RPGM - Completed - BegieAde ~a lyric of lie and retribution~ [v1.01h] [Planet Pandemic]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Not too good, the story plain
    nsfw also coming in "useless manner"
    no worth for story to lead into nsfw stuff
    and the gameplay feels too "repetitive"
    even when we had choice to make it easy

    compared to rpgm game like red haired demon and other's which had "some story" towards H scene
    this ones little to nothing for it

    if you think corruption system will lead to good h scene
    well sadly
    it's not the case on this game
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I mean, just make a book at this point or a manga, this ""game"" is an absolute snoozefest... i like reading too, but when i play a game, esp a porn game, i expect porn and lewd stuff not a novel explaining each characters life story and how their 2nd dog named charlie would bark loudly at the mailman each day, smh. Besides that, the game isnt very good, not bad but not exactly good either. Art is great tho, so...theres that i guess. Got past the orc cave after turning easy mode on to see if there was more content after nearly falling asleep to the same 4 animations for ab 30 minutes, and then quit deciding this game def isnt worth my time even if there was more content.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    well... 5/5 purely because the animated rape/group sex scenes are very very good. the story/gameplay is better than average... yet the game still has many small mistakes...

    but imo it's still 5/5 just by the porn aspects.

    in the first half you might get bored cuz you think sex scenes repeat, but then when you reach the castle many more group sex scenes are unlocked.

    there are some other story scenes, but mostly it's just raped, either during battle or at defeat. no real gameovers. you get stronger by being raped.

    the story has some twists, but in the end it feels a bit empty/unfinished. and gallery is a pain since it's like a demo/alpha version not everything unlocked, but there are comments in thread who have full saves of true ending, and fully unlocked gallery.

    if you like battlefuck/rape/forced group sex/animated genre, then this game is very good. so i recommend it. if you just want to have a good time playing a game.... well turn the difficulty to very easy cuz you are gonna have a bad time in some early encounters until you farm enough levels or you use an item which prevents clothes destruction (felt a bit like cheating).

    aside from that, the fights are a bit repetitive.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review time.

    This should have been a 5/5, but a few technical issues which went completely ignored by the devs are forcing me to not give this a 5/5.

    So, gameplay:

    RPG maker turn based combat, with clothes breaking (and there is one special item that makes your clothes indestructible) and a corruption system which doesn't affect the ending. The ballancing is ultra busted, just set the difficulty to very easy and enjoy, anything else different from very easy is a goddamn nightmare especially boss fights early on. And remember to save.

    You play as a soldier fighting against evil, you even get captured and tortured by the enemy (wink wink), you can't avoid this, but with resolve, determination and sheer fucking will you escape, you reach the castle where it all started and you beat the crap out of the final boss. Here is a hint: never trust a goddamn succubus. To farm all the endings, read the guide from this thread's comments.

    Fully voiced and animated, I don't need to list fetishes included you know exactly what awaits you here. Enemies first ear your clothes and then stun lock you into an H-scene. So you better defeat them fast. On defeat you get H-scenes too, as expected. The annoying part is that after you beat the game you do not get the gallery unlocked, which is so fucking absurd I just can't believe it, so feel free to drop someone's save with full gallery unlocked instead of waste your time. Not only that, but the gallery doesn't actually include all of the H-scenes from the game, you gotta actually fight enemies and lose on purpose in combat and in defeat to see those scenes.
    (Hey, at least you can equip a horny spray or whatever it was, and suicide bombs to make the process faster, right? that's fun right? yeah no)

    In the village once every ~30 seconds an error message pops up showing some .ogg audio file couldn't be loaded, you just click refresh and move on, you gotta save OUTSIDE the goddamn village AND THEN RESTART.
    But wait, there's more. When fighting a boss in the castle, you get constant errors saying "Failed to load <some image with japanese characters encoded incorrectly in the filesystem>" and when you are done with the fight, the game falls into an infinite loop with this error message, SO YOU CAN"T PROGRESS AT ALL! I HAD TO MANUALLY EDIT THE GODDAMN JAVASCRIPT FILES AND RENAME THE FILE NAME THAT WAS USED TO MATCH THE REAL EXISTING FILE WITH THAT IMAGE! HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS NOT GET CAUGHT BY THE DEVS??? NEVER BEFORE HAVE I HAD TO MANUALLY FIX BUGS IN GAMES WHICH DEADLOCK THE GAME POSTED ON F95 EVER!

