAH!", following very close with Coco. The Ice robot is also right up my alley, got very sad for nothing being able to pick her, thought I would've followed through with Kitty anyways.

    And the things I don't like:

    - The MC. I'll try to keep it short, but I detest how little time the MC went from "My dream is to make it big and I'll work hard" to "This is too hard and I want to give up". He got a nice house, a Red taking care of him, and Coco being there too, but he's already folding with a week of hardship? I get what you're trying to do, you want to make it so like Kitty showing up is a turning point of your life, like you hitted rock bottom and now it's only up, but PLEASE, strecht the narrative for a few months, at least. Make it look like he truly spared no speck of effort on making it happening and truly is at his wit's ends. The way it its it just makes the MC look like he just went to the city on a whin and decided to give up because it got a little too difficult.

    The reviews here are too short for me to say everything, so I'm saying the main points only. Overhall the game is immpecable, just a few things I would change, really. Really hope we get Coco to live with the MC along with Kitty and other girls, either by her café working, or not. Thought I like seeing Coco's dreams being realized.

    Also hope we get more of that rich prick. A prick is a prick, but he has room for some real development, like saying how under the playboy mask he's actually sad, scared, and turns for the MC looking for real friendship, or seeing him get thrown out of the company game and rebuilding from scratch.

    Just hope things don't take a weird turn towards NTR. I mean, if it's optional, ok, but forced? I will drop this if things go that route, and that's not a threat, it's a promise. Love this game, touches all my buttons, but this kind of fetish is not for me, and I know what I like.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Y know hardly you come across anything finnish in these type of games and it took a second to realize that it was indeed finnish that i read and not some kinda typo.

    The game has its own stunning artstyle that i have never seen before and the story is heading to a solid direction. I can only hope that the devs know what they are doing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I generally don't like giving ratings based on "potential," at least in the vague hope of something becoming good later. What's provided here, however, is absolutely good enough to warrant recommending it so highly. First of all, the porn is great, and there's a gallery. story so far (as of chapter 2) feels more like a prelude, but the writing and pacing so far doesn't make it feel like a slog to get through, especially with the custom panels used for every cutscene instead of static ren'py images. It feels like reading a webcomic, and a good one at that. The only criticism I have so far is how it isn't a webcomic. The "game" aspect consists of clicking on whichever building holds the next scene. The money counter implies being able to spend it on stuff, but it's been completely linear so far. Maybe we'll get more agency as we get deeper, but so far the -admittedly well done- presentation of menus and ui has been pointless and just pads out the time between reading the next scene. It looks like a game, but so far isn't one. Still, I want to see more.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything is incredible in this game, and all of it is made in such a distinct and original way that it makes this one of the best h-games period.
    The visuals are top-notch (and also really clever with the flat colors), the story is really unique, the characters are very enjoyable, the music is really good, and various other things that come together to make a really good VN!

    The only problem i see, is that updates might take a while, something that's completely understandable with the sheer amount of art assets in this game.

  5. 5.00 star(s)


    i love the art style for the bots, and i hope you will be able to fuck the smugness out of the hiring bitch of a bot, otherwise the game is still under development, some features i would love to see are being able to change body parts of the cat bot you get and more scenes with Red.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    How the game is going, the truth is it is very well done! I would like to see it completed one day, also above all to have the possibility of taking routes with some of the girl bedabots and their own endings in each route
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting world, story concept and art style. Everything about this screams potential and quality. The world has an good cyber punk/ Japanese style and story telling aesthetic. The demo feels like a mix of something you would read in the first few chapters of a manga for its hook, and a classic well written story you'd read on the internet. If things keep going this way, this can be one of the greats.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing reprieve from a lot of the slop out there. This game presents the story in the form of a manga-like visual novel, while having interactive elements that are presented in a few different ways. The art is cute, and incredibly high quality for a free demo. I'm excited to see where this goes. If Tinkeringturian's previous work is anything to go by, this should be fantastic to keep coming back to.
  9. 4.00 star(s)



    AND WOW the animations are so fluid that it loks like 3d but whyt 2d things absolutly banger
    nice sound effctcs
    nice charchters

    now the bad things but can be uploaded i future versions
    lack of animations
    lack of comntent
    lack of options to choose
    overall 9/10
    (sorry for my bad english)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game looks so damn good, the art is fantastic and the story is solid. Super excited to see what comes next! Glad to see that quality pixel animations are alive and well, the scene at the end of the demo was awesome.

