Ren'Py - Beneath the Mourning Stars [v1.0.0] [NoBigFeat]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This is one of the very few games i could not force myself to go through fully, mostly because it is absolutely clinically insane and deranged and more often than not in a bad way.

    I initially took interest of it because of the artstyle of the models which reminded me several games from PS Vita, it's a rare and cool artstyle and i appreciate it. And first like 30 minues were... amazing honestly, i was so hooked but the further it went the deeper into insane asylum i shuffled.

    So, elephant in the room, maybe somewhere in the end this changes but our MC is completely asexual and our main heroine isn't okay with being touched in erotic way. So that's a great start for a porn game.

    I will get on a small side tangent here, but i swear i am going somewhere with this. In chess there is a fairly recently claimed "Cow opening", new openings that were never played in official matches are rare, but the reason Cow opening wasn't claimed is because it is so catastrophically bad it's literally better to just throw out pieces than get into this position.

    There is a reason asexual pairs aren't really a thing in adult games, mostly because IT DOESN'T WORK.

    Now that i got this out of the system, the whole premise is not only completely stupid, but also very poorly written and completely nonfunctional. There is a war going on that completely devastated the country to the point where looters are the only thing that exist pretty much, however there is a government existing that does... something i guess? Other world countries are fine too from my understanding, and the rest of the world blockaded this country which is so nonsensical i wouldn't know where to begin.

    So we are a deranged serial killer that was heavily traumatized by a bad thing that happened to his wife, then he prepared a buker to defend from zombies, instead war happened, so he started randomly hunting people for fun. Our one defining trait is that we have borderline autistic obsession with details. Then we meet our severely mentally ill female main character and from there for good 5 hours she sends you various body pics and you tell her she is beautiful.

    Things kinda happen, events do indeed event, but everyone act like it's a fever dream and it's way too late to start waking up. Most of the dialogues left me speechless with how little they said or how dumb the words they said were. We also play horrible and unnecessary "find waldo" but waldo is a vagina or a nipple, and get rewarded with randomly generated models. Then a girl says she gathers, i quote, "cartoon" girls and those cartoon girls are completely random photos of real life models i suppose, which is i suppose they would be cartoon for their unoverse? So yeah that's where real tag comes in.

    Game is also INSANELY preachy to an infuriating degree with constant "everyone is different and it is fine" and other sermons, more than several times this entire project felt like a propaganda of certain views instead of actually trying to tell a coherent story.

    I can't really classify this as a good or bad game, i absolutely don't like it, but i think it went off the rails so hard it's barely a game or a story anymore.