    So, 4/5

    There isn't any MTL, so yayyyyy
    There is a sequel in development apparently.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't know how much content this game has in total. I don't know where the story goes. After fighting in the orc cave for half an hour, barely progressing, and then beating it only to get a forest full of enemies I quit. This is soooooo boring. Who the hell designs a game like this?
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I put this game off for a bit because of how the game kept crashing. Then I downloaded the patch and could play it from beginning to end.

    • Great story with a good plot twist (which in retrospect, you might see it coming, but I love how much information was obscured in the beginning flashback)
    • Great characters and Lyric is a great antagonist
    • Easy to understand combat
    • Easy to obtain items
    • In game voice for Tereza for battle and hentai scenes (which she would talk during cutscenes though)
    • Enemies don’t run that fast, so it’s easy to avoid them if you get lost.
    • Once you actually start regaining your skills back, you can mow through enemies like in the prologue.
    • If you make it past the final boss, your max level returns with your OP skill.
    • Healing MP is relatively easy because it only takes 1 MP to heal like 30% of it and raise your defense.
    • Tereza gets 3 chances to avoid being pinned down as long as she has a TP gauge. This is rather generous for this game since only by sexual attacks does her clothes start getting torn. Contrast this to other hentai games where it only takes 2 attacks to be at the mercy of an enemy.
    • In battle hentai scenes are pretty hot and they do change depending on the enemy and the lust level Tereza has.
    • Equipable items are cheap and easily obtainable. You pick the items based on your playstyle.
    • Easy to navigate the map and areas. I love how the prologue is the final area in the game if you don’t get to the true final boss.
    • The save feature plays an important part for the story and gameplay. Every time something sexual happens in game, you get lust EXP. When you save the game, Tereza gets the EXP. This means you can skip grinding entirely and just focus on doing lewd things to level up. From a story perspective, this is exploited and by not doing a certain task at the end of the game, the power turns on you resulting in a bad ending.
    • The true ending is very depressing. It's why the story is good because at the end of the day, there were still many losers which leaves the ending open for the sequel.
    • There are only two types of enemies. Humans and orcs so the images are recycled a lot despite the different enemies.
    • It might be my computer but the frame rate drops during the animated sex scenes.
    • Early game has no reason to be hard. Story wise, it makes sense, but they really made the first two areas involve a swarm of enemies that keep coming at you until you wipe them all out and a boss that has the ability to stun you.
    • If you don’t have the patch, the game will get an error message constantly.
    • I don’t know if you’re supposed to lose the final boss the first time. The game makes it seem like losing your mind will always happen unless you do this mini sidequest. I got the item needed to get to the true final boss after the bad ending told me about the “white ink”. I feel like without any context, there’s no way to get to the true final boss the first time.
    • Something that bugs me is the gallery room. It tells you that if you have a high lust, you’ll be able to obtain the scenes if you make it past the boss the first time. And that’s a lie because the only time I lost was against the stupid orc leader mentioned above with his stun ability. That unlocked the scene, but I couldn’t get the other scenes from the bosses unless it was endgame.
    • The gallery room isn’t accessible if you go straight to the final boss meaning there’s no option for a New Game+ or the option to open up the entire gallery after beating the game. Which is a negative given how much content there is and how its all locked under you losing the boss fight. Not all the hentai scenes are even there (like the prologue) so I wonder what the hell the developer was thinking.
    • A pet peeve I had about the ending is despite how the villains have constantly mocked Tereza for picking the wrong options, going too slow and being sidetracked that her kingdom is in danger. When you beat the final boss, you find out there was minor damage and all that talk about how much damage was being done was all one big delusional bluff. This means the game constantly urging you to do the fast routes is just an eye roller.
    • The corruption system in this game does nothing. The amount of times Tereza is harassed, raped and defeated do not affect the ending. Only losing to the final boss, not having the white ink and losing to the true final boss is a game over (but it restarts you in a specific location). There’s no reason to be a holy knight when you can get all the hentai scenes and still get the best ending while still having the moral high ground in the story.
    • The ore hunting mission is obnoxious. If you don’t go for the ore, you go the corruption route of a handjob. The problem is how the game makes you run to the first area to find a small spec that now shows up on the map. The game also makes it seem like you'll be running on zero time so you better pick the fast option. Add to the fact it's pointless doesn’t make things better.
    • Game doesn’t tell you how to raise Tereza’s lust level. All the lust level does is change her expression during combat. You masturbate at the inn when she’s above 30% to raise the bar.
    • True ending ends on a cliffhanger for the sequel.
    • Only one enemy that uses mind control in the game and requires a certain threshold to actually trigger the scene outside of the boss ambush (that can’t be triggered again).

