Honestly, the only thing missing is a longer playtime.
There's no choices, and what is there is fairly bland, as far as story and characters go.
But, it's all drawn beautifully, voiced admirably, and has some very nice scenes.
There's a lot of good things here, held back by its own lack of expanding upon what is there. It takes a while to get going, and then hurries it along at a very rapid pace.
I do have to mention, it has multiple options for sound and voice options, so you really do want to play your porn loud for this one, make no mistake.
Benefitship is well worth a download for anyone that has an inkling for love for futanari. It could be better, but I would never tell anyone to pass on it, even if futanari isn't their #1 kink.
It's very solid and just shy of getting a full 5 stars, if only because of quick pacing and short length.