Tool Bepinex translator issue - partially breaking game?


Dec 5, 2017
So I have been trying to get the BepinEX autotranslator to work properly on a game (using it on this game - ) - what happens is it works for anything that is displayed, but it breaks the game part way through (so certain selections don't work, but work just fine if you don't install the translator, or turn it off via editing the config.ini file. I've tried installing bepinex (using current release of version 5) and installing the autotranslator into that, as well as using the reipatcher method for installing the autotranslator (everything downloaded directly from github) with the same behavior in both cases. I've tried using the TextGetterCompatibilityMode:True and other suggestions I found in the documentation for the autotranslator without much luck.

It's weird - the game doesn't crash outright, it just only lets certain options/selections to work. Any suggestions?