    I'm just waiting for the sequel to get translated at this point.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I came into this game wanting the usual corruption shebang. Pure knight gets plowed endlessly, how fun. Seldom have I experienced a story that is worth it in its own right as the one in BegieAde. Of course, it was entirely watered down and delivered as best as an H-Game can deliver, but nonetheless left me with some impactful scenes.

    I'm lucky enough to play this on a proper gaming laptop so did not encounter any of the performance issues other people have experienced and the animated movement and scenes were pleasant for me to watch. The artstyle is great and the mild animation is appealing. I don't enjoy hovering, translucent dicks much but this somehow made it work most of the time. The animation and scenes do get very very repetitive however. There didn't seem to be a lot of variety. The game is fairly short and can be completed in a few hours, all ends, yes. The combat was a chore in this one. I pretty much spammed two or three attacks the entire time to get through. There could and should have been a lot more scenes in the cities and with other NPCs instead of the battle fuck system that was employed here.

    At the end of the day, however, it was an enjoyable few hours spent and the True End does imply a sequel.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1157790

    Very straight-forward and typical story - girl has to fight monsters to win back her kingdom. The writing mechanics weren't terrible, but it is filled with exposition - get ready to read. There is little creativity to the sex scenes - it's almost exclusively rape.

    The art style is okay - the main character is cute (and the succubus). The sex scenes are essentially floating penises on the character model and you'll see the same scenes over and over and over since your character is constantly getting raped.

    A very grindy JRPG game. Make no mistake, this is a dungeon crawler - be ready for constant battles that are won by using the same move over and over. Although, it's has a cinematic feel, which is nice.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. It was annoying that there were unavoidable H scenes but I guess they ARE there to set up the story so it's not all bad. That true ending was weird, I'm not sure whether I should be happy or sad xd
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is nearly perfect for me. Great story that's actually interesting, good drawn scenes, good animation, and a good corruption system that feels natural with a heroine that is lovely.

    My problem is, there isn't enough of this game. A few more scenes, animations, maps, and boss's. Lost opportunities for scenes with her group of knights or together with lyric herself. Having corruption lead to more events in town, and making the your sex stats and titles matter more.

    This is a great base for a game and I do recommend it, but I wish there was more.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It's either 3 or 5 game. Depending what you except from it.
    It has very interesting story, with fun characters. It's not yet finished, but it ends on a good note.
    Battle system is the most important thing in this game, as most h-content comes from it. Similar mechanics, known before from Violated Heroine or Seed of Evil, but put much further with great animations.
    One remark, there is h-stat counters, but they only affect the gameplay, not the story. So there isn't much of corruption yet. It's more like an intro to the sequel that is coming in the future.
    I love this game for it's concept, atmosphere, art and overall feel of high-quality. But it's still only 14$ dollar. It doesn't have enough content to make full use of the ambition it has. Or maybe it's just that it's too good to be so short .
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Average, this os one of thoses games that gets hurt by trying to be "animated", the art wich looks decent becomes kinda ''bad'' because of the wannabe animation, the combat is generic nothing special, the story is somewhat interesting but thats all, the H-scenes are average too because the MC doesn't have that much of a personality and the animations make then worse.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is top tier, the story is actually 'interesting' and can make you go 'ohhhh, so that's how it actually was.' And the H-progression feel natural and flow very well.

    The only problem is that.... It's too short, and Extremely little event/scene.
    The H-content is so little that the 'screenshots' on the thread is 'all' scene you are getting in term of CG. I can't remember any other unique scene that's no in the screenshots (excluding variant that just switch monster sprite).
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Average game at best. Combat is average. The plot could have been good, but it goes from 0 to 100 in terms of levels of extreme. One minute the MC is a proud feminist knight in a male dominated workplace, next thing you know she fucks everything and anything under the sun. A "corruption" game should have progression and ideally player influence. This one doesn't have neither. I give it "Average" since it's not total garbage as the art is nice, music is pretty extensive, combat is decent, and even plot is decent. Just the implementation of corruption is lacking.

    The game also has some weird technical implementation where you can't speed it up. Bug was trivial to fix, just add a new file with the one it's looking for.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    + Beautiful Art & Animations
    + Fantastic Story
    + Amazing Soundtracks
    + Great Battle Fucks & H-Scenes
    + Interesting Boss Fights
    + More than 5 Hours Gameplay (Or maybe because I've played Hard Mode and it took me forever to finish the game.)
    + Definitely failed NNN
    - Not many H-Scenes
    - Not many items and skills
    - A few bugs (Although they can be fixed easily by renaming one of ogg files)

    I had a lot of fun playing it and I wish the maker of this game to add more features in the future even though it's marked as completed, I recommend this game!