Below Sunshade is a survival-rpg game made by Arvus Games with a strong inclination towards the elements of survival, time and resources management. As a recently stranded bosun, you are tasked to take care of quests around this island while watching over many different primitive resources to create a decent home. All your efforts will be for nought since the volcano will explode in thirty days and you better have all the items ready to sail off this time bomb. With the protag is a dolled up elven princess that will act like your typical spoiled girl and other four different girls you meet throughout the game. The game consists mostly of gathering resources in a boring loop that also is limited by your stamina use per day. You will learn very early that the stamina management is very tiresome. The game requires a lot of materials to unlock the next step in progression, meaning the player will have to mindlessly grind for long periods of time, and this does not improve much as further into the game. The leveling up works in a strange manner of quest completion instead of experience, so fights will be mostly pointless besides resource gathering. Because of that, the entire fighting system will become more of an obstacle than anything. Upon leveling up I recommend upgrading stamina because it is the most needed resource in the game. The art is fairly above average, with good pencils, expressions and colors, but lacking depth and mostly detail and variety. Surprisingly the art is also very static, meaning there is next to no variation during dialog except a couple of small facial details, giving the feeling of low effort plastic characters. The scenes are very weak and pathetically few. Each character has just a couple of content and it's absolutely not worth the effort the game demands in grinding, moving around the island and wasting time with boring fights. The amount of moving around deserves special attention. Following the map, the island has plenty of areas you will have to traverse, over and over again. The walking required is ridiculous. There are almost no shortcuts or faster means of travelling. The player will undoubtedly get tired of crossing the same maps dozens of times just to check if something happened in a specific area further west or just to pick some random resources to be spent immediately without anything interesting or new happening during those trips. To future game developers, never do this kind of thing. Below Sunshade is below mediocre, with its few praises being limited to a half-decent western artstyle and above average production in graphics for the engine. Besides those paltry elements, the game is lackluster in all its aspects, gameplay, story, characters, amount of obnoxious characteristics and above all, the feeble adult content provided. This is my second game from Argus Games, and I’ve decided never to invest my time in their products again.