To be fair, we're not supposed to cheat

More seriously, isn't he selling a cheat on the side?
It's not a cheat, per se. It's a Walkthrough guide. Honestly, I'm having a hard time fully understanding his reasons for wanting to block cheating as well. It clearly hasn't hurt his bottom dollar. If anything, most Devs that I've seen embrace mods, even cheat mods, tend to get MORE community support for their game.
I can honestly say that I stopped supporting his Patreon after he went on a bit of an elitist anti-cheating rant. As the game has gotten profoundly more popular, his ego has started to explode.
His entire crusade against anti-cheating is foolhardy. If people want to cheat, they WILL find a way to cheat (Even look at this thread, people cracked his anti-cheating scripts in less than 12 hours). And until he implements some form of live-authentication (Where the game requires an internet connection), he's wasting more time trying to stop it than if he just accepted that it will always exist.