Deserves 6 stars
How i could not give a 5 stars rating ?? How ? By missclicking the number of stars ?? Nah not even with eyes closed. By finding a failure ? Let me look...well I find nothing I can complain about....
The dev really nailed everything !! O.O
The story (it's not really epic, but kind of fun)
The writing (perfect)
The characters (perfect)
The renders (perfect)
The musics (nice but a bit too much on the rockish side though, more variety would be welcomed)
The gameplay (fun)
The DIK CHICK rating (it's impact seems quite low tho')
To sum up :
---- Characters personalities :

---- Renders/Graphisms :

---- Story/Writing :

---- Background/Atmosphere :

---- Animations :

---- Sex scenes :

---- Gameplay :

---- Contents/Updates :

Incredible characters in a really fun game ! Where is the 6 star option ?
How i could not give a 5 stars rating ?? How ? By missclicking the number of stars ?? Nah not even with eyes closed. By finding a failure ? Let me look...well I find nothing I can complain about....
The dev really nailed everything !! O.O
The story (it's not really epic, but kind of fun)
The writing (perfect)
The characters (perfect)
The renders (perfect)
The musics (nice but a bit too much on the rockish side though, more variety would be welcomed)
The gameplay (fun)
The DIK CHICK rating (it's impact seems quite low tho')
To sum up :
---- Characters personalities :
---- Renders/Graphisms :
---- Story/Writing :
---- Background/Atmosphere :
---- Animations :
---- Sex scenes :
---- Gameplay :
---- Contents/Updates :
Incredible characters in a really fun game ! Where is the 6 star option ?