RPGM - Below the Fold [Ep.5 R3 SASH] [iLTinoBambino]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Played the game for around 2 Hours, and the premise of an overeager open-minded protagonist doing "whatever it takes" and slowly getting into more and more perverted situations is a solid foundation for the exhibitionism heavy focus of the beginning.

    Much of the game is pretty much a visual novel with minimal gameplay, making the story, situations, characters and their interactions doing the heavy lifting and AMVs???. There were also a few bugs but outside of one nothing major. I'll give my impression of those aspects separately:

    The gameplay, is mostly about moving to locations to play new scenes, but there seen to be a bit of exploration involved since there was an event chain found by exploring off the main quest, there could be more, but that sort of exploration never really clicked with my on Rpgmaker. Other than that, the choice of the said engine seems to be more of a detriment than a boon for gameplay.

    The situations the MC finds herself in can be pretty nice if you're into exhibitionism/voyeurism, but I would say any of them are that memorable, even after a day I can't remember most of them. That said, the engine can help a bit with the sense of space and action.

    The characters are rather meh, with some good sprinkled where and there. And some Eye rolling moments in others.

    The interactions between the characters follows seem to follow from action and effect pretty well. But I wouldn't would call them entertaining or interesting.

    The AMVs... I don't get the appeal here, just felt pretentious. Still let however enjoys it enjoy it, but I sincerely think it's the worst part of the game, just let me skip it.

    The bugs, one side chain was completely locked out for me, Blue hair dude, due to "Width being null" or something like that. Other than that, only needed one restart to get past another crash.

    I'm writing this because something in this struck a cord with me, there's a lot of potential in the game, but it felt wasted.
    Don't take me wrong, there are games MUCH worse, and as hard as "potential" is to judge, I'd still say there are other games wasting more.

    TLDR: Overall, the game has a heavy focus on the narrative and characters, the writing itself seems consistent but pretentious at times and generally not entertaining, the gameplay is almost nonexistent, the characters are a bit bland, but could appeal to some, and the situations are alright but spaced out. Even then I'd say give it a try, I can imagine this having a very specific charm that just didn't click with me.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is Limbo Of The Lost porn edition. What the heck is happening here? Duno! This is like descending into a porn fantasy / insane asylum. You need to play this to ... i was about to say understand but i just don't and i played it. I say played but i just read for like 40 min straight and i am not closer to understanding whats happening in this game. Good luck!
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Actually really enjoy this game.
    To be fair, this is the second time I downloaded it. First time I dumped it after 10 minutes, starting somewhere mid-game and playing around how it feels.
    Following the story and all makes it much better, as it feels like 1/3 of a visual novel too (which I'm not a fan of normally).

    5 hours in, there were not many choices, a few side-quests, not super mind-blowing story but also not horrible.

    But a fan of MC, cute, not directly kinky at the start, rather just open minded.

    Points which are not that great:
    *Wonky game engine/mechanic now and there
    *For the time invested, the H content could be a lot more
    *Quest location on the map are sub-optimal, like you have to guess a few locations at the start.

    But overall, worth a shot for sure if ya interested in a slow corruption and exhibition game, which we don't have that many good ones sadly.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Where should I start....
    The game is not bad, but not a great experience either.
    So I rate this game Average

    The author wants us to watch the intro and not skip it, and we are not given the choice to refuse. I never skip intros, but I was like : "hope it is not too long".

    Oh my was I wrong, there is a long (and to me boring) hour of story telling without any interaction before you can start to "play". And then, I've tried a few things, and yet this was still not a game, but just me going to various places and then the story going on by itself.

    I feel like Ijust read a book, and not played any game. I think the author knows it, at the end, it was a "Thank you for watching", and not "playing". And I could understand that you want to set the context and all for the "Episode 1" of this story. But this is still a bit of a disappointment to me.

    But I'm wondering if episodes are a great format for such a game, instead of making it more playable, and letting the story going on with updates, as usual in rpg games. That is your choice, I respect that, but I hope you manage something great out of this concept in the future, because for now I have a lot of doubts.

    On a good note, I finished the story, and well it is not that bad, the plot is a bit slow, but well I enjoyed it. And I'm looking forward to see in what troubles that brat will get into for trying to act all by herself. So yes, promising to me.

    I will finish with few shorts notes :
    - The world of the game is pretty cool, I'd love to travel in it and interact with it and its inhabitants a lot.
    - I'd love to see how you can exploit the exhibitionism thing, so far so good, promising
    - Finally, I've found a lot of patreon only content for such a little game (3 times I think), I mean it is okay to add this kind of things, but in my opinion, the proportion of limited content should not be that big, especially for Ep1.
    - Missing art, understandable, but well, we all want to see more, because for now we have nothing apart some faces and some very low details art on the newpaper or the camera. An important thing to take care of.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing of this game is terribly pretentious. It seems the author believes that is writing something more meaningful than an erotic game and has inspired himself in some TV series for teenagers. And it shows. There are a lot of dialogues of teenager characters trying to sound mature and inpiring when they just boring and banal. The personality of the MC and the general tone of her dialogues and scenes reminds me daughter of "The Girlmore Girls" or some other TV series like that. About the plot I have only played for about an hour (the extremely long, boring and confusing introduction and a couple of days in the game) but it seems like if at any moment an emo vampire is going to start fighting against a teen werewolf for the love of the silly college girl, or something like that. That´s the general tone of the game.

    There is no art so far, just placeholders, so nothing to say about that.

    I started to play this game because the theme of the exhibitionism and corruption seemed interesting, and themes like "naked for pizza delivery", "audience paticipation" or "tanlines" made me curious, but I don´t think this game worth the time. It makes me miss all those terrible games that look like writen by sex obsesed teenagers. At least, they know they are writing just an erotic game, and that´s all.

    PD. Amazing. I have written in my review that the main character reminds me the daughter of "Gilmore Girls" (Rori was her name) and now I see the dev has in his firm "Proud owner of Gilmore Girls DVD box set." I swear to god I didn´t see it before writting my review. But it´s true, the MC has the same annoying and pedantic "air" of teenager girl that think that knows everything, talk too mature for her age and always about herself or something relating with herself, and becomes the center of the universe every place she goes. English is not my native language, so I´m sorry if I´m not able to explain exactly the idea, but I think it´s the worst way of writting a character.