    Would maybe like an option to skip text with ctrl, just out of habit.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a visual novel with a comic style of presentation for its art. The art and story are pretty good so far despite the short length. There's only one pixel animation so far, but that's decent as well. I'd recommend it a try for the art and story alone. Looking forward to future updates.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The demo is really solid, although there's only one scene, it looks great, I actually read all the text and the worldbuilding is also great. I'm gonna keep an eye on this project, looks very promising.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This interesting game with the story comic style even new, is catch my eyes. I lost my word but this get thing real support developer game and steam Wishlist on while.

    Story on this game remind me on parody 4chan Snoot game (GVH) and I wani hug gator even MC just gray color (give soullessness feeling about this mc)

    I recommend give mc some color on better way (optional)

    MC real name (the point is, if you see talk to other character have name "Example: character name" talk to "mc name" give more kind journey on them)

    Is this sandbox game? yes there have economy system on journey. (no side quest still new)

    No difficulty system, there many other way give more challenge economy

    No combat system, depends on developer going make into comic style or RPG style

    Part sex is total animated some other PNG? I don't know yet because still on demo we hope something better on future update by developer

    that my rate, i hope this give more update soon and Good luck
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I've never watched the original Medabots, so I'm pretty sure I've missed a couple of private jokes and references to the source material. But as a fan of TinkeringTurian's writing in his previous game, I was glad to see the writing in Bedabots is pretty much on par with what I typically see from him in terms of quality. Sadly, the storytelling here does a bit too much of telling, rather than showing, the interactions between the MC and his entourage, or his rose-tinted wiews of the big megacity he dreams to live in. The writer could have spared some more time during the prologue to make the characters actually talk and interact with each other, rather than giving us a brief summary of their relationship. We don't really get to understand why the MC hates his life at the farm apart from the fact he's bored, and why he idolizes the life at the city so much; we know he does because it's told to us in the story, but from what we see he's not living a bad life either, and we don't really see why the city is so appealing to them, apart from the fact it's shiny and colorful. It's a minor gripe, though.

    The artstyle is phenomenal. Even though robots and petite girls are pretty low on my list of favourite fetishes, the character designs are all pretty cute, and the writer even made a pretty good joke-explanation of why the MC is a faceless nobody when you see his face on the pictures, unlike all those Japanese hentais where that's pretty much the norm; and it actually got a genuine chuckle out of me because I didn't expect an explanation at all. The pixel art in the sex scene is pretty detailed and in high-definition, and the overall presentation of the scenes with the split screens and the character poses really give a lot of charm and identity to their work.

    If I had to give the artstyle a bit of criticism, it would be that the drawings in the regular dialogues almost never use more than one color variant. For extended periods of time, the game will just display that pale blue color, and only use other colors for very minor background elements, or when something very important is going on, like the attack on the rich kid. I get they did that to give these scenes more impact and to shorten the production time on them, but it doesn't help making these scenes more memorable, and sometimes it is hard to gauge the character design of some bedabots where there's barely any shading or variance in color, like for the innkeeper for instance.

    But overall, it's a really solid demo. My question for the future would be what the devs have intended for this VN to be, because I was kinda expecting some sort of RPG, given the source material was about robots fighting each other, but I'm perfectly fine with the game staying a VN. It's short but it's really good, I'd reccomend it for the fans of the genre.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's hard to go wrong when the "Plot" primarily revolves around military grade sex bots. The dev has solid history of creating works of the highest standards in terms of writing quality exceeded only by the passion they put into said works and it's community.

    Just remember, beds are on the left and bots are on the "left"
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It's only a demo, but it already shows a LOT of promise. Fantastic art, a good story, love the design of the Bedabots. I do wish there were SOME choices you can make, but I understand that it'd be a lot of work to make things varied like that. Even without that, it's great!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I am Seph and I proudly own 2 Bedabots.
    This visual novel piece is turning out really well with amazing art direction and animation. The story and writing is top notch and I can not wait for a full game release!